🌬️⛵☁️[3.25X] The Arachnophobia Allstars|Chaos Guardian CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Herald of Agony 100M

/ With best regards to all the bosses - Here The Allstars crawl!
Facetanking The Maven's Memory Game /

■■■ The anchor drops. ■■■ ⚓⚡🌊 ■■■ The winds are just right. ■■■ 🌬️⛵☁️ ■■■ The Herald of Kalguur is docking! ■■■ 🌴🦂🌪️ ■■■ HoA is back! ■■■

■■■ Cyclone is reborn - Smooth moving-style:

cyclone - cast while channelling - tornado of elemental turbulence - ball lightnings of orbiting ■■■

HoA arrives in 150M.
Hoa is back.
Minion-meta ready.
Here we crawl!

Good gear 11M ehp, 50M damage: https://pobb.in/PckSa20v
When you focus on damage, example ultra-gear 260M: https://pobb.in/3ZbX5FCw

In-depth-guide | Page 483 | Poe-Tradelinks

Path of Exile developed so much new content, jewels and gear in the last years that the first build-page is no longer capable to go in depth in all stats and thematics of the build.
On page 1 remains the basic guide. More needed explanations you find:


Page 483:
The complete guide fully updated with all in depth explanations. All gear, their budgets, their b.i.s.-upgrades, alternatives, cheap levelling-variations as poe-trade-links and crafting-guides. The crawler raises - Herald of Agony caught the POE world by storm, a history of the build and the Ranking POE-Content and much more. Probably it moves out to page 500 next time. :-)


Page 447 Please visit page 474 for the History and development of the build, for the rankings and tipps of all poe-content:


Page 50 Some outdated explanations and variations.


Combined 2 M views of the build! Let's swarm!
Quotes and posts of Arachnophobiatics:


+++ Top Nr.1: Facetank most bosses | no oneshots +++ Facetanking Sirus's meteors, lvl 600 Aul's refreshing cold bolts, Uber-Maven's "cascade of health" +++

Some bosses - Exarch in 5 seconds
T17 tank all attacks of Bosses Citadel + Fortress full juiced
Beyond and Deliriumjuiced T17 Sanctuary
t16 mapping and crawling at the full juiced empowered delirious bazar
Chromino facetanking 2 bosses at once simulacrum wave 30
Some bosses - Exarch in 5 seconds, Eater in 5 seconds, Facetanking Shaper's Beam
Some Ubers - U-Shaper - U-Exarch - UU-Elder

■ ■ ■ TL;DR - The short edition ■ ■ ■


The short edition

Stack HoA-levels, medium clusters of pure agony, ghastly jewels with minion chance to poison on hit, sources of withers, skill-efficiencies, auras, CI-recovery, spell suppression, spellblock, guard-skills.

Get the key-gear:

2 Circles of Ambition or Nostalgia
Small clusters uncompromising - sublime form - self control
4-6 Medium Clusters Pure agony
3-6 abyss jewels minion chance to poison on hit
Aegis Aurora shield
Rumi's Concoction flask
Sin's Rebirth-flask /source of full 15 withers
Watcher's eye with es on hit
90% manamultiplier helmet
Amulet anoint
Skin of the Lords /Loyals
Empower and Awakened HoA-supports

In endgame max 80% poisonchance and your generated HoAg virulences with medium cluster "pure agony" and your HoAg-lvl to 34 with empower and awakened gems.
For defences use 3-5 big defensive auras for infinitive ehp.

Ordinary you need only:

1. "Tipps for beginning and levelling"
2. "Path of building"
3. "Build up defences and damage"
4. "The composition of agony"
5. "gear and keystones" - section body-armour
6. "skills": HoA-virulences
7. "jewels"
8. "checklist defences / faq"
9. at page 50 you find all poe-tradelinks and budget-variations

Build up your defences and damage

This build shows improving paths of gear-set-ups. Mana, damage and defences are balanced a bit different with the weapon, belt, used or unused tempestshield and clusters and you can switch the set-ups easy and fast.

1.) Levelling (until t12 maps)

Get the cheap Rainbow Stride boots, the cheap Ghastly Theater shield, needed dex and resis on other gear and jewels and a 5 /6 link Body Armour.

2.) Starter Set-up

Begin easy to develop your manamanagement around lvl 70 with the 3 small clusterjewels "uncompromising", "self-control" and "sublime form".

With 2 circles of nostalgia, the 90% manamultiplier-helmet and the amulet-anoint you manage your mana to activate all big tanky auras.

When you reach on the tree 95-100% spell suppression and slot in well rolled flasks you are already geared for all content.

3.) Boss-Hunter 20 M damage

Easy around lvl 90 you optimize your damage with full "pure agony" on all medium clusters.

Harmonically in simultaneity you tripple up your ehp:
Arriving in the third large cluster to cap 70% spellblockings you max your defences and recovery with your belt and keystones and switch in more wanted jewels and clusters.

You reach an unique record of 1M-inf*Ehp.

4.) 100% Chaos-Conversion-Edition: The Highway to damage 50 M damage

Last lift off into full force and bear the Ashes of the Stars amulet in the elegancy of white Triad grips.

/ The head is bald but their neck is longer -
the allstars inspect two minotauriers in their map
to scratch & relax
their very long necks /

Scorpions & Spirits, Agony & Arakaali, The Arachnophilia Allstars - are they the new Arachnophobias?

So take your dozen from this build:


The defences

This build reaches out to max the long row layers of defenses.
It stacks auras, armour, spell suppression, spell block and recovery.

The Arachnophobia Allstars are using a special combination of gear like the shield aegis aurora and skin of the lords. High increased global defences multiply your Es, your flasks, the aura determination and triple with grace.

Following the Allstars take wonderful the intensive full bath in the united composition of 4 keystones. Ghost Dance, Divine Shield, Zealoth's Oath, and Wicked Ward recover, regenerate and recharge in quadrophony. As back-up the graven's secret belt recoups all time.

Then this team of components begin massive to collaborate, lift off and impressive quintuple total to:

0- oneshots
1- the only one tanky tank of tanks. 1000 es on block, 1000 es when hit, 1000 es on hit/ sec
2- curses, 2000 ES recovery /sec with vaal discipline
3- panicskills
4- 000 ES/sec frost shield autotriggered
5-0 and more minions possible as mass-summoner
60 % and more damagereductions against ranged attacks in frostshield, 60% of elemental damage taken recouped
7-5% spellblock and 50% real fullblock with 100% dr, 75% dr of max. and optimized 5000 Molten Shell
8-9% max elemental resistances possible when you focus on tankyness
9-0% buffed evasion, 90% physical damagereduction, 90-190 % additional movementspeed, unique 9-18M ehp
100 % Spell Suppression, 100% elemental ailment-immunities, 100% crit-immunities
110 % overcapped allresistances, ready for debuffs, scorch, elemental-degens and -equiliriumed maps
12 - 150 M shaper-damage

It's like drinking every second some lifeflasks and your blockings are never limited. This means that in combat hits and spellhits heal you nonstop.

We can facetank almost all bosses.

The damage

This build mixes a dramatic cocktail of 3 different damagequalities united. With tempestshield and autotriggered void spheres and storm brands the herald is autobombing, with poison half the damage is balanced into continuous d.o.t., and the peak-damage is active casted with ranged storm bursts to buff the crawling beast into fullspeed.

The Allstars stack unmatched flexibility with unending possibilities in the whole poe-system. The scorpion can utilize dozens skills and transform them into chaos-minion-damage of his crawling immortal dirty sting.

Which ascendancy? Why guardian? Why HoAg?

- As jugg, scion or raider you reach good tankyness, but don't finalize top minion-damage.


DPS singletarget___3______1____2____4____2

DPS high density___3______2____1____3____2


With mageblood____1_____1____2____1____1

Levelling Lvl 1-75___1_____1____3____1____2

Gearing Lvl 60-95___2_____3____3____1___1.5

Prices / Budget ----- Trickster is most cheap for high tankyness, Necro for damage, Guardian for the mix. Some differences in lategame (forbidden flesh and flame, league mechanics) hard to plan. -----

The charm of the choice: Guardian has high nice es-regeneration, early full-blockings and easy levelling with the radiant crusade-minion.

Necro reaches the leading singletarget-boss-damage.


Pathfinder gets early an ascendancy-inbuilt mageblood and is free to choose the belt slot.


The Trickster grants an immortal mix of defensive layers and es-recharge. Able to choose flexible the boots-slot.


- Melee HoP map slow, HoAg has huge range of attacks and 5-7 piercing projectiles. Enjoy full 2-3 x faster mapping, 2-3x more ehp with this build and 15-50M, 200-400% more damage.
Let's sting!



Racing and Speed-Levelling possible: Balaar top 1 A10 Pts+Labs - HoAg in 3h42m51s
Overall not best, not cheap and not easy leaguestarter! Shield and bodyarmour are high expensive in the first days of last leagues! See "contra" just below! - but in budget-gear fast already with cheap 2 c - alternatives. Valuable, cheap and alternative gear for each slot.
I recommend to level with poisonous concoction etc., see "tipps for levelling", when you are not experienced with HoA and minions.
Ready for red mapping early. 6M dps, 400k ehp possible at lvl 85 with cheapest gear without awakened supports because the HoA scales most damage with medium clusters, cheap ghastly jewels and withers.
In end of first week in league ranked first top 1 achieved in the guardian-ascendancy soloplay.

Top 1

40/40 challenges completed - all content viable.
All Ueber-Bosses down, the Feared simultan, Simulacrum wave 30 farming, Delve 1000, valdos, t17, etc...
Endgame: Max up your build into leading positions - soloplay guardians rank 1 reached
Top 1 substain with max keystones and aegis aurora, no one-shots, facetank most bosses
Top 1 total defences: real fullblock, 100% ailment-avoidances, 80k armour, 75% evasion, 90% max-resis, 100% spellsuppression, 1M ehp buffed against all damagetypes - with frostshield counted in even much, much more. Is there any other build with these defence-capacities out there?

Beginner-friendly - but complex:

Budget: much cheaper than many metabuilds
Uniques in most slots
Complete poe-trade-links listed in the last spoiler at the buttom of the thread
Because you can facetank most bosses without danger, it's a nice time to learn more about their abilities, attacks and mods.
Not only a "copy my pob-link"- build: many mechanics of poe are explained in the guide. You learn to balance mechanics like auras, mana, minions, chaos-damage, trigger, clusters and can dive deep into the world of poe.
At the same time not easy to balance all stacked mechanics and defensive layers of the build.

100% chaos- and poison-immunity

Ready to level to 100.

I played lvl100 guardian myself with t16 red maps, heists and deeper delve.

HC viable

Also without top-gear: Large es/ block is most safe against poe's lags and disconnects.
HC lvl 100 reached


Best fitting for t17, simulacrums, delve, bossing, deliriums, logbooks, heists, blights etc.
All minions are immortal - optimal for boss-hunting
In groupplay great supporting with auras and curses.


On maps with the No-Mana-Recovery-Mod you have to take in an enduring-mana bottle and must map slow.

Heavy ground damage can still kill you (exception is our immunity to burning and shocking ground).

Overall not best, not cheap and not easy leaguestarter!
Shield and armour are expensive in the first days of last leagues.
In leaguestart often alternative 2c gear is needed in these slots because of pricefixers/ high prices.

In Ssf HoAg is strong extreme not optimized. But the ssf-mode is much more difficult to collect the CI-unique-gear and HoA-rings and manamanagement-clusters.

Complex to max - not easy to optimize all mechanics, you will need your time and some know-how to scale HoA-damage, CI-recovery, trigger, auras, keystones, jewels and clusters and to balance the manareservations.

When you take the tanky nodes "only" 30 - 70 millions singletarget shaper-dps. That is more than enough for all bosses. You will rush through the maps with your 150% added movement and 42 mill. piercing and splitting mapping-damage. You have no downtimes of your damage because you are tank and you have ranged DD's, dot and autotriggered damage. But sorry, you don't oneshot the Ubers and need some seconds more for Maven and Shaper.

/ Black Star down - youtube-record 4 seconds /

Thanks to my heroes of hack Vatinas and hitmantb, Shadowtitan, Luetjeminze and monik 390, Betta-ah Gaming, Zizaran, Balaar and many more:

Vatinas: His build made this build possible. For my own I changed only 60 passive points, clusters, the mainskill, 5 more skills, 8 support-gems and half the gear and jewels. The mechanics, gear and deep explanations I learned and experienced from your skills and build! Thank you again for your so interesting and top amazing build!!

[3.13] A CI HoP + Spiders Guardian - 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS || My 1st lvl 100


Hitmantb and Shadowtitan: This helped me so much to get a new love in path of exile!
[3.10] Herald of Agony Mana Guardian | Deathless T19 100% Delirium


Thank you Luetjeminze for doing a great levelling pob!

Oldboi on PoeNinja-Builds: Your Build is perfect, but a bit fluffy-geared. ;-)

monik390: You did the max-op-optimizations and a lot great tipps, set-ups and ... discussions ;-) !

FrannyX: You helped a very lot improving this build with questions and video! You made great tipps for gloves, rings and damage-setups!

Thanks to Kaevar and ShatteredEssence! Thank you grimjack68, Zerber and jjmccaw! So many good advices, views and vibes, thematics and, also very important, questions you put into the arachnophil community, build and thread.

Thank you to Zakk777 and helloicanseeu for jewel-alternatives, to Humtol for apep's-details, to mytrasher and elatycs for virulence skill-possibilties and to VahnNoa for crafting-guides!

Thank you CLloyd0 and TrueEdge for great & funny videos.

Balaar created and pushed a perfect HoA speedracer!

I enjoy the community and discussions and questions very much and learn a lot! Thank you!

Path of Building

PoB all Editions + Levelling trees

Here we crawl:


--- pob is calculating unreserved mana not correct - manamanagement is tested and work ---- disable envy! ----

Passive Tree, Path of Building

Use the community fork Path of Building to calculate better ehp, etc.


Configurations PoB:


Configure HoA the tail-attack, 40-120 virulences, 15 withers, 10-45 poison stacks on enemy (for calculating vile toxins) to get the correct dps.

Add enemy is: minions are on full life, grace, discipline enabled.

For valuable comparing shaper-damage it is recommended to change pierce on body armour to vile toxins or marked predator.

----- Because almost all builds are counting in their in juiced mods and in big aoe's always dying glascannon-animate guardians and squishy support-spectres, are full in fantasy correcting their 1.5 wither-stacks to 15, are optimistic overwriting their supportbuffs from temporary to permanent, know only full chained-damage and full charged skills, wear never possessed 10-mirrors pieces, mageblood and low-budget 200-divs vaal regalias as starting-gear, drink their own individual magic flasks filled with only 10 new unique stats, and are quite interesting editing more funny personal pob-configurations, I decided to use only common to medium and not b.i.s.-gear in pob. -----

The Composition of Damage

Chromino's Fine Arts of Agony and Arachnophobia

Checklist damage - Poisonchances, Virulences, HoA-levels, Withers


Let's sting!

Mix the max! This fine composed recipe with the full dozen seasoned components tastefully serve full arachnophilia in passion for destruction.

Shake up and stack up the coctail of damage for shining clean screens with

■ Virulences ■

Whenever you poison with storm burst and other skills, you generate agony-virulences and your Herald will hit faster and harder.

Poisonchance and 4-12 medium clusters of "pure agony" are basic components to full up 60-100 virulences. Final place in the cherry jewel the golden rule.

