We've just released the Necropolis Mystery Box, which follows the same model as the Kalandra and Sentinel Mystery Box, with no duplicate microtransactions! Each of the microtransactions in this mystery box has visual behaviour that interacts with your gameplay.

There are 22 microtransactions that you can find in the Necropolis Mystery Box. Each of these microtransactions has a varying number of thematic variations, and you'll never receive a duplicate copy of a variation that you have already opened. For example, if you open one variant of a microtransaction, you may later receive another variant, but you'll never get a duplicate!

Because of the lack of duplicates, each box you open implicitly increases the chance of opening the remaining microtransactions you haven't received yet.

Necropolis Mystery Box

Receive a random prize with an Necropolis theme! It'll appear inside your MTX stash, waiting to be unwrapped.

50 Points
Necropolis Mystery Box Bundle

Contains five Necropolis Mystery Boxes, each containing a random prize with an Necropolis Theme.

250 Points

What's in the Necropolis Mystery Box?

Crustacean Helmet Variations

Replaces the appearance of a piece of headgear with the Crustacean Helmet.

2 Variations: Cerulean Crustacean Helmet (2.7273%), Coral CrustaceanHelmet (1.8182%)

Cerulean Crustacean Helmet

Coral CrustaceanHelmet

Crustacean Alternate Helmet Variations

Replaces the appearance of a piece of headgear with the Crustacean Alternate Helmet.

2 Variations: Cerulean Crustacean Alternate Helmet (2.7273%), Coral Crustacean Alternate Helmet (1.8182%)

Cerulean Crustacean Alternate Helmet

Coral Crustacean Alternate Helmet

Crustacean Body Armour Variations

A cluster of skittering crabs burst from powerful enemies you kill with the Crustacean Body Armour and march alongside you.

2 Variations: Cerulean Crustacean Body Armour (2.7273%), Coral Crustacean Body Armour (1.8182%)

Cerulean Crustacean Body Armour

Coral Crustacean Body Armour

Crustacean Gloves Variations

Replaces the appearance of a pair of gloves with the Crustacean Gloves.

2 Variations: Cerulean Crustacean Gloves (2.7273%), Coral Crustacean Gloves (1.8182%)

Cerulean Crustacean Gloves

Coral Crustacean Gloves

Crustacean Boots Variations

Replaces the appearance of a pair of boots with the Crustacean Boots.

2 Variations: Cerulean Crustacean Boots (2.7273%), Coral Crustacean Boots (1.8182%)

Cerulean Crustacean Boots

Coral Crustacean Boots

Crustacean Back Attachment Variations

Carry a pinchy pal on your back with the Crustacean Back Attachment. When you pick up a unique item a crab emerges from the depths below and yoinks the item from your grasp.

2 Variations: Cerulean Crustacean Back Attachment (2.7273%), Coral Crustacean Back Attachment (1.8182%)

Cerulean Crustacean Back Attachment

Coral Crustacean Back Attachment

Commander Helmet Variations

Replaces the appearance of a piece of headgear with the Commander Helmet. Grants an ability to raise your own demon.

2 Variations: Legion Commander Helmet (2.7273%), Scourge Commander Helmet (1.8182%)

Legion Commander Helmet

Scourge Commander Helmet

Commander Body Armour Variations

Replaces the appearance of a piece of armour with the Commander Body Armour. Grants an ability to raise your own demon.

2 Variations: Legion Commander Body Armour (2.7273%), Scourge Commander Body Armour (1.8182%)

Legion Commander Body Armour

Scourge Commander Body Armour

Commander Gloves Variations

Replaces the appearance of a pair of gloves with the Commander Gloves. Grants an ability to raise your own demon.

2 Variations: Legion Commander Gloves (2.7273%), Scourge Commander Gloves (1.8182%)

Legion Commander Gloves

Scourge Commander Gloves

Commander Boots Variations

Replaces the appearance of a pair of boots with the Commander Boots. Grants an ability to raise your own demon.

