Cast on Crit is degenerative.

RagnarokChu wrote:
Idunno why people are saying if they nerfed CoC "the masses would quit" like it's "popularity" is protecting it.

If you actually looked at the game, everyone is playing chaos/chaos conversions or vaal sparks or some shit. Ranged shit like blast rain or totems(Converted to chaos again so not really).

Pretty accurate picture of what's going on.

Hell even the person who made "CoC" extremely popular (Or what people think is "popular") "Mathil" stripped his CoC discharge character and stopped playing it to play v-rift blast rain. He completely just dropped the build dead and stop supporting it/talking about it.

The original person that made CoC discharge popular in reddit gave up on the build, like come on.

Shhhh it makes it more funny.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
RagnarokChu wrote:

That does not help with the fact that every new skill has to be designed around this crap.
Sa_Re wrote:
RagnarokChu wrote:

That does not help with the fact that every new skill has to be designed around this crap.

And THAT is a very good point.

Apparently it's not. Until mathil makes a video of it.

It's not like ragna's arguments are based on fallacy's or anything.

Like people just playing new stuff cause they played the old a couple of 1000 levels already.

Nah, that would be to far fetched.

Carry on, this thread is intadesting.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
Like people just playing new stuff cause they played the old a couple of 1000 levels already.

Nah, that would be to far fetched.

This is my argument for an organic meta. Unfortunately GGG seem to take it far too personally. I guess they like pulling the strings? Who knew.
IGN: Victory_Or_Sovngarde
It's not a 13 week development cycle, it's a 13 week supporter-pack cycle.
You can play any build you want, as long as it's the current meta.
I don't know where you guys been but converting preexisting skill to chaos or v-rift aren't new playstyles.

Also where does this "every skill is designed around CoC" like it's a proven fact or some shit. Blade vortex is perfect for CoC due to it's mechanics (buffed the shit out of discharge CoC which took a massive beaten with the discharge nerf from 8 to 7% crit chance 2.0), Bladefall is used for CoC because it's a extremely strong ability, essence drain/new chaos spells cannot or suck with CoC. (I mean it wouldn't make sense to use them anyway for CoC)

Where dafaq is GGG having this whiteboard with a number of skills and going "Oh CoC might make this too strong."

If you're going to remake CoC into something at least use arguments that are applicable and not assumptions. ASSUMING we have to design every single ability around CoC sounds nice but so is clickbait titles for articles on the internet. You can't say "CoC warps the entire game and spell design" when every single spell that recently came out that is applicable for CoC helps it out without imbalancing the game and the MASSIVE library of spells that can be used for CoC area balanced or much weaker then self-cast. Unless we make discharge 2.0 that is even better than actual discharge or some better ability then blade fall that would nuke the screen with massive high damage with little investment with no links or actual gear.

Last edited by RagnarokChu on Jan 21, 2016, 8:06:31 PM
RagnarokChu wrote:
I don't know where you guys been but converting preexisting skill to chaos or v-rift aren't new playstyles.

Also where does this "every skill is designed around CoC" like it's a proven fact or some shit. Blade vortex is perfect for CoC due to it's mechanics (buffed the shit out of discharge CoC which took a massive beaten with the discharge nerf from 8 to 7% crit chance 2.0), Bladefall is used for CoC because it's a extremely strong ability, essence drain/new chaos spells cannot or suck with CoC. (I mean it wouldn't make sense to use them anyway for CoC)

Where dafaq is GGG having this whiteboard with a number of skills and going "Oh CoC might make this too strong."

If you're going to remake CoC into something at least use arguments that are applicable and not assumptions. ASSUMING we have to design every single ability around CoC sounds nice but so is clickbait titles for articles on the internet. You can't say "CoC warps the entire game and spell design" when every single spell that recently came out that is applicable for CoC helps it out without imbalancing the game and the MASSIVE library of spells that can be used for CoC area balanced or much weaker then self-cast. Unless we make discharge 2.0 that is even better than actual discharge or some better ability then blade fall that would nuke the screen with massive high damage with little investment with no links or actual gear.

They most likely take new skill mechanics into consideration with CoC in existence. Im sure there isn't a lot of time spent here though. The CoC playstyle takes quite a bit of character investment to make work but in the end it pays off. A lot like RF based characters or CI even. These things don't bloom until you're 65+ and already in maps and those kinds of builds are usually reserved to be some of the most powerful anyhow.
RagnarokChu wrote:
Idunno why people are saying if they nerfed CoC "the masses would quit" like it's "popularity" is protecting it.

If you actually looked at the game, everyone is playing chaos/chaos conversions or vaal sparks or some shit. Ranged shit like blast rain or totems(Converted to chaos again so not really).

Pretty accurate picture of what's going on.

Hell even the person who made "CoC" extremely popular (Or what people think is "popular") "Mathil" stripped his CoC discharge character and stopped playing it to play v-rift blast rain. He completely just dropped the build dead and stop supporting it/talking about it.

The original person that made CoC discharge popular in reddit gave up on the build, like come on.

Shhhh it makes it more funny.

Well i can see why

1 it causes epilepsy
2 it uses the same god damn uniques every time
3 it trivializes everything
4 its kind of boring after a while.

its like being OnePunch man. sure you are a god among mortals but you are bored to death because nothing challenges you.

the Voltaxic build is more interesting. which is saying something considering its a god damn off screen bow build.

There is also the sad point of once you go coc it has a habit of making a ton of built types and mechanics feel like shit to play which kind of poisonous to a guy who makes a living streaming various poe builds
RagnarokChu wrote:
Idunno why people are saying if they nerfed CoC "the masses would quit" like it's "popularity" is protecting it.

If you actually looked at the game, everyone is playing chaos/chaos conversions or vaal sparks or some shit. Ranged shit like blast rain or totems(Converted to chaos again so not really).

Pretty accurate picture of what's going on.

Hell even the person who made "CoC" extremely popular (Or what people think is "popular") "Mathil" stripped his CoC discharge character and stopped playing it to play v-rift blast rain. He completely just dropped the build dead and stop supporting it/talking about it.

The original person that made CoC discharge popular in reddit gave up on the build, like come on.

You right, but still CoC way powerful and needs changes or nerfs/CD. Why not lower chance to cast, super easy fix.
Make Mjolner CD or some sort of penalty, fast and easy.
New chaos gems SHOULD be nerfed, like in half or harder, whats point making such unbalanced gems? Same goes to new physical gems, it's like GGG forgot to test them before release.

Everyone knew GGG never gonna make real balance melee v ranged, so why bother: let's just remove from the game all melee skills.
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CoC is not near as degenerative as any totems. You literally need no gear or skills. Totems do all the work.
Git R Dun!
Aim_Deep wrote:
CoC is not near as degenerative as any totems. You literally need no gear or skills. Totems do all the work.

Yes, i know and i have a few CoC chars.
You right that CoC require gear up, but it's cheaper and cheaper after each league (main problem craft your vagan dagger and few other items). But when you done - your king! It gave way more it should gave, power overwhelm and unstoppable.

But theres other build that even stronger, you right there, like SWT (even not LL one) and EK, bladefall, etc. Also you can add there Mjolner that even cheaper to gear up then CoC and stronger.
But all of there broken builds should be nerfed OR melee should have SAME insane Over Powered power to be compared or even better, otherwise it's make no sense to play any melee if literally ANY build much safer and more stronger. Let's not forget how expensive melee are.
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