I.) Skill up minimum 80% chance to poison:

20% HoAg-buff
25% 2 passives serpentine spellslinger
25% 2 passives fatal toxins
20% curse mastery (whispers of doom: use 2 curses despair and temporal chains or sniper's mark)
40% 8 tattoos of the tawhoa shaman

While levelling:
40% chance to poison supportgem/ or integrated in rare gloves

Alternative increasements:


+10% increased HoAg buff on circle of nostalgia
+20% septic spells cluster
+10% discord artisan passives

II.) We choose the most fast hitting spell with lowest mana-cost in whole poe - storm burst - to generate full virulences.

Limit it to lvl 2, quality 20.

storm burst (lvl 2, qu 20) - (awakened) cast while channeling (lvl 5) + power charges on crit (lvl 20) + ball lightning of static (lvl 20, qu 0)

Increased castspeed, increased aoe and increased duration stack the virulences faster up with lowered delay.

+ storm burst (bursting orbs hit more often)
+ 15-30% castspeed flask-suffix
+ increased aoe implicit / or harvestcraft on weapon
+ 20-40% onslaught-flask / ring-implicit

Alternative increasements:


+40% more virulences with faster casting-support for stormburst
+ Or while levelling: Kalisa's grace gloves/ rare gloves with chance to poison / faster casting

Check the counter in the storm burst icon. 8-12 fast fullchanneled burstings are great for 70-90 virulences.

III.) 'Tempestshield', additional 'storm brands', 'void sphere' or other channelled & triggered skills stack virulences beside.

==》 You choose the best virulence-skill-generators in "skills & trigger".

IV.)With the jewel "the golden rule" you double with self-poisoning your stacking of virulences.

■ Full Agony ■

V.) Insert soon and as early as possible max 6-10x medium clusters "pure agony".

They are our leaders for damage.

VI.) Check the counter in the green HoAg-Aura-Icon for the needed continuous 60-90 virulences-stacks singletarget.

Alternative check in pob the hit rate of poison stacks of your combined fullchannelled skills storm burst and ball-lightning of static without increased poison-durations. Double them manually for the golden rule. Or compare the gained es/ on hit-rating.

Maxed 80 counted virulences quadruple the damage compared to slow 40.

■ HoAg-supports and gem-levels ■

VII.) Climb up and crawl to the HoA tipping-gemlevels 28 / 29 / 34.

The HoA scales heavy with gemlevels, awakened supports and empower.

+21 HoA lvl 21
+3 empower lvl 4
+4 2x +2 skin of the lords
+1 awakened miniondamage
+1 awakened void manipulation

+1 ashes of the stars
+2 triggerweapon / +2 dark seer sceptre
+1 chaos mastery "corruption"

+ awakened vicious projectiles
+ against endgame-bosses vile toxin
/ in other content dungeons: pierce or returning projectiles
/ high budget: awakened fork

Alternative increasements:


+1/ +2 Rare Helmet (vendorcraft)
+1/ +2 rare amulet
+3 Replica Dragonfang amulet
+1 awakened empower lvl
+3 Cold Iron Point dagger

■ Withers ■

VIII.) 11-15 wither debuffs almost double the damage:

■ withering step (- increased duration) (11 withers)
(+ashes of the stars 15, +enhance 15, increased duration support possible)
■ chaos-mastery corruption (equal to 20% more withers)
■ jewel balance of terror despair-mod: "inflict withered ..." + selfcast despair (15)



■ jewel glorious vanity + transformed notable ritual of shadows + stormburst (15)
■ Sin's rebirth stibnite flask in maps (15)
■ a large /or a unique medium chaos-cluster with "overwhelming malice" (5-15)
■ Herald of Agony + Withering Touch support + Returning Projectiles (5) + Phantasm support (12)
■ spelltotems - multiple totems - wither (15)
■ Arakaali's fang spiders with withering touch - multistrike (15)
■ gloves abhorrent interrogation (15)
■ cluster eternal suffering (5)
■ Chaos Golem of the Maelström (- multistrike - withering touch - feeding frenzy) (10)
■ Animate weapon of self reflection - Replica Insbury edge (15)
■ Severed in sleep - animate weapon of self-reflection /or HoA - phantasms support (7-15)
■ in maps: vaalskeletons - withering touch - feeding frenzy (5)

■ 2 Curses ■

despair + temporal chains (or sniper's mark with returning projectiles support for 10 more splitting oneshots) are mixed in.

■ Gear up ■

Fuse it all in the armour Skin of the Lords. Wield the "United in dreams"-sword.

If you you are boarding to full damage serve your composition of destruction in the deep love of the dirty scorpion-tail:

IX.) Facetank much to debuff with your void gaze of the helmet Eber's Unification and fire almost nonstop stormburst for full damage.

X.) Triad Grips with 4 white sockets add elegance of millions of damage in the 100% Chaos-Conversion.

XI.) Farm more voices-clusters for more medium clusters with "pure agony".

■ More Poison ■

XII.) On more stacked ghastly jewels with "15% minion chance to poison on hit" in the tree you scale damage further up.

■ Bonus ■

The +1 chaos mastery "corruption" buffs damage best when used. Further large chaosclusters and the jewels amanamu's gaze and rational doctrine add nice damage.

The flasks bottled faith (in combination with Zealot's Oath keystone) or vessel of vinktar scale some extra damage up.

Vaal skeletons or chaos golem of the horde featuring feeding frenzy or the auras malevolence or precision activated instead grace or a third and fourth curse fitted in are buffing the damage too.

Gear and keystones

Especially in wide open designed maps, full juiced content and in arenas and against bosses + ubers United in dreams is full of damage.

Harvestcraft or get the implicit Increased AoE on the weapon to stormburst some more HoA-virulences.



Dagger & Flask

Withering Touch – (Awakened) Unbound Ailments - Melee-Splash-Support / Multistrike

Let the spiders dance!


Arakaali's fang is best before you get your third large cluster and full HoA-virulences. The spiders are fast. Great clearspeed in not full juiced content lvl 70-95, in winding, angled, crampy dungeon-maps, against proxy-shields and to apply full 15 withers in arenas against ordinary pinnacle-bosses.

Use fast 2× unearth/ desecrate for needed corpses, an aoe-skill like storm burst / storm brand and finally 1x flask writhing jar to raise the spiders.

Against the bosses like Sirus, Maven change melee-splash to multistrike.

Body Armour

Take the trinity of auras. Then upgrade to the quadrophony of the Lords.

The 2 x +1 level of skills skin of the Lords serve more damage up for our agony. Sometimes you also need less defences when your enemies are faster killed. For all content we love the damage to onehug the mobs strong and instant.

100% increased global defences buff perfect further your auras and your granite, jade, iron and basalt flasks and as results following the effects of aegis aurora's 2% of armour as es on block, of ghost dance, of divine shield and maximize last on top the capacities of molten shell and frost shield.

All Gems have to be corrupted!

--- The Keystones ---

Ghost dance - Iron Reflexes - Lethe Shade - Divine Shield - Wicked Ward - Runebinder


Choose yourself your final key of 90% evasion + 2k es in high density or instead doubling armour + es on block against Ubers.


... when you target for 100% spell suppression

Ghost Dance

High 20k ev is reached by your buffed grace. That is 90% evasionchance and 95% with blindings of pure guile.
You take 1 out of 20 hits.
With your blockings you take 1 out of 80 hits .... that's 1.25% chance to be hit.

Less hits are taken, less recovery is needed. Together this combination manifests a layer of immortality - you improve to 1M to inf* M Ehp.
As bonus the evaded hits tripple and more the remaining capacities of your molten shell and frostshield for the big punchs, peaks and crits.

Ghost dance recovers buffed 500 es and more when hit, x 3, so it's equal to 1.5k-2k es simply perfect filling the random gaps of block-, spellblock-, and bastion of hope-layers in damagepeaks.

You reach the keynote also with 4 passivepoints.

Ghost Dance is best-in-slot in high density.

Iron Reflexes

Is a tipping point for exchanging evasion into doubling sustain.

Determination and Grace will take you together with Iron Reflexes to 150000 armour.

Not 15000. Yes 150000.

This means you get 3000 Energyshield on all your blockings with the Aegis Aurora-Shield and block is never limited.

Best in combination with graven's secret-belt, a jade- and a basalt-flask. Melding of the flesh and divine shield can max further. Don't use Ghost Dance.
In maps it's best combinated with frostwalls linked to cws or meatshields like phantasms in supports of HoA or spiders.

Iron Reflexes is the choice to facetank Sirus, Exarch, Shaper's slams, high physical-damage or also fast blockable spell-hits like from maven, etc.

Explanation high vs medium Armour


The shaper slam and a beam of sirus with big physical hits are fine examples for differences of effective high 100k armour.


Take a look in the ar-calculations on mitigiated damage and rules of thumb: The allstars take with double armour minimum 40% less damage with only one damage-mod up. When shaper crits it is about 50% less total physical damage taken because of the dimishing returns of armour, and with double or tripple damage modifications these differences will raise much further.

You want more?


You really want 200000 armour and more? Or 500000?


Take some #% increased armour notes on clusters like stacking "Battle-Hardened", "Defiance Banner", a vivinsect unset ring socketing grace lvl 26, the helmet memory vault and in the templar area "Sanctum of Thoughts". You will lift off to 250000 armour and more and will get 5000+ ES on block.

But at the same time you loose damage and other defences and will not benefit much more pdr from these high AR-numbers.

Bearers of the meta-mageblood-belt reach 250k armour, 5k/ es on block, when wanted. Without downsides.

Lethe Shade

Perfect against not blockable damagetypes. When you reached 100% ailments-immunities it's the best addition against the uber-dot-bosses. Not much needed in other content.

Divine shield

offers regenerations, especially much against bleedings and vulnerability-curses.

Wicked Ward

is most often starting recharging in fullblock-editions, high evasion, 100% ailment-immunities, with +1 chaos-mastery and of course after using vaal discipline too.

Buff it with the ar+es mastery "increases to armour also apply to es-recharge by 20%" to compensate with skin of the lords and the ar-passives the downsides by 80%.

Great in slower lower levels, not much effective in the faster lategame against aoe, dot and swift bosses.

Zealot's Oath

is needed to transform regeneration of time of need or bottled faith. Not needed without.

Other keystones:



offers as keynote 10 more virulences singletarget with storm brands while moving, that's a lot fast damage.

Glancing Blows

decreases your damagereductions and capacities of molten shell and frostshield much - but when you have high evasion, high armour, meatshields or reached with mageblood 100% spell suppression, it's in special set-ups best recovery with the aegis aurora.

Critical damage reductions you find sometimes on corrupted Skin of the Loyals.

Skin of the Loyals offer enough damage for t16 and uncorrupted gems fits in.

□□□ Ranking □□□

1) Skin of the Lords: Divine Shield, Mage Bane
Best balanced colours: 3g, 1r, 2b or 4g, 1r, 1b
2) For facetanking Sirus, Exarch, Uber-Shaper etc.: Iron Reflexes
3) Divine Shield, Lethe Shade
4) Skin of the Loyals, 2x +1 socketed gems + 50% reduced damage of critical strikes
5) Skin of Lords: Ghost Dance, Runebinder, for melee cyclone Resolute Technique, many neutral keystones
6) Skin of the Loyals

This shield is the fixing point of recovery and substain:


Fullgeared you'll get up to 1000 ES on 50% fullblock and 75 % spellblock. This can work 10x and more each second, blocking is never limited.
Also uber-lags, oneshotting disconnects, freezed networks, framehangers and all other damagepeaks will fail to kill you. Your big block heals and recovers unlimited.

You have to search poetrade for shield aegis aurora with: " 'implicit' grants # lvl determination" or granted grace. Physical damage takend as Chaos- or Colddamage is also great.

Safety First! - Determination

Important: Put in a skillgem Determination/ Grace when you don't find a Determination/ Grace-Corruption or other skills granted on gear. The Armour is most important for ES on block and pdr.

==》 16 more ways for free skillslots are listed in "skillmanager".



The Ghastly Theater takes you safe into t10 before.

The cheap shield apep's slumber grants +max-resis and high es and recovery before aegis aurora.

2 Circles of Ambition / of Nostalgia


Circle of Nostalgia is very important for our ressource mana and will manage our reservation for our herald. You need minimum 1) 38% increased efficiencies on the ring.

==》 visit spoiler "manamanagement"

The best implicits on the ring are stats like "chance to avoid elemental ailments", "onslaught" on hit or + Power charges for the belt graven`s secret.

An anathema-moonstone ring (take in presage instead whipsers of doom on the tree and perhaps vixens entrapement-gloves) or a hungry loop (faster casting - chance to poison - power charge on crit - increased duration / or feeding frenzy - x - x - x) are possible variations.

Upgrades with catalysts


You should upgrade your circles of ambition / nostalgia with fertile mana-catalysts for reservation-efficiencies, the belt for overcapped elemental resistances against debuffs with resistance prismatic catalysts, and your amulet with attributes intrinsic catalysts.

Ashes, Aul & Uul - The Amulet


The "ashes of the stars" buffs damage, the generating of virulences and of withers and many more skills.

The choice of tanks is the amulet aul's uprising for easy one more large tanky aura.

A rare amulet including aura-efficiencies and +1/ +2 gemlevels is a strong variation.



When you need mana choose always 'charisma'.

Alternative anoint your amulet with 'crystal skin' and ==》 visit the spoiler "fire and other ailments" to build up in endgame 80-100% all ailments-immunities.

For cheap levelling anoints choose 'sanctuary' (blocks, resis) or 'practical application' (dex, resis).



Full es, full damage. The big b.i.s. is an Eber's Unification Circlet for nice 25% more damage.

Get a corrupted helmet for the implicit "90% mana-multiplier" and insert your aura-gems into the sockets.

A second b.i.s. implicit like a 80% manamultiplier is possible on top.

You get 30% quality of the helmet by tainted armourers scraps.



Simply a rare eldritch helmet with high es, +1/+2 miniongems vendorcraft, reservation efficiencies crafted as eater-of-worlds-implicit and stats like debuffed chaos resistances nearby or resis is great also.

Alpha howl`s makes early your manamanagement easy, Elevore caps early your ailment-immunities and spell suppression or the brine crown buffs your armour.

The maw of the conquest offers the rare mod unaffected by poison instead CI and enables hybrid life+es-set-ups while using the golden rule.



100% chaos-conversion increases the buffs of withers and curses.
Use always only 4 white sockets on the triad grips.

==》 In "Important mechanics" is the "Crafting"-guide for the gloves.

Start with rare gloves with high es and integrated chance to poison, faster casting, or crafted for more castspeed with essences of insanity and good eldritch-implicits like + max resis, until you focus in higher levels on the damage of the triad grips.



Get rare eldritch boots with high resis and es, around 50, and high spell suppression (13-14%) and with ailments-immunities on a sufffix and crafted as eldritch-eater-of-worlds-implicit.

As cheap starter and variation rainbow strides add high 20% spellblock. With a bit more stacked spellblock you can deactivate tempest shield when wanted.



Graven's Secret cloth belt let you recoup up to 70% damage of elemental hits. This will fill up perfect gaps of all the defensive layers like blockings, evasion, frostshield, molten shell.
Get the 5th powercharge "infused" when wanted in the ranger-area or also the 6th in the witch-area and generate charges on block with "mage hunter" stacked on the large clusters and/ or also power charges on crit-support linked to skills like stormburst.

Favorize it with the implicit elemental resistances or increased aura-effect of determination.

Of course later a mageblood is best in slot.