2 Variations: Legion Commander Boots (2.7273%), Scourge Commander Boots (1.8182%)

Legion Commander Boots

Scourge Commander Boots

Commander Back Attachment Variations

Adds the Commander Back Attachment to your body armour.

2 Variations: Legion Commander Back Attachment (2.7273%), Scourge Commander Back Attachment (1.8182%)

Legion Commander Back Attachment

Scourge Commander Back Attachment

Maven's Back Attachment Variations

The Maven's Back Attachment expands the more Endurance, Frenzy or Power charges you have, with the orbs activating when you gain charges. There's also a variant that reflects all three charge types.

4 Variations: Maven's Frenzied Back Attachment (1.3636%), Maven's Enduring Back Attachment (1.3636%), Maven's Powerful Back Attachment (1.3636%), Maven's Ethereal Back Attachment (0.4545%)

Maven's Frenzied Back Attachment

Maven's Enduring Back Attachment

Maven's Powerful Back Attachment

Maven's Ethereal Back Attachment

Gargoyle Portal Variations

A ghastly gargoyle holds open your portals with the Gargoyle Portal Effect.

4 Variations: Overgrown Gargoyle Portal Effect (2.2727%), Bloodsoaked Gargoyle Portal Effect (1.3636%), Marble Gargoyle Portal Effect (0.6818%), Auspicious Gargoyle Portal Effect (0.2273%)

Overgrown Gargoyle Portal Effect

Bloodsoaked Gargoyle Portal Effect

Marble Gargoyle Portal Effect

Auspicious Gargoyle Portal Effect

Octoparasite Pet Variations

The Octoparasite Pet replicates when using travel skills, spreading its scuttling spawn before reforming shortly after.

3 Variations: Ocean Octoparasite Pet (2.7273%), Molten Octoparasite Pet (1.3636%), Celestial Octoparasite Pet (0.4545%)

Ocean Octoparasite Pet

Molten Octoparasite Pet

Celestial Octoparasite Pet

Villager Hideout Decoration Variations

Make your Hideout more lively with the Villager Hideout Decorations! There are Villagers that churn butter, broil meat, squish grapes for wine, sell refreshments, and even peddle serpent extract. I wonder what it does if we drink it?

5 Variations: Churning Villager Hideout Decoration (1.590909%), Broiling Villager Hideout Decoration (1.1364%), Winemaking Villager Hideout Decoration (0.9090909%), Brewing Villager Hideout Decoration (0.6818%), Peddling Villager Hideout Decoration (0.2273%)

Churning Villager Hideout Decoration

Broiling Villager Hideout Decoration

Winemaking Villager Hideout Decoration

Brewing Villager Hideout Decoration

Peddling Villager Hideout Decoration

Fae Wings Variations

Sacred wisps beckon you towards portals, waypoints, area transitions and unique items on the ground with the Fae Wings equipped.

3 Variations: Spring Fae Wings (2.7273%), Autumn Fae Wings (1.3636%), Dark Fae Wings (0.4545%)

Spring Fae Wings

Autumn Fae Wings

Dark Fae Wings

Skating Boots Modifier Variations

Glide through Wraeclast with the Skating Boots Modifier. You can skate around on your classic Ice, upon the surface of a Legion Monolith, or even atop Abyssal Crystals.

3 Variations: Ice Skating Boots Modifier (2.7273%), Abyssal Skating Boots Modifier (1.1364%), Monolithic Skating Boots Modifier (0.6818%)

Ice Skating Boots Modifier

Abyssal Skating Boots Modifier

Monolithic Skating Boots Modifier

Evertree Map Device Variations

The Evertree Map Device stands tall in your hideout, keeping track of the number of White, Yellow, Red, and even Tier 17 Maps you have completed. The Evertree will randomly select from its many roots to decide where the portals are opened for each Map. There is a large and small version of the Evertree that you can toggle between at your leisure.

