Game is too easy to me and others.

Hastur667 wrote:
what lvl and difficulty are we talking about here?
i thought the same thing and then my 2h marauder kinda hit a wall at the end of act2 ruthless (thats with a lot of hp nodes, diamond skin etc). so did you reach merciless and came to this conclusion?

Did you even read the main post ? I think not...
"This is too good for you, very powerful ! You want - You take"
i did but got confused at the pages inbetween, sorry for that. well then it seems the balance between builds needs work. i skimmed through the thread again but did not find any mentioning what build the OP was playing when he found it too easy, or couldnt i proper read again?
Reach out and touch hate.
Dakkz wrote:
Play hardcore and try to survive.
Or play some "exotic" specc and try to survive :)
A Hack&Slay game shouldn´t be hard as fuck.

Or play with only your left hand (assuming you're right handed) on your mouse and no keyboard.

What you mean, that's not an argument?

Well consider me shocked, I say!
Last edited by Serika on Aug 6, 2012, 5:43:35 AM
I love when people complain about a game being too easy when there are plenty of ways to make it more challenging, if that is what you desire.

Play the game using level 1 gems only.


Play using a maximum of 30 skill points.


Play only using items you find (meaning no trades, vendors, or quest rewards).

There you go, 3 ideas on how to make the game more challenging thought of in 60 seconds. People have been beating games with special rules like this FOREVER if they wanted a greater challenge (IE: Beating FFX without using any sphere grid points).

Difficulty is fine, most players aren't masochist. If you truly want a greater challenge, there are plenty of ways to do it. Of course, what you truly want is not the challenge but the prestige of doing something someone else can't, even if its something as laughable as being better at a video game than someone else.

Feel free to say its stupid to put limitations on yourself and the game should be more challenging by default, blah blah blah.
IGN: VAJordan
toby4511 wrote:
Feel free to say its stupid to put limitations on yourself and the game should be more challenging by default, blah blah blah.

Thankfully you've said it yourself so you I don't need to.

Following your line of argument, let's add a skill to the game, call it Boom. It will immediatly kill everything on your screen and even give you double experience.

Now now, this isn't a bad idea, after all, everybody who doesn't want such a clearly imbalanced skill, can just choose to not use it.

But still, I personally think this would be bad game design. You don't seem to think so.

You'll probably say now, this is a ridiculous idea and that's not what you ment.

But why is such a skill a stupid idea, you just need to force yourself to just not use it. But on the other hand, self-limit yourself in other arbitary ways is a good way to play the game? Is it a gradual curve where self limits are necessary and thus good? Is it ok, when the difficulty is fine for you, but not for others and as long as they have to limit themselves it's ok? Is it ok if only a small part of the player base have to limit themselves to have a challenging game and not everybody as if Boom existed?

Seriously, the school of game design* that says that specific balance isn't necessary since players can always limit themselves with house rules is, in my opinion, a very strange and bad one.

*school here doesn't mean a real school here ofc ;)
Last edited by Serika on Aug 6, 2012, 7:21:01 AM
Selectable difficulty settings ftw.
Map mod rolls, potential super hard league settings, etc.
I confirmed that I am still in HC league. Then I died.
While I can see where OP is coming from saying that the difficulty needs tweaking, I don't agree with it.

Was D2 not this same way? Was it not always easier to pick a Hammerdin and just faceroll the whole game, then to say, pick a necro and go for bone spear? Has OP tried running a pure evasion build? Or a CI build? Please, try either, and say that the game is too easy.

If we start cranking up the difficulty now, we're just going to end up like TOG with everyone playing 2 classes. I think that the increases OP is looking for will come in time, with more enemies and acts. Right now, you're playing literally less then half the planned game, and you're complaining about difficulty? Let them get ALL the content out, and THEN balance it. Otherwise, we may as well all pack up, and head back to Tristram.
Charan wrote:
robman_rob wrote:
Charan wrote:
I have changed the topic to better reflect OP's sentiments.

There are others which agree with me, thus I have changed the topic to better reflect the current discussion.

That works for me. :)

And fwiw I do agree: starting over with nothing, as I often do just to test the content's level of difficulty for various playstyles in their nascent phase, is one of the biggest challenges of this game. Running Merciless with my well-geared Shadow is entirely less threatening than those first few levels of near-nakedness against skeletal rhoas and Hailrake. Seriously.

The challenge is -- how do you maintain that level of difficulty for everyone once people start to level up and get gear? The field is no longer quite so level. Some people will have better gear and builds that sit higher on the creative<-->cookie cutter scale. By the time a character has finished Normal if not Cruel, they'll know fairly well where they stand in relation to the innate difficulty of the game.

Given the range of such characters and the gear they can find, I'm not even sure a global 'difficulty' can be achieved. Even Demon's Souls had its easy-mode characters and builds, after all.

Hidden AI stat that boosts AI response to characters that have better gear. Give them perhaps some token +quality.

Also the ability to create custom Maps with high difficulty is probably a more realistic end-game solution.
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Yeah, as much as i like the current map system, i'd like a little more control over the kinds of difficulty i'm looking at.

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