Enjoy permament +50k ar, +10k ev, +78% movementspeed, +78% allresis, full bleeding immunities etc. with well-rolled flasks. Armour and Evasion are imba increased with your skin of the lords and your auras.
Or fitting permament elemental dr-flasks are b.i.s. against many special bosses.

You can go also for full 100% spell suppression with a quartzflask (29%) and phasing suppression-mastery and squeeze in the melding of the flesh with resis on a flasks-suffix and a permanent sapphire flask for awesome 89% max-resis.

Headhunter is in maps funny and possible too.


On your jewels and clusters the implicits most worthfull are corrupted blood-immunity and increased skill-efficiency crafted with vaal orbs.

The Golden Rule - golden damage


This doubles the poison stacks for your Herald of Agony-Virulences. With this jewel you will be able to have 60 - 90 virulences also single-target on bosses.

With Golden Rule the stacks are doubled and enough to keep always maximum virulences for the Herald. Mobs and mapping are never the problem for enough stacks.

Use only as CI, the reflected poison can cause suicide.

Balance of Terror / Glorious Vanity


Use it with "inflict withered..." + selfcast despair for full withers.

Or a Glorious Vanity transforms a passive to the "ritual of shadows" for witherings.

Mandatory for full damage!

The Watcher's Eye


One of the best items in the game to farm is the Watcher's Eye. There are combinations to explore and you can also explore some of the most peak-high prices in trading in Path of Exile. So don't worry when you only get 1 - 2 and not 3 optimal mods.

The most worthfull mods for this build are:


1) Discipline: ES gained on hit:

It's also one of the most expensive mods. It will raise the substain much with your active spell-hits when there is no blockable damage.

Best with storm burst and faster casting.

Storm Burst ticks fast 6.8x/sec full channeled with multiple 10-14 small moving orbs.
Or ball-Lightnings strike default each 150ms, 6x second.
And you reach fast castrates of 3 -4 hits/ sec, that's 24 hits/ second.
Yuuups - nearly I forgot to mention to count further the storm-brands and tempest-shield-chainings in.

TL;DR: Enjoy to facetank Shaper's beam with full channeled stormburst!
0.8-1.7k es/ sec recovered singletarget.
Expressive multiplied by multiple targets in high density content.

2) 15% Spell Suppression with Grace

3) Additional spellblock with Discipline: With this you can cap spellblock fast and perfect. Max it up in endgame for boss-hunts not flask-depending to 70-75%!
Born to block!

HoA-poison | Ghastly jewels | The Adorned | Amanamu's Gaze | Dot-Damage


Minion chance to poison on abyss jewels is equal to an additional 7th HoA-support-link and is awesome for the uptime of damage. We buff it with temporal chains to 2.5-3 seconds continuous dot.

We scale up the HoA-poison until we reach 100% minion chance to poison on hit or until the poe-engine hardcaps the dot at 35.7 M. Against ubers it's 3x more effective, use in pob-community-fork the uber-configurations.

First choices on the abyss-jewels are:

1 - 1x "Corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you" (before 100% flask-uptime / without mageblood, implicit, alternative possible on a cluster-implicit also)
2 - minion chance to poison on hit (suffix)
3 - resistances, required str /dex (suffix)
4 - chance to avoid bleeding (mandatory for cycloning), before reaching 100% elemental avoidances chance to avoid being ignited, without tempestshield avoid being shocked, without pantheon of the brine king avoid freezing (suffixes, implicits)
5 - damage taken recouped as mana is best to reliable cwdt-trigger some skills (prefix)
6 - + energyshield (prefix)
7 - minion chance to blind on hit, 2% reservation efficiencies (implicit), enemies withered by you have reduced all resi
7 - 2% spellblock

The Adorned

When you have well rolled blue corrupted magic ghastly jewels, this meta-piece doubles and more their minion chance to poison to 30% or also to 37%.

The Adorned is recommended in lategame with the mageblood and the easy resis on a flask-suffix or also before with needed resis / attr on other suffixes, passives and clusters.

Overall the recommended 3 blue ghastlys are simply to craft: a fractured base or 170 alts are needed and at last the 1/4 gambling corrupting / doublecorrupting is not too bad.

They are common and cheap in trade also or you can snipe good ones.

Amanamu's Gaze

It stacks nice damage when you already reached high minion chance to poison with 3-5 ghastly jewels and curse with despair and temporal chains.

Ancestral vision / Storm shroud / Cluster Elegant form


... are recomemnded for 100% elemental ailment avoidances, visit "important mechanics": "fire and other ailmets".

Alternative you can also use "elegant form" on a small or unique medium clusters to fix spell suppression or to switch out Magebane on the SoL.

Split Personality - es + str/dex


When you need urgent str or dex socket 1 to 2 of them in your last medium-cluster-jewel-sockets. Or when no Dex is needed are ES and Int best energy in slot. For one you will get around +200 ES. You get 4 more passive points compared to inserting small clusters. Remove them later when you got enough dex on clusters.

Alternative jewels: Forbidden Flame and Flesh / Brutal Restraint/ Thread of Hope / Melding of the flesh etc.

With voices clusters, with a darkness-enthroned belt, with league-mechanics, with a perfect mana-management, b.i.s. geared with unique medium megalomaniac-clusters, and/or pathing to sovereignity or presage replacing one of the small clusters, when you use an aul's uprising starting-amulet, when you switch out evasion and the "sublime form"-cluster against some bosses or against the ubers, also while mapping with the sin's rebirth stibnite flask instead the balance of terror- /glorious vanity-jewel, or with one of many other sources for full withers, when pathing across the central witch- or the northern scion-area, when you reached 100% ailments-avoidances already on your abyss-jewels, rings and tattoos, or with other balancings, you can add more jewel-variations like the following interesting alternatives:

Rational Doctrine: +10% damage

creates profane ground with some damage and some absorption charges beside.

Forbidden Flame and Flesh

The 2 expensive endgame-reward-jewels enables to build in the Hierophant's ascendancy i.e. "sanctuary of thoughts" for easier manamanagement and more energyshield or "conviction of power" for permanent charges.

Brutal Restraint

denoted in service to Balbala transforms a keystone to "The traitor" to generate flask charges and can be optimized to half a mageblood.

Thread of Hope

Insert it with large radius in the templar area to fast activate the keynote Divine Shield, 2x points Sovereignity and Redemption or in the Raider area with massive radius for Lethe Shade.

Elegant Hubris

The timeless jewel offers the transformed passive skill "slum lord" with 80% increased miniondamage. When you are very lucky to get a very rare one with "Commissioned 128880 coins to commemorate Caspiro" or craft it with divine orbs it transforms 2-3x passives to slum lords and 160-240% miniondamage traded for the passives.

The Melding of the flesh


Raise resistances to the peak in cold-resistance.
Because the Allstars path much along clusters and especially small clusters, they are fast able to mount up resistances and to reach 85% or also fulltanky 89% all elemental resistances - that are impressive 18M or even infinitive** ehp.

Yes, you will facetank all elemental attacks like Maven's spells. But it's not much effective against penetration effects of shaper or eater.

Most easy build in with a mageblood or a stygian vise-belt.

You can swap the element cold- to the needed lightning- and fire-resistances at the harvest-craftings-bench.

You need


+270 3x90% max-resis
+180 kitava's debuffs
+210 melding-jewel

660 resis

Visist the "Resistances" in "Balancing & Managing" and prioritize resistances further additional on:

□ sapphire flask with mageblood and instilling orbs (+76)
□ flask-suffix of the rainbow with mageblood and instilling orbs (+114)
□ "survivalist", 2 passives evasion mastery (+36)


□ purity of ice (+65, with ashes of the stars +95)

Increased cold- and max-resis:

□ melding of the flesh -4%

□ aegis aurora +5%
□ sapphire flask +5%, with mageblood, instilling orbs or also increased flask-effects-suffixes +9% (to +10%)
□ jewel "impossible escape" with 2x +maxres around Imbalanced Guard / Unwavering Stance or around Elemental Equilirium: +3%
□ "survivalist" 2 passives Evasion mastery +1%

89% max-resis

Possible alternatives are:


□ 1-3 clusterskills on medium unique megalomaniacs or small rare clusters like:

winterprowler +2
introspection +1
prismatic carapace +1
prismatic dance +1
antifreeze +1

□ the anoint of amulet to prismatic skin +2%
□ purity of ice, in place of grace or with pure guile on a cluster for the manamanagement, and increased aura effects and increased gemlevels +5% to +8%
□ purity of ice-level increased with a shield-implicit or empower support +1%, or socketed into a +2 lvl rare unset ring or as implicit granted lvl 25 on circle of nostalgia +1%
□ vaal impurity of ice in maps +7%
□ delve-atlas-node "packed with energy" for more +max resis in maps
□ rare eldritch gloves with +2% max res eldritch implicit

Last edited by Chromino on Jul 21, 2024, 2:42:56 PM
Last bumped on Jul 24, 2024, 4:17:42 AM

On your jewels and clusters the implicits most worthfull are corrupted blood-immunity crafted with vaal orbs.

High resistances (you can change them with your harvest-craft-bench) and needed Attr are great added on every clustertransfer.

6% efficiencies and increased effect of small passives are on the small clusters b.i.s.

==》 Visit the tradelinks on page 50 for the fitting tradefilters.

Small Clusters - Manamanagement


Best are the set-up's:

3 passives, 6% mana-efficiencies, resis, when needed dex/str, increased effect, Es

1) 1-2x Sublime form (grace): + 30-60 resis
2) 1x self control (discipline)
3) 1x uncompromising (determination)

Medium clusters - Pure Agony - pure damage


+5 to Maximum Virulence

This is our Leader for damage! Each cluster counts around 16 % more damage for the agony-crawler. You need fast bursting stormy balls to get them up!

Best-in-slot uniques

When you have the luck to find the combination of pure agony on a unique megajewels together with winter prowler, sublime form, pure guile, self control or uncompromising, this is for medium clusters often best in slot.

As long you don't find a megamega one the rare medium clusters pure agony with valuable resis, dex/str and hot & wild desired jewelsocket are already almost perfect.

Only when you find a Megalomaniac with best fitting notables or use voices clusters take this in. There are thousand possibilities, and sometimes you find the one and only b-i-s.

Important and unique Clusters and their ideal combinations

Best setup and best cluster skills

1. Pure Agony
2. Elegant form let you reach with eldritch boots and the shield mastery 100% ailment immunities
3. manamagement: sublime form, self control, uncompromising
4. spell suppression (elegant form, untouchable, aerialist) to change out the keystone Magebane on Skin of the Lords or also 5 passives "instinct" in the tree
5. others like enduring composure, septic spells, etc.

Unique Bis-Clusters:


Interesting cluster notables


"Elegant form" or "Untouchable" or Aerialist
short ways to 100% spell suppression.

"Septic spells"
with a good manamanagement sometimes allows to regret 5 passives of the curse-mastery when you anoint your amulet with whispers of doom instead charisma /sovereignity.

"Enduring composure"
tanky pdr and tanky overcapped resis

enables in some set-ups regretting out 5 passives mystic bulwark

"Wish for death"
adds culling strikes.

"Spiked Concoction"
add flask-charges.

"Eternal suffering"
5 withers

"Blessed rebirth"
nice when you use phantasms-support

"Lead by example"
minions-onslaught and more virulences with enduring cry

"Fire attunement"
when you like to switch your minor pantheon

"Burden Projection" or "Body Guards"
are relaxing if you want to stand alone with knockbacks in your frost shield and will add 40% more damage reductions in maps. Endgame bosses are immune.

Large Clusters


You want it everytime with 8 passives and 2 jewel slots.
Mandatory the most wanted 2 skills have to be positioned on 1 and 3 in the cluster-stats, not at position 2.

1. 1-3x Veteran Defender

adds simply and best for melding of the flesh urgent needed resis and some dex, str, es.

When you obtained enough resis and dex on other slots change it out to the spellblock or voices-clusters.

In the poe.com/trade-webpage in the search- result veteran defender needs to be displayed on position 1 or 3 of the clusternotables.
Don't take Veteran Defender located at the middle- position 2!

Very rare and very expensive are 2 useable skills positioned at 1 and 3 (+ Riot Queller / Prodigious Defences / Advanced Guard).

2. Best Tankyness: 1-3x large clusters Spellblock

Conjured Wall, Mage Hunter

3. Best HoA-Damage: 1-3x Voices

With this large cluster you turn much more flexible in use of medium clusters and jewels and improve damage to 75 and more virulences.

Since 3.16 and the nerfs to aurastackers affordable in endgame. When you are still not out of currency, buy & switch in 1-3x large voices clusters: Adds #3/1 small passive skill which grants nothing.
You reach the capacity of 7-9 medium cluster jewels with 7-9 x Pure Agony and 75-85 stacks of virulences.

4. Chaoscluster

Touch of Cruelty (10% more damage + hinders) + Overwhelming malice (withers) + Unspeakable Gifts (a bit AoE in high density)

All 3 skills are useable.

5. +10% Resis, 30% Ar and Ev

Master the Fundamentals + Battle-Hardened are nice too.

6. Miniondamage

Only in lower levels valuable. Not much effective in higher levels because you stack already 300% miniondamage with the circles of nostalgia and pure agony and 400% attackspeed simply by the HoA-virulences.

1) Renewal 2) Call to the slaughter

Only without void manipulation support/ triad grips: Raze and Pillage (the the most beautiful free mtx of ignites!)


The following Tattoos can fix easy needed stats.

Best-in-slot Tattoos

Tattoo of the Tawhoa Shaman: 5% to poison on hit to switch out passives of fatal toxins

Journey Tattoos of the Soul: +40 es, useable 5x

Tattoo of the Ramako Shaman: +2% chance to suppress spell damage - awesome to use a different keystone instead magebane on skin of the Lords, 5x-7x used, and to use rare pure es-based boots instead ev/es-based boots

Flasks and Sulphur

Your flasks need a lot of love in endgame.
Invest maximal into their charges of your defences.
Armour, Evasion and Ward are doubled by Skin of the Lords.

In maps and high density unique flasks are often the best choice.
In long boss fights against Ubers rare flasks with prefixes like charges gain when hit are ordinary the better selection.


1) A Granite/ Rumi's concoction flask is the first choice.

2) Before you've got a source of full 15 withers and before you maxed the minor pantheon of abberath, Sin's Rebirth is highly recommended.

3) Until you finalize 100% spellsupression on other spots a Quartz-flask / Soul ripper is well supporting.

4) More tankyness with a Basaltflask follows next.

Unique flasks


Rumi's concoction is recommended when you are missing much block.

You can only benefit from 1x + 1500 armour on 1 granite flask and only 1x #% increased armour-suffix. Don't take 2x same type of flasks.

Sin's Rebirth stibnite generates full withers in maps. It also optimizes your es-leech with full conversion into chaos-damage beside the great & easy ignite-immunities.

Iron flasks are the perfect alternative of doubled +400 es in damagepeaks when you reached high evasion and blockings.

A witchfire in maps is a tasty battledrink. Especially recommended when you need urgent a free skillgem-socket.

We need mandatory the suffix:

1) Always first one flask with stop- and antibleeding.
Versus corrupted-blood take also permament immunity on a jewel's implicit.

And more...

2) Next increased castspeed buffs up with the watcher's eye es on hit and stacks faster high HoA-virulences.
Alternative an onslaught-flask is great for cast- and movementspeed.

3) The third effective flask-suffix is increased armour.