3 Variations: Verdant Evertree Map Device (2.7273%), Night Lotus Evertree Map Device (1.3636%), Bloodbark Evertree Map Device (0.4545%)

Verdant Evertree Map Device

Night Lotus Evertree Map Device

Bloodbark Evertree Map Device

Shattering Weapon Effect Variations

Want the satisfaction of shattering enemies without playing a cold damage build? Hitting enemies with the Shattering Weapon effect causes crystals to form on them. The crystals shatter upon their death, flying out into the area around them.

3 Variations: Shattering Ruby Weapon Effect (2.2727%), Shattering Jade Weapon Effect (1.590909%), Shattering Obsidian Weapon Effect (0.6818%)

Shattering Ruby Weapon Effect

Shattering Jade Weapon Effect

Shattering Obsidian Weapon Effect

Chest Extra Effect Variations

Chest Extra Effects cause chests to explode with trapped wisps, smelly fish, and bees!

3 Variations: Trapped Wisps Chest Extra Effect (1.8182%), Something Fishy Chest Extra Effect (1.590909%), Not the Bees! Chest Extra Effect (1.1364%)

Trapped Wisps Chest Extra Effect

Something Fishy Chest Extra Effect

Not the Bees! Chest Extra Effect

Rare Finisher Effect Variations

Impale Rare Enemies with a shard of Ice, Explode them into a swarm of Locusts, or call down a Plummeting Exalted Orb to finish them off. If you're lucky, you can even call down a Plummeting Mirror!

8 Variations: Impaling Ice Rare Finisher Effect (0.9090909%), Pillar of Flame Rare Finisher Effect (0.9090909%), Divine Artillery Strike Rare Finisher Effect (0.6818%), Bursting Locust Rare Finisher Effect (0.6818%), Plummeting Vaal Rare Finisher Effect (0.4545%), Plummeting Chaos Rare Finisher Effect (0.4545%), Plummeting Exalted Rare Finisher Effect (0.2273%), Plummeting Mirror Rare Finisher Effect (0.2273%)

Impaling Ice Rare Finisher Effect

Pillar of Flame Rare Finisher Effect

Divine Artillery Strike Rare Finisher Effect

Bursting Locust Rare Finisher Effect

Plummeting Vaal Rare Finisher Effect

Plummeting Chaos Rare Finisher Effect

Plummeting Exalted Rare Finisher Effect

Plummeting Mirror Rare Finisher Effect

Skill Effect Variations

Finally, there are three skill effects contained in this mystery box, Encasing Molten Shell, Fungal Tempest Shield, and Jade Arctic Armour.

3 Variations: Jade Arctic Armour (1.8182%), Fungal Tempest Shield Effect (1.3636%), Encasing Molten Shell (1.3636%)

Jade Arctic Armour

Fungal Tempest Shield Effect

Encasing Molten Shell


The chances of getting one of the distinct microtransaction types is 1/22. However, the chance of getting a specific thematic variation of those microtransactions varies and is listed above, next to each variation.

Note that these chances only apply to the first box you open. Every subsequent box you open increases your chances for the other microtransactions, due to the lack of duplicates.

How to open your Mystery Boxes

After purchasing your Necropolis Mystery Box, you can find it in the Consumable section of your microtransaction stash in-game waiting to be unwrapped.

Note that these Mystery Boxes have random outcomes. Some items are rarer than others (as listed above). You are guaranteed to get an item that is worth at least what you paid for it (50 points) and it's statistically more likely that you'll receive something of higher value.

Necropolis Mystery Box

Receive a random prize with an Necropolis theme! It'll appear inside your MTX stash, waiting to be unwrapped.

50 Points
Necropolis Mystery Box Bundle

Contains five Necropolis Mystery Boxes, each containing a random prize with an Necropolis Theme.

250 Points

Once you've received a reward from a mystery box, it's possible to purchase extra copies of it in the store for the same price as the mystery box. These microtransactions will be available outside of mystery boxes when they enter the store four weeks after the mystery box ends.

Thanks for your Support

Many thanks to everyone who has purchased a Mystery Box at any point in time. They've become a huge driving force in our ability to continue to create frequent updates like Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur! Thank you so much for your continued support.