[Sept 18] Player-player Trading

If the trade feature is solely on the forum, I most likely won't use it.

That's horrible imo, don't get me wrong, it's a nice idea to have as an addition, however if I *MUST* visit the forum whenever I want to trade, then I simply have no desire to trade.

There's a reason just about every other multiplayer game has trading set up within the game, it's far more simple to just stand next to someone, right click n choose a trade option.

As it is right now, with no trade option, you might get away with forcing people into drop trades now but, once it goes open, you're going to be flooded with scam complaints...anyone who doesn't believe me, think back to when D2 was still new.

I'd say to add both in, if it takes a little time away from other things, that's fine, it's a *VERY* important system to have in any multiplayer game.

I'm just glad there's not a telekinesis skill to grab items from a distance, or there would already be a large quantity of scammers.


For the "TL;DR" crowd, my vote goes towards having the forum system implemented AND the in-game system.

I can't see it being too terribly difficult to do, considering pretty much every multiplayer game out there has it.
Lost in a wonderful world of VGM covers.
Syntastic wrote:
My gut feeling is that its a simple matter of cost effectiveness. Implementing trades on the website has got to be a lot cheaper to do that doing the same in-game.

Which of course doesn't mean we'd never see trading in-game.

But they said they will implement Ingame rading Temporarily! As in they would go through all that trouble, just to remove it post launch!
davros70 wrote:
From my understanding;

There is to be a Website/Forum based trading system AND an in-game system that is completely integrated within each other, so that when you do find something and show it off (in-game), you are able to trade directly in game without having to open your browser to make a trade.

Whereas this is to be a very complex system to create - it will be worth the wait,

We do not need any temporary in-game trade system that will take time out of developing this exciting new feature in its full glory.

I do not know that my view is correct of what the end result will be - i could be completely wrong...

But it would be nice to know if i am on the right track or not.

Completely agree 100% I don't know why people are reading the main post as 'only website trading'

From bits and pieces of things I've heard over the course of being a part of the community (since 2010), I've heard there won't be an AH system, there will be item mailing, and the trade system will involve the forums in some way (perhaps accessible in game.) Of course these things are just from my recollection I could be dead wrong or things could've changed since then.

<Dregs of Theopolis>
~US Eastern~

*Hardcore PoE fan since September 2, 2010*
Chris wrote:
we've mentioned that it's integrated with the website. Our plan is that people can trade items without having to load the game client (good luck getting any work or study done now!

Reviewing this thread, I do expect that the trading system will be fully integrated with the in-game UI? As another poster mentioned, if the trading can only take place through a web browser, it won't truly be 'integrated' with the game system, and will likely not have broad appeal.

Contrary to popular opinion, I actually support an in-house real money auction house, with a per transaction cost going to GGG on successful sales. I do not agree with listing fees. This will help GGG offset the cost of maintaining the trade system, and it will facilitate trading for players that want to purchase items using real money.

I can hear the screaming already: "But GGG said they will never sell power!" I certainly agree and approve of this position. I would not ever expect to be able to purchase something that gives me an in-game advantage from GGG directly through the cash shop.

However, it is clear there is demand from the player community (as evidenced by D2jsp and the inclusion of a RMAH in D3) for some way of profiting from in-game goods. I think this is a scenario where 'if you can't beat em, join em' comes into effect. I would rather GGG be able to capitalize on an activity that they cannot prevent and will likely occur outside of GGG's jurisdiction anyways. At least with a sanctioned RMAH, the players are 'protected' from fraudulent activity that is more likely to occur through a non-integrated third party site.
"We were going to monitor the situation but it was in the wrong aspect ratio."
Garr0t wrote:
if the trading can only take place through a web browser, it won't truly be 'integrated' with the game system

Have you taken a look at your stash or player inventories from the site at all? It's fairly well integrated (pretty much the same view from in or out of game), and I imagine the trading system can be implemented just as well.

Edit: Ah, "only" take place. Yeah, I doubt that will happen. There's a 99% chance it will be accessible both in- and out- of game.