Rare elemental and basalt-flasks against bosses


Use always the elemental- and basalt flask against:

■ A Rubin Flask against Exarch, Sirius, Atziri
■ A Sapphire- / Taste of hate-flask against Shaper, Elder, Uber Elder, Maven, Aul
■ A Topaz- / Vessel of Vinktar-flask against Eater of Worlds, Maven, Sirus
■ A Basalt Flask against Shaper, Sirius, Eater



Flask-prefix "Masochist's` / 'Flagellant's' / Sinner's " gain 2-4 charge when you are hit by an enemy" are the best. Also blocked hits/ spellhits count as been "hit".

Or roll the t1 flask-prefixes:

- 28% reduced charges are used best on: basalt, quicksilver, silver, gold, iron flasks
- 38% increased duration is best on: bismuth, sapphire, ruby, topaz, basalt, stibnite flasks

They are mandatory for many charges in long-boss-fights, swap unique flasks out against bosses.


Get high flask-qualities. The vendors Hargan or Weylam in Sarn etc. sell 1 glasblower bauble for cheap 8 blacksmith's whetstones. Last use vaal orbs for the chance of best increased +30% flask-qualities.


Use instilling orbs and your crafting bench to autotrigger your flasks "reused at end of this flask-effect", "when you become ignited", "when you start bleeding", and the ward-flask "when you hit an unique monster" etc. ...

Skills and Trigger | Auras and Styles

Moving style | until 100 HoA-virulences

cyclone (lvl2)- (awakened) cast while channelling (lvl 5) - tornado of elemental turbulence - ball lightnings of orbiting


Cyclone, channeling tornados of turbulences and ball lightning of orbiting, is in maps smooth for best movement, for best damage-uptime, for dodging many attacks and whirling out of aoe`s.

But against lonely singletargets it only fits until continuous 90-100 virulences, so above you need to combinate it with autotriggered more ball lightnings of static, voidspheres, storm brands, etc. for more also ranged generated herald-virulences, es on hit and for the maximal stacks of withers.

■ Cyclone is not possible with wands, only with 1-handed-melee-weapon-types, like the +2 dark seer sceptre or the +2 maalach`s teaching sceptre.
When you want to autotrigger more skills use the tradefilter:


■ High bleeding avoidances are recommended with abyss-jewels, high flask-uptimes, mageblood, ring-implicit or with steelskin or the minor pantheon of ralakesh.

■ In 100% poisonchances of your spells cyclone procce more HoA-virulences as with 80% poisonchances.

When you prefer to combat and dodge complete meleestyle cycloning and whirling I advice to balance out the peaks above 95 virulences to:


■ to the +1 chaos mastery corruption with wither-effects
■ to ghastly jewels minion 100% chance to poison on hit and the Adorned / Amanamu's gaze
■ invest more into HoA-crits with "fearsome force", spirit offering, Assassin's mark, Maata's Teaching, etc.
■ activate also the 30% "cult-leader"-notables on the remaining medium clusters or use an elegant hubris for some 80% slumlords

■ Try to get 2 autotriggered curses on hit on your gloves-implicit or link them with hextouch to tempest shield or other skills.

■ Choose the default cyclone with ashes of the stars. When prefered buff by enhance-support 30% more speed of cyclone and tornados and cwdt-trigger ball lightning of orbiting.

Ranged Style | until 120 HoA-virulences

storm burst (lvl 2) - (awakened) cast while channeling (lvl 5) - ball lightning of static + tornado of elemental turbulences / es-leech-support / with graven's secret: power charge on crit

In maps channeled storm brands of indecision etc. are nice fitting too.

Caster style | until 100 HoA-virulences


ball-lightnings (lvl 1) - greater multiple projectiles - faster casting - slower projectiles - spell echo /storm brand /chance to poison /arcane surge

The much better sound and much better designed visual style with ball-lightnings is much more satisfying as storm burst.

Cast ball-lightnings, when you want to move in boss-fights cast 3x storm brands also.

/ or inverse: Cast some storm brands. When you want more damage or on bosses cast ball-lightnings too.

Cast while Channeling: Create your own styles

(divergent) storm burst (lvl3) - (awakened) cast while channeling (lvl5) + X + X


The Allstars stack unmatched flexibility with unending possibilities in the whole poe-skill-system.

Many skills in poe were multiple nerfed or were never valuable introduced and designed as mainskills. But the Allstars use their remained hidden capacities and sting them with the dirty tail of their crawling killer.
Body-swaps, firestorms, void spheres, storm bursts and many more forgotten attacks turn full of worth in this build and you are able to balance them with hundreds of combinations into different aspects.

Simply spam storm burst.

You can choose your prefered channelled 3. and 4. skill.
Continuous generate HoA-virulences and damage by the combinations of skills:

Almost all lvl 1, quality 20%:

■■ Best singletarget/ Bosses ■■


faster casting lvl 20 (less delay, more es/ hit with watcher's eye)
(alternative integrated in rare gloves)
(vaal) firestorm of pelting- increased duration
static ball-lightnings
blazing salvo
creeping frost - gmp
chance to poison lvl 2

■■ Virulences automatical while moving (dot) ■■


Triggered with cast when stunned, cwdt lvl 1 or arcanist brand or selfcasted also very valuable:

storm brand (superiour with 'faster casting')
firestorm - increased duration
void sphere (lvl 1) - second wind
galvanic field
unearth - cremation (/ or volatile dead) - use the corpses also to raise spiders + for flesh offering
vaal venom gyre (best with Soul Ripper flask)
hydrosphere, placed at position 3 in links
blade vortex

winter orb - cwc + x + x (e.g. - returning projectiles - faster casting - div. storm brand / or faster casting - gmp - increased duration

■■ Best for movement ■■


unearth - body-swap (make zoom, not crawl)
lightning warp

■■ Best for tankyness ■■


purifying flame (50% reduced curse-effects, 5% es-regeneration)
glascial cascade (knockbacks)
frost shield (lvl 21)
frostwall (lvl 1, quality 0)

■■ Others ■■


vaal absolution /vaal skeletons / raging spirits / phantasms - feeding frenzy
Sniper's mark
With United in Dreams: hextouch + despair + temporal chains (all lvl 20)
(vaal) cold snap (chills, frenzy charges)
unearth (lvl 1) - flesh offering
freezing pulse
shock nova
culling strike, lvl 20
increased duration
second wind

■■ Virulences while channeling & facetanking ■■


blade fall
flame wall
ice spear
orb of storms

These set-ups are recommended for bosses like Maven and UE, fast mapping and speedlevelling.

Singletarget you stack around 10 virulences with tempestshield, 30 with three thrown storm brands while moving, 40 with voidsphere, 50-60 with ball lightnings and 70-90 combined with stormbursts.

Caster style

Firestorm of pelting - unleash / spellecho - faster casting - increased duration

More styles with specialisations of gloves

Ranged style

Ball-lightnings (lvl 1) - storm brand (lvl 1) - greater multiple projectiles - chance to poison support/ with stacked 80% poisonchance: spellecho


The much better sound and much better designed visual style with ball-lightnings is much more satisfying as storm burst.

Integrated in gloves best is faster casting, slower projectiles or chance to poison. "Faster casting" build up the stacks 40% faster and "slower projectiles", equal to 35% castspeed, keep your balls longer on the screen.

Cast ball-lightnings, when you want to move in boss-fights cast 3x storm brands also.

/ or inverse: Cast some storm brands. When you want more damage or on bosses cast ball-lightnings too.

One Button - Lazy Style / Autotriggers - Other Trigger


Let automatic trigger skills with:

Cast when damage taken lvl 1 - void sphere - stormbrand - frost shield / frost wall

Automation - withering step - convocation - molten shell

Other Trigger


We can use in this build best cast while channeling, hextouch and arcanist brand.
Cwdt, bane, spelltotems. Only without bastion of hope cast when stunned and triggerwands are also possible:

Cast when damage taken

best for low level 1 used skills like:

cwdt lvl 1 - stormbrand - (phantasmal) void sphere - frost wall - fire storm

or also for low level molten shell

Arcanist brand

best in boss-encounters for curses


are prefered the instant and the long duration skills.

Best spammed and selfcasted before damagepeaks: Molten shell

Best in combination with jewel balance of terror for 15 withers: Despair

Best dot: void sphere

Best in dungeon-maps, against proxy-shield-mobs:


vaal discipline, storm burst - faster casting


storm brand/ or void sphere - hextouch - despair - temporal chains


bane - despair- temporal chains


When you don't wither with jewels glorious vanity (ritual of shadows), balance of terror, or dagger arakaali's fang (spiders+withering touch)

spell totem - multiple totems - wither

Cast when stunned

Do not use cws when you choosed in ascendancy bastion of hope!!

best in high density, best for frostshield (es/ on block counter the es-draining) / or absolution + feeding frenzy

Cast when stunned (lvl 20) - Frost Shield (lvl 21) – Sniper's Mark - Bossing: Temporal Chains

Cast while channelling

Step up to spoiler "Create your own style" for dozens of possibilities.
Of course you can also use 2 cwc-setups.

The dirty scorpion-tail - Supports and Mana of Herald of Agony


This is the center of millions of damage. It scales heavy with skill-gem-level-increasement of empower and awakened gems.

Best balanced 6 skills are:

You want always Herald of Agony, awakened minion damage, empower (lvl 4, b.i.s. awakened empower lvl 5), all for their optimal relations of damage, increasing HoA-skill-levels 28/29/34 and their reserved mana.
In maps you want always pierce, returning projectiles or awakened fork.

Gem-Colors Combination | Different Skills | Increased Mana Reserved | Damage

(Lvl 21, Quality 23) Herald of Agony | Awakened Minion Damage | (Awakened) Empower lvl 4 | Awakened Void manipulation | Awakened Unbound Ailments | Awakened Vicious Projectiles | mapping: Awakened Fork / Pierce / singletarget: Vile Toxin

Best stinging and fitting are the compositions:

1) 3g, 2b, 1r
2) 4g, 1r, 1b
3) 3g, 2r, 1b
4) 2g, 2r, 2b

Much lower damage and not recommended are:

Perfect for blights, deliriums, breach-realms and high-density:

Pierce, green, low 120%, is best used in dungeon-designs, through doors, etc.

Returning Projectiles Support (150%, green) is great in maps and dungeons with other on hit effects like faster summoned phantasms and withering touch.

Awakened fork (green, 130%) is b.i.s. to oneshoot 35-49 targets instead pierce. Or further added into the combination with chain/ pierce for up to 91 projectiles. Best in open designed maps and breaches.

Awakened chains always hit.

Best for boss-hunting:

Awakened Vicious projectiles
is almost everytime best choice.

Awakened void manipulation (green, 130% increased skillreservation) offers best damage in combination with Eber's unification void gaze, withers and 4W triad grips.

Somewhere around 80% minionpoisonchance and cursing with temporal chains Awakened Unbound Ailments (low 120%) deal most high, but a little bit slower, the combined poison damage.

Damage on full life (130%) offers best damage for a red socket and is in maps faster and better as unbound ailments or vile toxins.

Vile toxins (green, 130%), is high damage, but a second slower building up the stacks. It is like Predator recommended in place of pierce for singletarget bosshunting.

Predator / Signal Prey, 130%, offer as another blue gem most damage against bosses, but is slow multitarget. Needs to mark the boss.

Withering Touch (130%) fills one more green sockets in case of emergency for 3-5 more withers.

Best for tanky levelling and legions:

Summon Phantasms, low 120%, is in place of pierce a strong support for tanky levelling. They can taunt, hinder and also block a lot attacks as meat shields. Interesting for some damage-uptime/ dot while moving. As downside they use capacities of your frostshield and chain projectiles.

Best with one cluster "blessed rebirth" (and "renewal").

Phantasms support is optimized with returning projectiles:

Herald of Agony | Summon-Phantasms-Support | Awakened Minion Damage | Empower | Awakened void manipulation | Awakened unbound ailments | Returning Projectiles

==》 Take a look in the spoiler "Variants": "Harry Potter Senior & the Airforce 11".

Leaguestart & honorable mentions


Chance to poison (130%, green) could be used instead the recommended ghastly jewels.

Maim supports (130%) as red socket is possible for starting of the league.

(Awakened) Added fire damage with the ignites of raze and pillage. You loose much damage, use it only when you need urgent the low 120% manamultiplier.

Faster attacks and minion speed offers not much because the HoA gets already a lot attackspeed of his virulences.

Herald of Purity-setups are working too for different setups.

==》 Scroll down to the spoiler "variants": "pack of purity" to take a look on the melee fighting heralds and enterprise the differences.



When your Herald misses again the doors in dungeons use convocation to summon him in the mandatory line of sight or into the proximity shields of mobs.



I advice to activate your auras in the order:

1) determination: mandatory against high physical-damage
2) tempest shield: the poisoning lightning-blockings also automatical trigger around 10-15 virulences for much autotriggered HoA-damage-uptime and a lot qol.
Remove it later when you have stacked some spellblock on your large clusters when wanted.
3) discipline: because Vaal Discipline is also our immortal-mod with high es-recovery as CI.
4) grace: great recovery with the ghost dance keystone, also much tankyness in high density beside optimizing the capacities of the guard-skills molten shell and frostshield for the big hits.

Tanky skills and Vaal skills


1) Molten shell
2) Vaal discipline is like the life flask for CI's against all damagetypes - that is like 8 seconds immortality in ordinary content

3) Frost shield

4) Void sphere
5) Temporal chains
6) Cwdt lvl1 /or Cws lvl20 - Frost wall lvl 1 (full tankyness)
7) Vaal molten shell is best as back-up, especially against uber shapers bullet hell and exarch`s 1000 suns
8) Enfeeble (full tankyness)

Curses and Withers


1) Despair

2) Temporal Chains adds more poisondamage and some tankyness

3) Sniper's mark adds splitting projectiles

4) Punishment or Enfeeble are the alternatives.

Withers: Use the balance of terror / glorious vanity. Visit --> "the composition of agony" / "jewels".



Take the movement and blink-skill you like most! All movementspeed works!

Take only 1 "blink" - skill or you get into problems sometimes with their blink-cooldowns. 2 x "movement" is okay , flamedash's first charge is okay too.

Endgame / Bossing

I myself prefer whitering step (withers and the evasions are another additional 4. panicbutton in damagepeaks) combined with flame dash (first charge instant + HoA-virulences)


Withering step (withers) + shield charge


Cwc channelled lightning warps or unearth + bodyswaps are nice for the mix of HoA-virulences and movement

All blink- and movementskills fits! Take the one you like and prefer!

Level of gems


Lvl 21

Maximal gemlevel 21 is very useful on: Herald of Agony, Frost Shield, Withering Step, Sniper's mark, with melding of the flesh Purity of Ice and take max lvl 4 empower.

1 HoA/ empower-support lvl is around 15% damage-multiplier.

Lvl 3

To reduce mana for active skills and against elemental reflection mods limit storm burst, ball lightning, storm brand, convocation to Lvl 3, quality 20 in endgame.
But max them while levelling for the damage.

When you are missing some strength, limit molten shell to a lower lvl. The 75% damagereduction of full 5000 shell remain.

Quality 23

is recommended for more virulences for the Herald of agony lvl 21 gem

Free skill-sockets


When you have fullgeared free sockets and when you switch out convocation in long boss-fights, you can use void sphere (interruptions & virulences), storm brand (in maps -of indecision), meatshields buffing feeding frenzy, like chaos-golem of the maelstroem /vaal skeletons /phantasms-support (linked to tempestshield/spheres/brands), temporal rift as one more panicbutton for recovery, cwdt/cws - frost wall lvl 1, reckoning, enlighten (manamanagement), increased duration support for molten shell and vaal discipline, vitality or enduring cry - call to arms /urgent orders

Further possible, but not full recommended, are a defiance banner, clarity, culling strike linked to tempest shield, etc. ...

