Just played my paragon 106 barb in d3...THE BIG PATCH 2.01

FIreskull wrote:
I,ve broken my Diablo 3 CD on purpose :D.

Digital distribution trumps your childish spite.
Can someone explain to me wtf is the goal in this diablo 3 2.0 game?
I mean this "monsters level along with you" change.

Why would I want to progress through content? Why shouldn't I stay in the first zone farming zombies? And why would I want to level anyway with this infinite paragon system? Just wtf is this game about? Getting as much +vit and +mainstat on loot as possible?
Equilibrium87 wrote:
Can someone explain to me wtf is the goal in this diablo 3 2.0 game?
I mean this "monsters level along with you" change.

Why would I want to progress through content? Why shouldn't I stay in the first zone farming zombies? And why would I want to level anyway with this infinite paragon system? Just wtf is this game about? Getting as much +vit and +mainstat on loot as possible?

Same as maps basically...

I mean, why do maps? To get XP and Loot. Why get XP and Loot? To get better and to lvl 100 eventually and sell Loot for profit or use it yourself. So, again, Maps? D3? Eternal grind.
Equilibrium87 wrote:
Why would I want to progress through content? Why shouldn't I stay in the first zone farming zombies? And why would I want to level anyway with this infinite paragon system? Just wtf is this game about? Getting as much +vit and +mainstat on loot as possible?

You want to progress because the now-5 acts have quests to do in adventure mode. Completing these quests yields a loot bag that explodes orgasmically when you open it. Then, when you go back and do story mode, beating the act bosses yields an automatic Legendary drop.

Also, you want to level because then you get more skills and more runes to use with those skills, and your wider array of skills allows you to leverage your skill better and take on higher difficulty levels.

Also, getting as much +vit and +mainstat on loot as possible is the driving motivation behind playing just about any ARPG's endgame. It's all about the loot.
I also played D3 Patch2.0 today and since months the first time again, I basicly only played PoE since I abandoned D3. :D
However, I found the new changes in D3 are really an improvement compared to the old Experience. Blizzard basicly changed everything that was critizized and they included some nice reward mechanics that really REWARD you instead of PUNISHING you like PoE unfortunately does. So while my personal PoE experience gets slightly worse over the last weeks (I still wait for changes that never will come) Diablo 3 instead feels just more like fun, even without the Addon. I found better Items and Legendaries also drop, you can craft useful stuff thanks to loot 2.0 and the Mystic is not even available yet.
Oh, and I was able to play without any Desync! ;) Had some lags but no desync, I almost forgotten how that feels. D3 Performance is great, even with the entire screen full ofd fancy effects, the entire game just feel "smooth" and "fluid", something I still miss from PoE.

I still like PoE, I played it basicly every day (!) since open Beta but I guess I will take a break from and I hope that GGG will polish their game a little bit more, not much there is needed, PoE is good. Just some more balancing, less desync and better performance, nothing to complicated imho. :)
mustafa2812 wrote:
Loot 2.0 vanilla is not RoS. Vanilla 2.0 is kinda boring. With rifts and bounties and enchanting and gambling and stuff RoS is a much better game.

I hope youre right. I was quite looking forward to getting RoS for a little run around at one point, but after installing 2.0 I remember why I hated the time I tried the PTR of it. They quoted the change in stat ranges, 'where a stat could roll from 1-200 it now rolls from 140-200'. So basically all the gear you find is extremely similar. I played with a naked character I decked out in blues from a vendor, managed to equip myself with rares and legendaries that were obliterating bosses in 20 seconds in one run. After two hours Im vendoring literally everything again, the stat ranges are so tight that best I can hope for is my 286 int gloves can be upgraded to ones with 293.

It feels like they ripped any longevity and variety in the rare item grind out of the game, and 95% of the legendaries are just orange items with the same mods as rares. You find 1/3 of the items you did before and theyre all 100 times more likely to be close to as good as youre going to get. It seems like the fun is going to be 60-70 and then extremely quickly its going to become just searching for a handful of specific legendaries. And here is the second problem...

Im absolutely destroying from virtually the first set of yellow gear I find on normal difficulty. However the only bonus you get from turning up the difficulty until you reach torment is bonus xp and gold... bonus xp that will decrease the length of the 60-70 grind that is going to be most of what the expansion offers in terms of being able to grind and find significant upgrades regularly. So until I can do torment Im pushed into doing baby mode where I start a run from the bridge in Act3 in blue gear from the vendor, some slots dont even have gear, and by the time I get to azmodan I kill him in 20 seconds just standing in his attacks holding down the button. I have very mixed feelings about getting RoS atm.

DarthSki44 wrote:

Isn't that true for every loot based game? At some point you will have BiS gear. You are just saying that RoS gets you there too fast?

I dunno what hes saying but thats what Im saying for sure, way too fast. Its like the AH destroyed the pacing of the game by fast forwarding everyone to extreme gear and hence a point where it was barely worth farming. Now theyve dropped the AH and just set the drops to replicate the awful effects of it.

Maybe Im over worrying it though and the new act + the rift system and crafting etc will be fun and we will get more than a weeks play out of it.
Artanthos wrote:
Diablo3 has atm less players than diablo2 ,which makes it ABSOLUTE F-A-I-L.

Diablo 3 made Blizzard a great deal of money, and RoS will do the same.

This makes the game a success for Blizzard.

Give GGG blizzards millions they used to create diablo 3 and i bet no one would even remember if diablo 3 was a racing game or a fps ( it surely isnt an arpg ).

Poe with d3's funding would be EPIC.

D3 by itself is a casuals fairyland, the game is just plain bad...
play pathetic joke game which doesn't force trading down your throat
play complex game which does

decisions, decisions...

Downloaded patch yesterday, played 10-15 minutes max, ended up playing Heartstone.

I hit paragon 100 on my barb quite early think I was in first 500 on EU servers
maybe the burnout killed the game for good too me. 100 levels of paragon and less than 5 decent drops see to that.

I wont be buying ROS, Plan to hit 90+ on new leagues here (got to 89 on my main last league,even with a forced 5 week break). POE can get frustrating with map drops past 73+ but constant added updates and the best Team around from Dev to CS makes a huge difference.

Goonz72 wrote:
Downloaded patch yesterday, played 10-15 minutes max, ended up playing Heartstone.

Installed D3 again yesterday.
Annoyed by the forced integration of the (Beta) Blizzard Launcher.
Annoyed by the misleading advertising (the Crusader class is on the char select menu on the Vanilla client. There's a button labelled "Upgrade" without telling you that the upgrade won't happen until a month from now).
Annoyed by the greyed-out (but VERY big, UI-wise) Adventure mode.
Started a new character.
Annoyed when I realized that monster level now is always player level. Oblivion much?
Played a bit (until Leoric's Mansion), found three Legendaries (all of which I could utilize, though they did not feel like "getting awesome loot").

Uninstalled, unimpressed.
12/12/12 - the day Germany decided boys are not quite human.
Last edited by Avireyn on Feb 27, 2014, 1:37:23 PM

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