Further edit: You seem contradictory if you say you agree with GGG in that we shouldn't sell power, and yet you think players should sell items? It's just indirectly selling it via players. The person with the most cash will get the best items. It won't work. Of course there will always be a section of players willing to put in cash for items/power, but I believe that's against what GGG stands for.
Last edited by eZek0 on Apr 24, 2012, 3:54:49 PM
eZek0 wrote:
Garr0t wrote:
I can hear the screaming already: "But GGG said they will never sell power!" I certainly agree and approve of this position. I would not ever expect to be able to purchase something that gives me an in-game advantage from GGG directly through the cash shop.

Further edit: You seem contradictory if you say you agree with GGG in that we shouldn't sell power, and yet you think players should sell items? It's just indirectly selling it via players. The person with the most cash will get the best items. It won't work. Of course there will always be a section of players willing to put in cash for items/power, but I believe that's against what GGG stands for.

An auction house is a trade mechanic. It isn't the cash shop.

For many of us, the expectation is that every player has the same game conditions and opportunities as every other player. The choices we make inside of these parameters is how we define our game experience and how we differentiate ourselves from other characters. This is a level playing field.

If you can buy something from the cash shop that would imbalance the playing field in the favour of the person who purchased the item, that is buying power. I do not support this, and GGG has stated this will not happen.

An auction house, real money or not, is a means of allowing a player in the game to exchange something they found in the game with another player for something that player found in the game. There is no power being added to the ecosystem, as the goods originate from the game environment.

Adding a real money option to a trading mechanic is not adding the ability to buy power. As mentioned above, the items being sold are found in the game by another player. When someone is buying an item using real cash, they are buying someone else's time or luck instead of exchanging something they found in the game using their own time/luck. I'm okay with this.

This is a game. People have real world commitments. If I can afford to pay someone else to do work for me in the real world, I think it is fair that we should allow that to happen in the game. Not everyone has tons of time to spend grinding for that 'perfect' item. Why should those people be deprived of the opportunity to own/enjoy that item simply because they can't commit the time needed to find/craft the items themselves?

Asking for an RMAH is like legalizing a prohibited good.

There is always black market trade taking place. It is lucrative for the participants, and while the risk is high, the actual odds of being caught are low. It is difficult and costly for the government to enforce the laws.

Legalizing the goods and legitimizing the process allows the governing body to tax the trade and make money off of it.

I would rather GGG make money off implementing an RMAH than some third party company who will do the same thing.
"We were going to monitor the situation but it was in the wrong aspect ratio."
Last edited by Garr0t on Apr 26, 2012, 8:05:07 PM
am against the RMAH as an idea that the only currency used is RM. If there is a option as ingame currency (orbs or such) with an alternative option as RM(or cash shop coins) that would make more sense (for me at least).

Sidenote: In a p2p game having a RMAH where the company takes a fee from every transaction is disgusting to me (u payed the product, why pay more for the transactions).

As this is a f2p game such options are passable (thou a lot of people would not like it, including me)

The thing i would support is an option to buy cash shop coins that can replace the ingame currency (orbs or such, but only as an alternative way to pay - not the only way) so the "farmer companies" cant spam the chat because they cant cash the coins, and u can always use them to buy some cash shop items.

Imo if Blizzard wanted to make the Diablo 3 more attractive with a RMAH they would not take the fee (from every transaction) and would make an option to buy items with ingame gold OR RM. This way they are just trying to suck more money from the players and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth... Same as Mass Effect 3 day 1 dlc...

Ps sorry if this is offtopic, it just struck my nerve...
Kristen for president! :)
Last edited by noirtenshin on Apr 26, 2012, 8:47:48 PM
Where the hell are you people getting the idea that this new system will be website-only? Of course there will be an in-game trading UI. I would expect it to be very similar to the npc merchant windows.

God damn people, use that brain you were born with for a change.
I believe the challenge would be how in-game transactions and website-based transactions would sync with each other realtime.
leeho730 wrote:
I believe the challenge would be how in-game transactions and website-based transactions would sync with each other realtime.

It wouldn't be much different from how the character "armories" work now. My characters update immediately while playing/logging off, so I assume the trade system will be chatting between the game server and the website server continuously. Or maybe off-set the refresh time by like 30 seconds to a minute.

My main question is would this website trading idea consume the item you are posting for trade? Or will it remain on your person?

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