==》 Visit in "important mechanics" the spoiler "skillmanager" for more ways to free up a skillgemsocket when needed



What are examples for keybindings and controls? What are best triggers for molten shell etc.? Which movementskills are best?

All methods work. For different gamers different keybindings are best and different triggers or manually selfcasted skills fits in different ways to different playstyles and content.

Choose your keys intuitive for your own style!
In the different videos you can see different styles of keybindings.

Choose and order your keys individual and intuitive.

For example I personally prefer:

Left 1. mouse: movement
Middle Mouse: Radiant crusade
Right Mouse button: flamedash

Q storm burst cwc or ball-lightnings (press nonstop, spam it)
W withering step
E molten shell (our most important layer of defense, instant skill)
R vaal discipline (our final recovery, when there are no blockable, not wick warded and not physical damagetypes to be divine shielded)
T vaal molten shell (our back-up vaal skill when all other skills are on cooldown)

Space bar convocation

HoAg and all auras: discipline (for es), determination (for ar and es/block), grace (for ev): on 2. alternative keys with Ctrl key. You need to activate them only one time.

When you need a free key for another skill: change "spacebar" and/ or other keys in settings/ options as new key instead one ctrl-key and multiple activate your auras manually with ctrl

BUT: Take the keys you like! Everyone likes another key-binding!

Ascendancy | Bandits | Pantheon

Bandits: Alira / Lunch for the crawler


For relaxed gearing and levelling it's a good idea to help Alira for resis and mana-reg.

Because the Allstars later stack much resis on the cluster-transferpassives and don't path much resis on the tree, in early game Alira is very helpful. In ssf or when you have too much problems reaching 75% resistances help Alira.

Later, around lvl 92-96, bring 1x Onyx amulet and 20x orbs of regret to a vendor for 2 passive points. 8x orbs of chance can be changed to 2x orbs of scouring to 1x orb of regret i.e. by the vendors Petarus and Vanja in Highgate.
Kill them all. You want passive points.

Ascendancy: Take them in this order and choose:


1) Radiant Crusade: Damage and some ehp (around lvl 35)

2) Bastion of Hope: Tankyness (around lvl 55)

You trigger attackblock with cyclone (or flicker strike, shield charge)

3) Time of need: regenerations and recovery (around lvl 70)

4) Radiant Faith (around lvl 80)



Major God

1) Start with: Brine King, against freezings of Shaper, Elder etc. .

2) When you reached later 90-100% freeze -immunities and got awakened cast while channeling lvl 4 switch to the pantheon of Arakaali against d.o.t.

Minor God:

1) Soul of Abberath (for ignite-reduction and burning-ground-immunity)

2) For Ascendancy-Labyrinths, when you are unused to the traps: Soul of Ralakesh

Tipps for Beginning, Levelling, Gearing and Leaguestart

For smooth, safe and fast starting please check and scroll through the progressing levelling trees and separated items- and skill-tabs in the PoB and right here the thematically spoilers.




Balaar perfect organized the racing and pushed the HoAg to the new champion of speed-levelling!
[3.16] Scourge, act 10, all points + labs, 3:43 hours, starting duelist 1 minute, then templar. He made a golden and great video - totally awesome:


Shaddrak wrote a fantastic thread about the crawler-speedrun:


Levelling and starting:

Maindamageskills Act 1-3 or until first minion-mastery


Absolution, Stormbrands, Flame wall, Holy Flame Totem are the fine early damage.
Vaal skeletons for bosses, Freezing Pulse are strong alternative set-ups in early acts 1-3 for mobs and aoe-damage.

Balormages domblow levelling guide is a bit outdated 3.14, but presents best overview for speedlevelling:


Or gain, like Balaar, as duelist on the strand splitting steel + chance to bleed and transfer the gems to the templar.

Of course you can switch to the slower HoA whenever you want.

Scorpions and Spirits, Maindamageskill, Act 3-10

Herald of Agony is levelling a bit slow, but a very relaxing and safe minion build.

With using storm brands (and void spheres or storm bursts too) you stack up virulences to raise your crawler and damage. You can move faster as with other skills and uninterrupted.

Throw your brands and orbs and just move on.

Storm brand (lvl1) - chance to poison - Storm burst - void sphere (lvl1)(lvl1)

Cast some storm brands. When you want more damage and on bosses cast storm burst and void sphere too.
/ or inverse: Cast storm burst and void sphere, when you want to move in boss-fights cast 3x storm brands also.

When you start early with Herald of Agony, link your attack like storm brand + ball-lightnings to "chance to poison support" to generate maximal HoA-virulences.

You need to start in your first levels with "chance to poison" as supportgem 40% and more poisonchances on the passive tree to raise the scorpion.

Head soon to another 25% poisonchance of "serpentine spellslinger" and 25% in "fatal toxins" and 20% more in "whipsers of doom" for also 2 curses in the curse-mastery .

Then switch the "chance to poison" supportgem out and slot in faster casting or change with stormburst to a cast while channelling-setup.

Storm burst - cast while channelling - void sphere / storm brand / faster casting

Increase further the virulences and with them the damage of your HoA with more castspeed on a silverflasks and medium clusters for increased virulences.

The crawler

You can get the core-skills HoA, chance to poison support first time in end of act 3 in the library in the imperial gardens after completing the quest "A Fixture of Fate" by Siosa.

Support it with phantasms for much more damage-uptime and they will fight as your meatshields too!

Max always dex and HoA-lvl!


HoAg - Summon-Phantasms-Support - Minion damage - Vicious projectiles - Returning projectiles support - damage on full life

Get as fast as possible maximal skilllevels and 4 --> 5 --> 6 links for your mainskill.

Use skill "convocation" to get your crawler into enemies' proximity shields and at your side in smaller dungeons.

Importance of order

Get as questrewards, by vendors and in trade, in the library etc. the skills and supports in order:

Poisonous concoction > Life on hit > Volley --> Greater Volley > Storm brand > Chance to poison > Herald of Agony > Withering Step > Shield charge > Phantasms-support > Minion damage > Returning Projectiles > Despair > Void sphere > Storm burst > Steelskin --> Cwdt - Immortal call > Vicious projectiles > Vile toxins > Determination > Tempestshield > Vaal skeletons > Temporal chains > Frost shield etc. .....

Use when wanted a second damageskill Act 1 / 3 - 10: Vaal skeletons or Vaal Absolution


Beside HoAG for ranged screencleaning (Vaal) skeletons or (Vaal) absolution are the recommended second skills for some burstdamage and are effective until around lvl 70.

Vaal Skeletons - Feeding Frenzy - Melee physical damage

Absolution - spell echo / or faster casting - physical to lightning support - minion damage - phantasms support - controlled destruction

Act I-X levelling

Defences Act 1-10


On the defensive site you should choose until transforming to CI / level 68 / getting gear:

1) Flasks

Take an instant lifeflask "of the cure" and before CI a hybridflask beside and upgrade them.

Take urgent a resis flask-suffix and a bismuth flask for resis and a granite flask for armour too.

2) Take a guardian skill:

□ start with steelskin
□ switch as soon as you receive it to immortal call lvl 3 triggered with cwdt level 1, until you get in higher CI levels a big, b.i.s. molten shell.

3) Skills and trigger

A strong trigger-set is cast when damage taken autotriggering void sphere (HoA-virulences and interruptions), with a curse (despair, vulnerability or sniper's mark) and a guardian skill (immortal call or steelskin)

cwdt lvl 1 - void sphere - immortal call lvl 3 (/ or steelskin)- vulnerability (+ selfcast sniper's mark)

Skills like withering step (on mousebutton 1 lmb autotriggered), enduring cry, and the auras determination, tempest shield for autotriggered damage are tanky too.

A frostshield and void sphere selfcasted and phantasms as HoA-support and etc. on a cluster for cc, interruptions, distractions and as meat shields add further a lot tankyness.

Use later with your 4. ascendancy: arcanist brand - unearth - bone offering

4) Recovery like:

in the masteries on the tree life-leech, es-leech, es gained when you suppress spell damage, damage recouped as life, a shield with life on block, Vaal discipline.

For more energyshield-recharge use 2 passives for "wicked ward" simply too everytime when wanted.

6) Don't forget 75% elemental resistances.

Take when needed resistances on jewels, flask-suffixes, a bismuth-flask or when wanted for easy gearing also Alira's bandit reward and regret them later.

7) Activate soon a suppression mastery

"chance to suppress spell damage is lucky" is in the early game the most tanky passive point to spend.



But never, never forget: take a lot of movementspeed-supports with shield charge, withering step, flamedash, a quicksilver flask or silver onslaught-flask, wanderlust boots, etc. and run if you want straight through all acts!

The crawler cleans up your path of agony with his unique range of stinging!

Dex !!


Priorize enough dex on your gear and jewels for everytime full levelled force of your Herald.

Choose dex- and str-gear and accessoires as campaign-rewards when you need more required dex and str.

When you are missing some attributes required by HoAg maximal skill- and supportlevels, activate utmost intellect early with attributes mastery for additional str when needed too.

Or use a "split personality", or the unique jewel "inertia" to solve all attr-problems.

Mana and auras


Path soon to the reservation masteries like "presage" / "mystic bulwark" / "influence" / "sovereignity"

When you need manaregeneration use early the mana-mastery like "mystic bulwark" and damage recouped as mana or the aura "clarity", limited lowlevel, beside a hybridflask.

Use early clusters and activate first the aura determination and stack it with a granite flask for armour.

Then for more HoAg uptime and already full spellblock activate tempestshield.

You can use also early the vaal-skills like vaal discipline without activating the auras.

I advice to activate your auras in the order:

1) determination: mandatory against physical-damage
2) tempest shield: the poisoning lightning-blockings also automatical trigger around 10-15 virulences for much autotriggered HoA-damage-uptime and a lot qol.
3) discipline: because Vaal Discipline is also our immortal-mod with high es-recovery as CI.
4) grace: great recovery with the ghost dance keystone, also much tankyness in high density beside optimizing the capacities of the guard-skills like molten shell and frostshield for the big hits.



Start first, around lvl 40, with a clusters with the notable "Uncompromising" to get your determination and then "sublime form" for all auras and 5-6 linked HoAg up.

Then after let the medium damageclusters with "pure agony" follow.

Third and last the large block- or spellblock-clusters enable the fullblock-editions.

- You get a cluster with only 1x pure agony, without cult-leader, often cheap for starting.

==》 When you want craft cluster jewels yourself, it is guided in "important mechanics". Self crafted clusters are often only around 1/3 price compared to prices in trading.


Levelling gear 3 --> 4 --> 5 --> 6 --> 7 links


The Shortlist of recommended HoA levelling gear

==》 Take a look for a complete list of cheap starter-gear with all poetradelinks and into the item-sets-tabs of the pob:


Lvl 1: Wanderlust boots

Lvl 1: Goldrim leather cap for needed resis

Lvl 5: Stone of Lazwhar amulet (castspeed, spellblock)

Lvl 10 / 12 and further: Recommended: Vaal summon skeletons or Vaal absolution, burstdamage and meatshields

Lvl 36: Recommended: Vixens Entrapements, autotriggering curses, +1 curse more

Lvl 40: Recommended: Small cluster Sublime form + Uncompromising

Lvl 40: Recommended: 5 / 6 link body armour
Stygian Vise belt (resis, jewel-slot)

Lvl 50: Recommended The Embalmer gloves - nice second 5-links beside the bodyarmour for HoA, Storm burst or Poisonous concoction for 2 alchs

Lvl 50: Recommended: The Black Cane sceptre for doubled damage of storm burst with phantasms for 1 alch

Lvl 52-64: Recommended: Circle of Nostalgia

Lvl 53: Recommended: Rainbow strides boots, high spellblock for 1 chaos

Lvl 53: Arakaali's Fang (withers, clearspeed)

Lvl 54: Recommended: Medium clusters Pure agony

Lvl 58: Recommended: The Ghastly Theatre shield, great starter shield, physical aegis dr, bleeding immunity, with 1 alch t12-ready

Lvl 62: Cold Iron point dagger is also optimal as cheap starting weapon.

Lvl 62: Recommended Aegis Aurora t16-ready
(or before Apep's slumber)

Lvl 68: Recommended: Graven's secret belt with power charge on critical strike

Lvl 69: United in dreams

Not fix lvl: Skin of the Lords/ Loyals, Split personality for more es, Darkness Enthroned belt

Use a simple Skin of the Loyals as long you are missing the corrupted gems or use better use the most cheap Skin of the Lords with cheap neutral keystones.

Starting-Gear: Budget & Leaguestart


At page 474 this build you find the complete gear, variation and ranked tradelinks of levelling- and starter-gear.


Lower budget starting-gear for Levels 70-97 for example is:

Gear becomes cheaper after some days after league-start.

□ Simply a rare body-armour with high es or the armours Lioneye's Vision, Dendrobate, Cospri's Will, Loreweave, Brass Dome, Inascendant Heart, Dialla's Malefaction are good starters.

□ Use rare gloves with poison support or faster casting for free sockets. Or use Kalisa's grace / Vixen's Entrapement for ES and curses.

□ Use /beastcraft a unique flask "Rumi's Concoction" for blockings.
Use the cheap Rainbowstride boots for capped spellblock.

□ The ring Circle of Nostalgia is with less mana reservation and more poisonchance of increased HoA-buff-effect, without added HoA damage, cheap and for starting fine.

□ Cheap anoints for a levelling amulet are "sanctuary" for blockings and resis.

Budget & Leaguestart:


Shields or armours are expensive gear in the first days of leaguestart for this build.

As long as you are missing manareservation efficiencies take 3 passives for the way to "presage" and skill efficiencies on a rare amulet.
Or don't activate tempestshield.

==》 A lot other workarounds for mana are guided in the spoiler "manamanager".

So the Agonyca Arachnophilia Allstars are a bit slow, but a well balanced leaguestart-build in high defences of the auras and in offensives with one of the strongest minion skills working also in starter gear impactfull.


Path on ...


Before you get your first few chaosorbs, the medium clusters with pure agony and circles of nostalgias for using more auras, and core-uniques of a CI like aegis aurora, there will be some levels in which it's not easy to balance your defences, recovery and substain and damage. Be prepared, don't worry and level on. Don't forget recovery and defensive stats like guided above and update your flasks.

Don't take the trees to strict and balance individualized your life-, block- and minionoffense-masteries, your auras, skills and your gear as guided with the many valuable variations.

Buff also your damage when wanted with the minion mastery unholy might and the next medium cluster "pure agony" or the +1 chaos-mastery. Or get a cheap lvl 21 default HoA skillgem for the fast boost, more minion chance to poison on ghastly jewels, or a large minion-damage-cluster.

The perfect mix always depends on your gear, your already obtained HoA-lvls and -support-gems, your experiences and playstyle and the content you're stinging.

Level also skillgems on your weaponswap-slots with key "x". You need later corrupted gems and the empower in endgame for "Skin of the Lords"

Spiders, Speed and Withers


The build starts getting fast and charming when you get the dagger arakaali's fang. The weapon with a writhing jar-flask should be one of your first upgrades. Take a look into the spoiler "Important Mechanics": "Wormphilia" to let the spiders dance.

Arakaali's Fang requires level 53. The other core item of the build, the central Aegis Aurora, needs level 62.

As long as you are missing the dagger "Arakaali's fang":

- +3 Cold iron point dagger or a crafted +1/ +2 gemlvl triggerwand are strong starters before arakaali's fang or United in dreams or for early tanky fullblocks the Replica Advanving Fortress.

Simply use in leaguestart:

Herald of Agony | Summon-Phantasms-Support | Awakened Minion Damage | Empower | Awakened void manipulation | last: vile toxins / predator / damage full life / awakened fork | without arakaali's fang's: withering touch

You can debuff best withers on bosses with:

■ withering step - increased duration
■ Arakaali's fang with withering touch - multistrike
■ jewel glorious vanity + transformed notable ritual of shadows
■ spelltotems - multiple totems - wither
■ cluster eternal suffering
■ in maps: vaal skeletons - withering touch - feeding frenzy

Full withers can almost double your damage.

CI Transformation

When you start dying sometimes of chaosdamage and poison, around lvl 70-80, it's your time for the last keynote Chaos Inoculation. Transform into Chaos Immunity/ CI of this build.

You can use all CI-core items with pure energy-shield of the build with level 62-70 and should count 55-70% spellblockchance.

No later than now use the auras determination and (vaal) discipline. Change out your lifeflasks, hybridflasks and lifegear and -passives, with Granite and Basaltflask use molten shell now.

For more active es-recovery use leech-mastery ethereal feast with lvl 20 ball-lightning of static, lvl 20 tempestshield, lvl 20 storm burst and/or the es-leech support or a vessel of vinktar flask with the keystone ghost reaver or a sorrow of the divine-flask until you get an graven's secret, aegis aurora and a watcher's eyes with es on hit.

Take in the golden rule juwel for singletarget virulences and damage. Add Cast when stunned - frost shield as second guard skill for needed tankyness while lazy facetanking.
Welcome into your new life in immunity to chaos!

Pure damage

For more damage head always early to the next medium clusters with "pure agony", the minion-mastery "ravenous horde" featuring unholy might in maps, the next minion chance to poison on ghastly jewels and when more is needed to the +1 chaos-mastery "corruption".

Last edited by Chromino on Jun 26, 2024, 12:01:17 PM
Balancing & Managing - Important Mechanics:
Attributes | Ailments | Resis | Suppression | Mana | Spell Block | Sockets | Crafts




Dexterity 159 (Herald of Agony Lvl 21)


Here are the twists ranked for getting required dex and str:

■ amulet, rings, belt-jewel or other rare gear
■ catalysts for attributes (amulet)
■ of course blessed orbs for attr-implicits (amulet, rings, etc.)
■ on cluster-transferpoints
■ +30 on your path through the tree
■ or, of course as always once again, on mageblood

Until you get them all there you get them before also on:

■ veteran defender on large /or unique medium clusters
■ jewel "split personality" dex / str / es
■ pathing with 1 passive more through the southern templar-area for +60 str and +10 dex
■ in the attribute-mastery "utmost intellect"

Strength 155 / 111

Determination / Molten Shell Lvl 20. When you have determination granted on shield you can reduce to Strength 111. Molten shell has still full 75% damagereduction and full 10000 shell with lower str



You need


+225 3x75% max-resis
+180 kitava's debuffs

405 resis

Prioritize resistances on:

□ aegis aurora (+30)
□ belt (+55)
□ boots (+45-90)
□ 1-2 circle of ambitions (+50-120)
□ 1-2x sublime form clusters (+30-60)
□ every clusterjewel's transferpoints ( (3-5)x2, so 6-10x transferpassives +20 on small, (5-8)x +10 on medium, (1-3)× +5 on large clusters, total: +150-270 resis possible)
□ a large clusters with veteran defender (+45) /or master the fundamentals (+30)
□ 1-3 ghastly-jewels (+20-80)
□ jewel 'balance of terror' (+45)
□ belt-implicit (+48)

□ often some league-mechanics

Use the harvestcraft-bench to change overcapped lightning-resis into cold- or fire- resis on clusters and boots.

or also:

□ ring-implicits (+10-40)
□ itchors/ implicit of searing exarch boots (+15)
□ banditreward Alira (+45)
□ on tattoos
□ amulet Uul-Netol's + catalysts (+70-100)
□ flask-suffix of the rainbow (+180)
□ 3 elemental flasks ruby, sapphire, topaz with 100% uptime (+220)
□ bismuth-flask (+200)
□ other rare gear
□ "survivalist", 2 passives evasion mastery (+36)
□ "faith and steel" on tree (+24)

15-35% overcapped resistances on top are tanky against resi-reduction-effects, altar-mods, scorch and elemental curses.

Fire and other ailments


100% all elemental ailments immunities are reached on eldritch-boots and in the slots and passives with .....

● 100% elemental ailments avoidances
25% benchcrafts boots or 35% prefix avoidances boots + crafting with itchors eater of world 23% and further with orbs of conflict to 29% and with orbs of dominance to 32% eldritch implicit on rare boots + 20% shield-mastery + 20% small cluster elegant form

(Alternatives: 50% with the jewel ancestral vision + 10% help bandit Kraityn, 20% amulet anoint or 30% jewel impossible escape feat. elemental equilirium for Crystal skin + 10% cluster elegant form + stats on rings/ jewels)

● or 100% shock-avoidances:
+ Stormshroud-jewel + 34%-38% Searing Exarch Implicit Boots + 20%-60% stats boots, belt, etc. + abyss jewel 50% socketed into Darkness Enthroned=75% + 20% shield-mastery

/or mageblood+ shock-avoidances on a flask-suffix (105%), 30% cluster "insulated"

... or not recommended:


● 100% reduced durations of ailments:
firesong jewel + 60% minor pantheon abberath + 39% arcane sanctuary + 1-2x 25-50% flexible sentry (clusterskill, stackable) + 20-80% on ring-implicit, jewels + 50% implicit reduced duration of ailments on redeemer influenced boots/ or 30% prismatic fossil crafted + poe rounds up 95% to 100%
Do not use lethe shade.

(Alternatives: 30% fire attunement cluster + 60% benchcraft on rare unset ring + 20%-30% transformed small devotion passives of the unique jewel militant faith + 50% Anointed flesh +60% bubonic trail boots)

● or the aura "purity of elements"
...best granted with an aul`s uprising amulet

Before .....

Elemental ailments

We can benchcraft high ailment-reductions against ignites, freezes and shocks on the boots, get them on the ghastly-jewels, tattoos and rings or use related clusters and we have other free slots for ailment-reductions. We recoup 60% elemental damage of the ailment-triggering hits beside with our belt. We can use the suppression-mastery to avoid ailments from suppressed spell-damage.

We have also rare flask-suffixes free to choose. Craft instant counter-suffixes against ailments with instilling orbs on your flasks to optimize reactiontimes.


Our armour and block don't work on heavy, critical Ignites. Ignites will kill you in 500+ levels of deep delve, T16 legions and at juiced exarch-altars. We have a bad stacking of Ignites also in the first second of staging up our frostshield and our es don't start recharging on burning ground.
So we choose urgent the burning-gound-immunities and reduced ignites in the Pantheon Minor Soul of Abberath.

Ignite immunities on jewels or rings are optimal beside or on a flask or a cluster "fire attunement".


Get in important permament anti-chain freeze against shaper, ueber-elder, the hidden, etc. for these fights benchcrafted on boots or change your pantheon to "Soul of the Brine King".

We can activate the es-mastery to not be frozen when es started recharging recently. Or use a cluster "hibernator" or anti-freeze sapphire-flask.


We are 100% immune when we use tempest shield.

scorch, sap, brittle, ee, exposures

With 30% overcapped elemental resistances we are prepared against scorch, ee and exposures.
Sap and brittle do not affect us.

Physical ailments


We need mandatory bleed-immunity on one flask and divine shield regenerates much.

Alternative get bleeding-avoidances on abyss-jewels or boots when wanted.

Corrupted Blood

I advice urgent to take for more lazy playing and against Sirus, Kosis and a lot other bosses a permament corrupted-blood-cannot-be-inflicted-corruption also on a abyss-jewel.


90% less impales are triggered with grace / evasion.

Stun- and blockrecovery

We get 50% less stuns from CI and energyshield. Eber's Unification carry in 50% stun and block recovery and 50% block recovery is pathed in arcane guarding. We avoid interruptions when we use awakened cwc lvl 5. We are immune with bastion of hope.

Other ailments


Some 20-30% overcapped resistances compensates comfortable elemental weakness and other elemental curses.
Divine Shield compensates almost all in vulnerability-curse-maps.

We have so many layers of defences that there are not much threatening curses remaining.


when we poisoned our enemy 100% immune with the poison-mastery.


We are 100% immune CI.


We have time of need, vaal discipline and some es-regeneration and an anti-bleeding flask. In many situations a watcher's eye with the es on fast hits (discipline-mod) enables to ignore dot- and degen-damage. We gear the belt-variation graven's secret for 60-70% elemental hits recouped as es. We activate the arakaali's major pantheon.

Wicked ward started es-recharge often beside and we can swap it to lethe shade against Uber-dot. We have best protections of the divine shield beside and a bit es-leech. We can choose to use in boss fights the skill temporal rift for recovery from dot. Or add bottled faith or enduring cry in combination with zealoth`s oath on the top of the 5 layers of defense.

That is enough and I never got problems again after getting all defensive layers. I don't play hardcore, but when you get all these ailments controlled you will be hardcore-ready.

100% Spell Suppression


The Allstars go for full 100% spell suppression with:

● "inveterate" (39%)
● "instinct" (22%)
● keystone Magebane (15-20%)
● benchcraft and/ or stats on rare boots (9-24%)
● the watcher's eye suppression-grace mod (15%)

Fast possybillities are further:

● 1-3x "elegant form" or "untouchable" on unique medium or on small clusters (10% - 36%)
● stack some dex for increasing effect of magebane, eg with a 'split personality' es+dex or on rare gear
● anoint the amulet with a suppression-notable like 'resourcefulness' (8%) or 'courage' (15%)
● stats on rare eldritch gloves (16-34%)
● quartzflask (10-21%, best with mageblood)
● suppression-mastery +8% while phasing

75% Spellblock


As soon as we gear aegis aurora, stacking 70% - 75% spellblock against bosses are recommended with:

□ 25% bastion of hope ascendancy
□ 16% passives arcane guarding
□ 8% passives mystic bulwark
□ 6% flask rumi`s concoction
□ 10%-30% 1 - 3 large clusters conjured wall + mage hunter

□ 5% shield corruption implicit

□ often some league-mechanics


□ 20% rainbow stride boots
□ notables on unique medium megamaniac-clusters
□ 8% watcher`s eye
□ 2% abyss jewel
□ 18% tempestshield
□ 3%-18% notables of 1-3 unique medium megamania clusters
□ 15% Stone of Lazhwar amulet

Attack Block is combined with evasion and not that much important.



This spoiler will manage your mana reservation for you, for your auras and for your herald.

Follow the PoB first for updates.

■ The "Manamanager" shows the default management (see all steps 1) to 12) in this spoiler).

■ The "Manamaster" guides additional and variable paths.



You need 1) 1-2x 40% base increased Mana Reservation efficiency on 1x ring "circle of nostalgia" (crafted with divine orbs).

2)Max the ring with 20 mana- fertile catalysts for more increased efficiency to 48%.

3) You need the helmet-corruption "socketed skill gems get a 90% manamultiplier".

4) You need 1x 50 % skill efficiency for grace with 1 small cluster with "sublime form" or "uncompromising" for determination.

5)Take also 2 x 6% efficiency added on the cluster-transfer point! Best with additional resistances.

6) Take the points on the passive tree "Sovereignity" 8% + 8% + 12% increased Mana Reservation efficiency.

8)You activate the "Mana Mastery" "Mystic Bulwark" with 12% Reservation efficiency

On the passive tree you can use 7) "Influence" with 8% increased Mana Reservation efficiency.

9) You have to limit storm burst / brand, ball-lightning, desecrate, skill-gems to Lvl 1, quality is best 20%.

10) Best is to anoint your amulet "charisma"-tic with golden, golden, opalescent blight-oils.

11) You need only 80-100 unreserved mana points total for your skills remaining.

- best is maximal high reserved mana (circa 1500)
- best is minimal unreserved mana (80-110)



More skill-efficiencies and manareductions for different gear, auras, socket-colours, single-target-gem-swaps and skills

Finetuning mana is sometimes like a minigame for the Arachnophilias.
When you want to have more reduced-skill-reservations, perhaps because you need more mana for

Returning projectiles or awakened fork in maps and blights,
for an alternative jewel like amanamu's gaze in place of a small cluster,
for the melding of the flesh & purity of ice,
for different socket-colours of skin of the lords,
for the anathema ring,
as long as you miss some steps of skill-efficiencies above,
or something else,

here opens the paths:

1) Start with HoA support gems with less manamultipliers like pierce, phantasms, or awakened unbound ailments, take a look into the "the dirty scorpion tail" in "skills and trigger" above.

Also faster attacks or added fire support are easy and fast ways to use less and to get more mana.

While levelling perhaps use for the scorpion supports with almost 0% manamultipler like knockback, stun, point blank etc.

2) Add multiple more small clusters:

■ "sublime form" - grace, with nice +30 resis also
■ "uncompromising" - determination
■ "self-control" - discipline

50% efficiencies for bigger auras and 80% for smaller auras are almost equal.
First use different ones, doubled they suffer from dimishing returns.
Sometimes you get b.i.s. unique medium megamania clusters with them.

3) Take 3 passives with 2x 6% increased reservation efficiency transfer points on the small clusters b.i.s. with "35% / 25% increased effect of small passives".

4) Take points for the way to "Sovereignity", "Influence" or "Presage" in the passivetree

5) Get 2-3 large spellblockclusters (20-30%), watcher's eye with spellblock (8%), unique-mega-medium or small clusters with spellblockskills (4-12%), flask Rumi's Concoction (6%) or also path 'mystic bulwark'(8%).
Or gear provisionally Rainbowstride boots (20%) + fireborn jewel or the amulet Stone of Lazwhar (15%) or get a spellblock shield-implicit (6%) or in the league-mechanics.

Then push out the aura tempestshield.

6) When all your defensive layers are builded up, stack some max attackblock on clusters, jewels and gear-implicits, of course with rumi's concoction and in the shield-mastery. Perhaps use also the amulet-anoint, replica advancing fortress and a watcher's eye determination mod for capped attack block.
Stack more power charges for the graven's secret belt.
As meat shields add phantasms or absolution triggered by cwc or as one of your skills.
Block perhaps also with cwdt autotriggered frostwalls.
Use both a jadeflask with an increased evasion flask-suffix and a sin's rebirth stibniteflask and minions chance to blind on hit with a ghastly jewel.
When needed compensate also with arctic armour and defiance banner some lost tankyness.

Then push out grace and ghost dance.

7) Use Glancing Blows on Skin of the Lords or with a Thread of Hope large radius, adjust like above with flasks, clusters, power charges, meatshields, frost walls, arctic armour etc.

Then push out tempestshield and (-/or) grace and ghost dance.

8) Or link "divine blessing support" and "inspiration" for reduced manacosts to a temporary grace.

9) Get a b.i.s. reduced 80% cost- & reservation-multiplier-corruption on the helmet

10) You should use 2x circles of ambition or path to presage on the tree

8) Use the jewel "Unnatural Instinct" or "Intuitive Leap" in the witch-slot

9) Try to fit in more 2% increased efficiencies-corruptions or 3% stats on jewels and belt-jewel.

10) Fit in an Enlighten-support-gem linked to the auras

11) Gear some of the possible skill-efficiencies:

■ darkness enthrouned belt and an additional second small efficiencies-cluster i.e. sublime form
■ skyforth boots
■ bubonic trail boots and slot in an amanamu's gaze abyss-jewel
■ the unique blight-boots "the "stampede"/the gloves "breathstealer" and anoint them with i.e. "Champion of the Cause" or "Presage"
■ replica dragonfang's flight amulet
■ aul's uprising amulet
■ rare amulet with "increased efficiencies"
■ rare helmet with skill efficiencies crafted as eater-of-worlds-implicit
■ alpha's howl helmet
■ while levelling replica alpha howl or the crest of desire helmet

12) Take "righteous decree" to lower mana costs

13) Use cws frostwall instead frostshield.

14) When only a few manapoints are missing to nonstop use stormburst go without added channelled skills

15) "Damage recouped as mana" gear/jewel-stat or mana-mastery, "deep thoughts", "insightfulness", or a cluster with "mindfulness" helps a lot with manareductions and -regenerations.

16) Often some league-mechanics enable to build in much more mana- and skill-efficiencies on top.

There are a lot of different ways. All auras combined are worth the investments...



Here in this skillslot-minigame all fast changeable possibilities are listed and ranked to manage your skills and sockets for determination or other skills when you need a free skillslot. Take one or two for your prefered setup and depending on your gear, prefered skills and clusters from these ways:

1) reach 80%-100% chance to poison with passives and tattoos etc. and switch out the "chance-to poison"-gem.

2) get determination or grace as implicit corruption on shield aegis aurora or accessoires granted, push out determination or grace-gem.

3) Get on your gloves the implicit "curse enemies with temporal chains / despair on hit".

4) Get 2 curses despair / temporal chains / enfeeble on hit on your gloves as implicit granted.
I.e. on the vixens entrapement-gloves to regret whispers of doom.

5) Or use a witchfire brew flask's despair aura and change out a curse.

6) Selfcast storm burst - ball lightnings of static / void sphere / storm brand, push out cast while channeling.

7) Selfcast more skills, push out cast when stunned, automation, cwdt, etc.

8) Gear a +2 triggerwand as weapon and push out a triggergem.

9) Visit the "manamaster" in "mana-management" above to push out tempestshield or grace.

10) Use United in Dreams instead Arakaali's for 3 free sockets and 1 free flask.

11) Path to presage on the tree and feed a hungry loop-ring with:

faster casting - increased duration - power charges on crit / chance to poison / culling strike / es-leech for storm burst

unleash - increased duration - faster casting - chance to poison for firestorm of pelting

faster casting - spell echo - gmp - slower projectiles / chance to poison for ball-lightnings

for 4 free skillslots.

12) Against bosses convocation is not needed.

13) At last ometimes league-mechanics and new uniques make it possible to squeeze in a triggered skill.

Crafting Gear, Gems, Clusters


4 W Sockets Triad Grips


100% Chaosconversion: 4 white sockets

4w-Triad Grips are still accessible through double Corruptions in the Temple of Atzoatl, Vaal Vessels in the Vaal Temple Map and via a combination of Omens of Blanching and Vaal Orbs.

Crafting b-i-s HoA gem level 21 or empower lvl 4 etc. ...


When you use a vaal orb on a "Herald of Agony" skillgem you have a 12.5% chance to get the increased damage of gem level 21.

Gem-quality raises this chance. Improve the gemquality to 20% with gemcutter-orbs before you vaal and corrupt them. This enhances the chance.

With 6-7x corrupting a 20% quality HoA you should win the b-i-s gem 40% chance to poison and max damage of level 21.

Repeat the same for empower lvl 4 etc.

You can use facetor's lenses to instant level up the gems.

Medium clusters


Medium clusters for minions can be very easily crafted by spamming bound fossils on them. It's actually crazy how easy they are to craft.

Crafting Eldritch Boots


Start with sorcerer boots with a fractured high tier resist.


Crafting the eldritch-implicits

1) Spam Grand or Greater Ichors (eater of worlds) until you get 24-26% avoid elemental ailments.
2) Use a lesser / grand / greater ember (exarch) on it.
3) Use an orb of conflict or orb of domination. If you upgrade the avoid elemental ailments, proceed to step 5. If not revert to step 1
4) If you have to have 30-32% avoid elemental ailments as implicit, use orb of domination at 28-29% to reach final 32%.
6) Once your avoid is at the proper tier, use t4 embers until you get an implicit you can live with, probably action-, movementspeed or when needed resis.

Zizaran made a great eldritch-currency-crafting-video-guide:


Grimro is always great clipping too:



Crafting +2 rare Helmet


Start with a fractured +2 to level of all minion skill gems helmet on es-base.


Spam Loathing Essences for mana reservation until you get 2 other good suffixes that you need. Any t1-t2 resistance, Dex, etc. For this step also use Eldritch Exalts and Annuls to get more tries on the Suffixes.

Once suffixes are done, use Eldritch crafting to get an es prefix. Use Exalts and Eldritch Annuls. Once you have t1-t2 es just benchcraft the last mod.

Finalize your Eldritch implicits.

For HoA-enchants lab-services are recommended.

==》 More crafting guides are located on page 50 in the third posting.


Level 100

Level 100

The Agonyca Arachnophobia Allstars are ready, skilled and geared to experience grinding and farming the way to lvl 100 in all content.

You do not want to die in the levels 98 to 100 and to be honest - yes, the truth is that all mapmods, each altar and every boss are designed to detect your last vulnerability and to kill you when you miss solely only one small defensive layer.

So you can further balance into defences and blocks not only with the passivepoints on your tree and your clusters, also with skills you can turn direction into more tankyness.

Tear up the wall

Blocking with whole walls is a level-up in safety and protection.

In a warding basis you can combine your skills with freaky frostwalls - linked to cwc, cwdt etc. they are autotriggered and simply the best against all types of ranged attacking enemies.

I use them also sometimes for the encounters in delve and for heists. In these special situations frostwalls are BiS.

Frost walls length is fine on lvl 1 or lower, quality 0. Dont build them too long and strong with higher levels when you want sometimes to walk around without phasing.

Purifying tank

Take Purifying flame (or Frostshield) binded to cwc, cws or cwdt for 5% es-regeneration and 50% curse-immunities.

Tanky knockbacks and cc's

Push back the blind mob out of your frostshield.
Add in a tattoo or in your cwc-set Glascial Cascade. Nice stackings with temporal chains and hinderings on another tattoo.

Tanky Keystones, tanky clusters

The Allstars stack so much damage that it is easy to switch some points, clusters etc. to 100% ailments-immunities, to maxing 87%-89% resis with "the melding of the flesh", to more recovery with more keystones, to Es and blockskills.

When you already obtained 100% ailment-avoidances, grab with 4 passives lethe shade against dot and degen.

Wicked Ward is great too for more uptime of regenerations with the ar/es-mastery.

Tanky cursing

Or you can turn in tanky enfeeble.

Innocent spirits / Meatshields

I myself personally would never, never, never advice to misuse the 11 cute souls of the summon-phantasms-supports as cannon fodder - but it's a tormenting fact that they would block and gulp thousands of hits in your place to guard your way safe to 100 when you heartless sacrifice them. Please not place them in your spiders- or HoAg-supports. ;-)

As downside they use capacities of your frostshield and chain projectiles.

Cws/ Cwdt triggered Absolution, Anomalous vaal skeletons, a chaos golem buffing feeding frenzy or even wither totems also meatshield great.

When you are not a very experienced player, combat the hardest encounters like maven fights or ueber-atziri on your level-ups.
They remain dangerous. One too slow reactiontime or one, last after-fight not known explosion of the ueber-elder outside Zana's shield are not welcomed in these final levels.

All other content you can do deathless and in fast playstyle every time. You don't depend on 5-ways, breachstones or other carrying-services like other builds.

Boss Hunting - The Ubers

The Ubers are designed as final endgame-goals - not to facetank, not to block, not to evade, and instead instant allover penetrating + degenerating your resistances with oneshot-aoe's and deathly fast instant dot's.

That means also that you can beat or counter ubers a bit better with 500M cast-on-death or other glascannon-skills. But the Allstars do the job the same with some ups and downs.

While in ordinary content of PoE the Allstars build up unique high tankyness and multiple layers of all global defences, armour, evasion, block, and can facetank almost all pinnacle-bosses, against Ubers the balancing into damage and movement is mandatory. You need every slot optimized, some of the best implicits and know-how of all of the ubers' attacks. With The Allstars you need against some of the Ubers (Exarch etc.) strong gear to scale the HoA-damage even more up in the dps-race against increasing aoe-s filling the uber-arenas (Maven, Sirus).

In my experiences probably most easy is against Uber-Exarch, Uber-Shaper, Uber-Cortex, Uber-Sirus and UU-Elder to reach farming-quality-status.

Mandatory defences

■ you should have reached 100% permament freeze-ailment-immunities against the cold-dealers shaper, elder, ueber elder, maven, aul, sirus / Shock immunities against world-eater, sirus, cortex, maven / Ignite immunities against sirus, exarch, atziri, maven.
■ you need corrupted blood immunities on a jewel/ the belt-jewel and in the Pantheon burning-gound-immunities against Sirus
■ You need es on hit with the watcher's eye

More Defences

■ against the physical damage dealers Uber-Shaper (Slams) and fast spellhit-beams of Uber-Sirus Iron Reflexes as integrated keystone in Skin of the Lords is b.i.s. maxing pdr and doubling es on block.
It is also strong against the spellhits of Maven and Exarch.

Only against Eater keep in evasion/ ghost dance and change your minor Pantheon to Soul of Grutkhul/ or Garukhan.

Flasks and special resis


■ A Rubin Flask against Exarch and Ueber Atziri
■ A Sapphire Flask against Shaper, Uber Uber Elder, Aul
■ A Topaz-/ Vessel of Vinktar-flask against Eater of Worlds, Maven


The Ubers don't attack with classical hits and use mostly degen, penetrations, dot and aoe.

■ So you can balance out the aura "grace" and it's manamanagement like "sublime form" and switch in "enlighten" instead.


■ Selfcasted Molten Shells, Vaal Molten Shells and Frostshields makes you tanky in phases like Shaper's bullet hell, Exarch's Thousand Suns, Sirus Meteors, and also The Maven's Memory Game.

■ Change out the pierce/ awakened fork-gem of your herald-of-agony. Vile toxins is the prefered support or awakened unbound ailments or predator.

■ Change out convocation too.

■ Selfcasted or triggered storm brands, firestorms - or void spheres deal damage also nonstop while you are moving in the arenas (equal to around 10-20M dot- beside the 20-40M peak-dps).


■ Use more large Voices-clusters and more "pure agony"-medium-clusters or path for jewel slots with ghastly-jewels minion's chance to poison.

■ 20-30M damage should have been reached.

■ Much more expensive but also easy that's with the b.i.s. mageblood-belt.

■ A chaos golem of maelstrom buffing feeding frenzy help a bit too for more continuous damage.


■ Don't try to facetank their biggest mainattacks, degen-effects and aoe-s.
All their minor attacks you can tank.
■ You need practise in their attacking-mods. Almost all have accustic signals.
■ Kite: "Hunger" of Uber-Eater, "Take this" of Uber-Maven
■ Channel firestorms and cast storm brands or void spheres for virulences while moving.
■ PoE-bosses react very, very slow when they need to turn around.
Move and circle every 2-3 seconds to the backside of the Uber.
■ For movement use flamedash

T 17 and Simulacrums Wave 30

Use in the last waves 27-30 a rubin-, or sapphire-, or topaz-flask against the main-elemental-damage to complete also 2 simultan bosses easy.

Monik390 optimized a channeling setup with swapping gems cycloning in the waves and stormburst for the bosses, offered on page 334:


The b.i.s.-upgrades

When you still not ran out of currency, you should upgrade:

■ the mageblood for 89% max-resis with melding of the flesh
■ a 80% mana-multiplier helmet for easy mana-management and to switch out a small cluster
■ 2 curses on hit as gloves-implicit for a lot qol and a free trigger and a free socket
■ the amulet ashes of the stars with the implicit "you can apply an additional curse" for one more curse, 5 free passives instead whispers of doom or to switch out vixens entrapement-gloves
■ voices clusters for more damage with more pure agony and for more jewel-sockets
■ other cheap stuff ;-) like a third mod on your watcher's eye, b.i.s. and double rings- and shield-implicits, a +6 to HoA-levels skin of the loyals, a soul ripper-flask for mapping, a better rolled the adorned-jewel and set-up, some more jewels- and clusters-corruptions, b.i.s. rolled unique megalomaniacs, etc. ...

More ...

Recommended only in content when high armour is not effective:

■ get the armour stasis prison, with boots including the mod "unaffected by poison" (or Kahuturoa's Certainty), and transform into hybrid life + es without CI. Change unnatural calm to written and blood and exchange discipline to petrified blood.

You loose 20% damage, your chaos-immunities and much armour, but will get in exchange with infused flesh on the tree 130% recouped damage as life, the recovery of the life-flask, temporal rift as additional panic-button, and easy 100% reduced debuff-durations together with the arakaali pantheon for some to fitting poe-content without much physical damage.

Magic Find

Because much damage can be outsourced into clusters, abyss jewels and the minion-mastery unholy might after kill etc. the golden crawler retains easy 20M dps and much more in magic find gear.

Path 3 passives to presage and for influence/ sovereignity on the tree to change out the rings to magic find gear.

I recommend to regear into mf in the order:

flasks > boots > helmet > belt > ring > gloves > weapon > amulet

Specialisation (... and Individualisation)

In fulljuiced maps 10M damage were always enough for me and I did not need more. When you get the fourth medium cluster with 'pure agony' you will rush through the maps topspeed. But there are faster builds of course out there than minions.

This build safe you in endgame with unique optimized defences first.
In such decisions Poe is almost always about finding the fitting balances of offensive and defensive for your goals and content. ... Do you want to farm fast, do you want to boss-hunt, do you want solo-self-levelling to lvl 100, which content like the ubers, delve, blight etc. do you prefer or do you need an Allrounder build for the mix without too much gear-swaps... ?

My own favourite is the dramatic playstyle of the scorpion, the stacking of high defences for the maximal damage-uptime, and the combinations of the skill with the fast spiders (...or phantasms or meat shield - zombies or skeleton mages I liked very much). I want a swarm of minions. I love to optimize a build and trade for best gear in slot, I like to level high 100, to optimize the build more with the final passives and implicits, I hate the grinding. And the visuals of spells, skills and mapdesigns are important for me to love playing a game. I love to try out and optimize all kind of skills, gear and supports. And I enjoy to write+optimize this build too, to find a unique build like here full optimizing auras, defences and keystones.

On the opposite I don't like speedfarming & grinding too much, I dislike too much dungeon-maps, Alva and temples are boring for me, but good exp., crafting is not so interesting for me, hardcore I am afraid of, I prefer facetanking instead movement and kiting, .... lol, hehe, exactly all this is offered by this build. Firing the balls out, stacking virulences and damage was for me the most wonderful and enjoying playstyle in whole poe until now.

So on a lot of points this build is managable to specialize on special situations with masteries, large, small and unique clusters, auras, pantheon, flasks, gloves, ring, belt, boots, amulet, triggered & channeled skills, league-mechanics, etc.
This build plays both melee and ranged. And all our minions are immortal. Optimal for full challenges in all content.

100% ailments-immunities, melding of the flesh with 89% max resistances, or the meta-mageblood-belt offer new level-ups in defences in this build. Yes, you can facetank maven's memory game fullgeared with this build.

If you want another different playstyle, you can change your belt to the curious, funny and high damage offering and also defences buffing headhunter and try some new experiences in next level lags.

In the end the top damage is scaled high especially with the medium clusters. Voices clusters can lift you to 50M and more damage with 80 virulences. Or bear the 7th link of amulet Uul Netov's Vow and The Squire to stitch Wraeclast into the ground in full 89M.

Checklist defences


Checklist defences:

1. Check your elemental resistances. They have to be capped and have to be all 75++%.

2. Check your flasks.

- Do you have antibleeding on one flask-suffix?
- anti-ignite and anti-curse before you got removals in the ascendancy and immunities on gear and jewels or with purifying flame?
- Is the quality of all your flasks 25-30%? With flasks reduced charges used, charges gained when hit or longer duration?

3. Check your pantheon.

- Do you have in the minor Pantheon and immunity to burning ground?
As CI it's most important to recharge your es. Max the Pantheons with divine vessels in the maps.

4. Check your blockings.

- Do you have max 60-75% spellblock? When not you need blockings on Rumi's concotion?
It's your priority for recovery against the spellhits of the big bosses!
Against final bosses it's best not depending on Rumi's Flask and use a rare granite flasks.
- Do you have 40% attackblock and high 60% evasion of grace? Or without grace 60% attackblock?

5. Other basics & playstyle

- Do you use and spam Molten Shell and Vaal Discipline? Use them often!
- Use often void sphere and convocation!
- Do you have 4 ascendancies in the labyrinths done?
- Do you have activated all the auras "Determination" for high ar and es on block-recovery and "Grace" and "Discipline"?
- Did you reached 100% spell suppression? Stack "elegant form" (or "untouchable" or "aerialist") on small and unique medium clusters to fix simultan your ailment avoidances until you obtained it on the watcher's eye, on tattoos, sol, etc.

6. Do you have obtained all the important jewels in the passive tree?

- Do you have "corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you" on one implicit on one jewel or 100% uptime flask? A lot bosses can kill you very fast without.

- Use "the golden rule" not before transformed to CI (or before CI not without "maw of the conquest")

7. Check your tanky skills

While your defensive skill gems like determination, molten shell, frost shield, (vaal) discipline, grace, cast when stunned are levelling up, you will get a lot more defense with raising levels of course. When you have too much too weak lvl 1 gems socketed on your gear it is dangerous and you have to level them a bit before returning in high content.

- Use void sphere for tanky interruptions and much damage-uptime
- Or cast when damage taken lvl1 - frost wall lvl1
- Or curse with enfeeble instead temporal chains
- temporal rift can be one more panicbutton for recovery

- Do you have enough mana, 80-110, so that all tanky skills are triggered?

8. Do you often die of dot/ degen?

Stack more Recovery:


Aegis aurora: es on spell block and attackblock, b.i.s. in maps and high density and with iron reflexes on skin of the lords doubled against fast spell-hits of Sirus, Exarch or big physical slams of shaper etc. (800 es/block, with iron reflexes etc. 3000 es/block)

> watcher's eye es on hit (optimized with faster casting flask-suffix and onslaught flask, arcane surge etc., also for capping es-leech 1k-3k es es/sec)
> frost shield (2-4k es/sec)
> in maps: vaal discipline es-recharge (2.5k es/sec)
> only in maps: soul ripper-flask for spamming vaal discipline
> ghost dance (equal to 2500 es recovered when 3x hit)
> b.i.s.-upgrade armour stasis prison as life+es hybrid (100-130% damage recouped + life-flask)
> against the Ubers: lethe shade (equal to 100% more es/sec for 1 sec)
> major pantheon of arakaali (equal to 10% more)
> graven's secret and power charges on crit support (against elemental damage only)
> divine shield on skin of the lords (against physical damage only)
> guardian's time of need (equal to 1k es /sec)
> es leech flask-suffix, best optimized with sin's rebirth or vessel of vinktar flask+ghost reaver, es leech-support or ethereal feast with i.e. lvl 20 ball lightning of static (300-400 es/sec)
> in lower levels sorrow of the divine (slow stationary 60% es-reg, 250 es/sec)
> with 2 passives Zealot's Oath: bottled faith, enduring cry (- call to arms / urgent orders), cwc - purifying flame, vitality
> wicked ward
> temporal rift as third panic button
> 2% es-reg in es-mastery, 50 es on spell suppression, etc.

9. Do you often die of ailments?

Please take a look in the spoiler: "fire and other ailments" to reach 100% ailments-immunities with eldritch-boots.
Visit also "Pantheon". Use fast the shield anti-ailments-mastery.

10. Check your ehp and es

You need fullgeared around 3500 energyshield + life against oneshots. Estimated and thumbed. In my experiences. In juiced t16 maps.
With 90 % pdr you will never be oneshotted and when there are blockable hits, you will get healed fast and nonstop.

Collecting more recovery, damage-avoidances, +max-resis and building up more layers of defences is finally much better as raw es. Reach 200k-700k total ehp to feel immortality in almost all poe-content.

■■■■■ When your defences, auras and armour are builded up 5.5 k are enough.
■■■■ With crit-reductions of the poison-mastery serpentine spellslinger path for 5 k
■■■ With 100% spell suppression 4.5 k are top tanky
■■ With 100% flasks-uptime 4 - 4.5k are great
■ With 100% ailment-immunities and 70% full spellblock 3.5k - 4k guard you in immortality

■ rare gloves (300-600) or the jewel "split personality" with es/ int (200-300) grant needed energy shield before you get it on other slots.

■ Use beside an elixier of the unbroken circle (+400 es) /iron flask and / or the dark seer +2 shadow sceptre (+700 es, +30% ehp).

■ Get high es-rolls on Eber's and aegis with 28-30 % quality (hillock, beastcraft, tainted armourer's scraps). Stack more es-tattoos. When possible get some added es on cluster-transferpoints. They multiply a lot, 3x, with your SoL and passives.

■ Path passives in "influence" in the tree.

■ Or further exchange a large or also a medium cluster into defences with spellblockings, +max resis, ailments-immunities or +es like veteran defender, introspection, energy from naught, savour the moment. Often you find great unique medium megaclusters.

11. Do you have problems with a special boss?

==》 Please take a look into "boss-hunting" in "endgame".

12. Know the dangerous map-mods:

■ "no mana recovery" (reroll or use enduring mana flask)
■ "less armour and block"

Much too much multiple mods mounted up like:

■ "reduced effect of auras"
■ multiple damage / vulnerabilities / reduced maximal resistances - mods

13. Know the dangerous altars:

■ only before 90-100% ignite-immunities: searing exarch-altars
■ in lower levels: meteorits on flask-usage
■ most exarchs' and eater's altar-mods are fast and rippy stacked to many 100's % additional damage. Choose first the chaos-mods as CI, the ailments-mods when you are 100% immune, with optimized absorbation-charges of the graven's secret belt or melding of the flesh the elemental-mods, etc.
■ of course choices like -50% resis when you don't have 35% overcapped resis

14. Know the dangerous atlas-passives:

■ Séance
■ Wrath of the cosmos

15. Know also the safety-atlas-wheels:

■ + max-resis with the delve-note "Packed with Energy"
■ the tanky shrine-effects in "Supplication" and "Syncretism"
■ the additional aura of Huck geared in Heist with "The dutiful Soldier"

16. Know the dangerous invitation-mods:

■ In the mods "temporal chains" and "enemies have #% chance to avoid poison" you loose much damage because of reduced castspeed and less virulences.

17. Visit the spoiler "endgame" ==》 "Level 100" to balance some skills into defences like frostwalls, enfeeble, and more.

18. When you want to take the total tanky road, you can squeeze in "the melding of the flesh" on top for 82-87% max-resis. Visit in "jewels" the "variations".

19. You could improve with forbidden flame and flesh and Hiero's sanctuary of thoughts ...

20. ... or do you have enough currency for better the best ..... for the meta-mageblood-belt?

21. Remember

You will need in different poe-content to balance your tankyness and damage different.

Of course fast, ranged, lethal and instant autotriggered damage is almost equal to a deluxe-defensive layer, because stinging your enemies down prevents them from dealing more damage to you.

But you need only 6-15M damage in juiced red maps! So you can easy balance much capacities of the build into more defences whenever wanted.

Dps- Checks

In my experiences you can best choose your set-up around these preconditions to balance your build:

■ 6M damage are really for sure enough and best for t16-mapping and lvl 100 farming
■■ 8M are enough to kick Maven
■■■ 10M for juiced red T16 and for Ueber Elder
■■■■ 12M for the feared, valdo-maps and simulacrums wave 30
■■■■■ 15M-30M for t17 and the Ubers


The build is very complex.../ Where should I start?

Don't worry! The spoiler "TL;DR" shows everything needed for the build.

Start to copy easy the tree-tabs equal to your lvl:


All set-ups work great.
Don't worry when you miss some stats of the best-in-slot-gear.


I don't sting enough damage

Check step by step in the spoiler "the composition of agony - the cocktail of damage" all 12 needed components.

When you miss of them one or two, you often miss half the damage too.

Path early to the next medium cluster "pure agony" and next ghastly jewel, get HoA lvl 21, empower 4, awakened supports, storm burst, 85% poisonchance, 15 withers, 2 curses and 3-5 ghastly jewels with minion chance to poison on hit.


I don't have enough energy shield / I die very often

In endgame, red t16, simulacrum wave 30, or t17 you need mandatory to stack 20 layers of defences. Follow the "checklist defences" step by step for all ranked important layers of defences and recovery and more tanky tipps.

Focus on recovery and 100% spell suppression.

Use the dark seer sceptre for +700 es and +25% more ehp.

I need more dex / str / resis

Visit in "Balancing & Managing" the "Attributes Requirements" and "Resistances".

Insert early the next clusters and ghastly jewels for more useable cluster-transferpoints for more dex / str / resis.

Or get on a large cluster the "veteran defender" or a "split personality"-jewel.

Visit page 50 for the tailored tradelinks for clusters.


Do you have some tipps for levelling and gearing?/ What are the prices for this build and gear?/ What are alternatives and lower budget-variations until getting the best gear?

Please scroll up in the build to the spoiler "Tipps for starting, levelling and gearing". In the pob's are levelling trees, items and skills included in separated tabs.

Take a look on page 50 of the thread for a complete list of gear with all poetradelinks and examples for prices and cheap variants:



I don't have enough Mana / My skills don't trigger / Can I use different socket-colours on the armour for the Herald / I cannot activate all auras:

First aid: Use one more small cluster with sublime form, also for additional resis, or path with 3 more passives to sovereignity instead to influence on the tree.

Please take a look at all possibilities of mana-management in the spoilers:

1) spoiler: Balancing & Managing - Important Mechanics" ---->"Manamanager" ++ ----> "Manamaster"

2) spoiler: "Skills and Trigger" ----> "The dirty scorpion-tail" (manamultipliers of all HoA-supports)


I am searching for a special information/ alternative/ What is Path of Building / Poe- Wikipedia / Poe-Ninja:


Path of Building, community fork, is the best app/ program/ method to calculate and simulate your character with all datas, damage, gear, skill, passives, ehp and to take a look on all modifiers. PoB simulates the original datas of Poe:


You can import the build, see spoiler "path of building" and it's "configuration", or a character, your own characters, characters from poeninja-links, or from all public profiles.

On the site poewiki you get a very nice overview to each skill, tag, keyword, interacting gear and more.

Like for minions for example:

or for defences: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Receiving_damage

With poeninja you can research tradingprices, their tendencies and also all leading builds in poe-challenges, gear, skills, passive trees and more. Take the desktop-view-version, not the mobile, for more menues and selections:


FGA for starting PoE:


More sources for websites like crafting:


Informations / Updates / Changelog:


Want more paintings? ...

What is this kind of language?


Sorry for my funny and not native english. :-)

Updates / Changelog / to be edited


To be edited/ soon: ---

Former updates and changes are archived on page 474 of this thread.



...the build got longer than 50000 digits. I never believed that once in my lifetime I like to write and explain so much. First time. Lol :-) Arachnophilia! lol :-)


Last edited by Chromino on May 13, 2024, 2:53:06 AM
Any cheap variants for flask?
First a normal Sulphur flask is best against degens. With antifreeze when you dont have the clusternotable Hibernator.

Second, without Fasting on clusters most effective is a Quicksilver.

Third a Quartz Dodge flask, or when you dont use blindings, a Stibnit flask, smoke cloud on use for melee blinding.

Take a look into the spoiler "flasks and sulphur" for all adviced flasks.

Yes, the bottled faith and ripper are very expensive. You dont need them, but they fit perfect into the setup and are optimized with the 40 % increased recharge rate of auls uprising amulet and fasting as clusternotable.

Other unique flasks dont offer enough for the build. Rumi's concoction Granite flask is perfect as long you don't have maximum block and spell block.
Last edited by Chromino on Apr 1, 2021, 3:47:34 AM
First a normal Sulphur flask is best against degens. With antifreeze when you dont have the clusternotable Hibernator.

Second, without Fasting on clusters most effective is a Quicksilver.

Third a Quartz Dodge flask, or when you dont use blindings, a Stibnit flask, smoke cloud on use for melee blinding.

Yes, the bottled faith and ripper are very expensive. You dont need them, but they fit perfect into the setup and are optimized with the 40 % increased recharge rate of auls uprising amulet and fasting as clusternotable.

Other unique flasks dont offer enough for the build. Rumi's concoction Granite flask is perfect as long you don't have maximum block and spell block.

Thanks for the reply! im playin out this build in ritual with whatever currency i have on hand. it is doing great so far
Have fun and let the spiders dance!

Your character is getting great. With two circle rings you have also a lot of possibilities. But you are without determination? I think you have enough mana. Perhaps change determination in instead of frost wall or instead of increased duration for much more armour and es on block until you get it on a corrupted shield. Or change both withering step plus shock nova to determination plus frostblink. Or change anti-curse on flask to increased armour for a bit more armour.

Last edited by Chromino on Jan 24, 2021, 3:18:46 AM
Chromino wrote:
Have fun and let the spiders dance!

Your character is getting great. But you are without determination? I think you have enough mana. Perhaps change it in instead of frost wall, withering step or increased duration for much more armour and es on block until you get it on a corrupted shield. Or change anti-curse on flask to increased armour for a bit more armour.


I have tried to add in determination - seems reserved 100% mana, unless i drop 1 gem from Body armor or buy awakened (?) gem

seems i would need to farm for more currency

Thank you for your help as always

Aaaah, okay, you have to put fertile catalysts, mana quality upgrades, on your rings. Then you will get enough not reserved mana. In the spoiler gear and then spoiler circle of nostalgia and mana reservations are all reduced manareservation notes for the build. Charisma on the amulet is great too, but there you can afford with two circle-rings another anointment.

I will take a look how 2 circle-rings work. Very interesting. Perhaps with different high dex-high ES -gloves a very nice possibility too to get place for an aul's uprising later.


And I edited another possibility with frostblink above because there are not many gem-slots. Take a look into "skills- and sockets management".

The build works until lvl 98 very fine with low and medium currency and you can vary a lot of skills, support, gear and passives, but then it is getting difficult to optimize gear a bit more for lvl 99 and 100.

Last edited by Chromino on Mar 25, 2021, 2:07:37 PM
Very nice guide, I was wondering as Skin of the Lords with iron reflexes (Cheapest right now is 13 Ex) Is this doable without iron reflexes/Vaal Grace with a skin of the loyal until we can get enough $$$ to buy an iron reflexs Skin Lords?

Edit, nevermind, I can't read. I'll try the hatred set up and socket instead.
Last edited by Roulce on Jan 24, 2021, 9:45:18 AM

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