Content Update 3.19.0 -- Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

As a standard player, I feel backstabbed by the "Exalted and Divine Orbs" change. All my hard earned Exalts are now worth peanuts.
They literally removed most of the best maps and added back some of the worst.

SteelJade wrote:
As a standard player, I feel backstabbed by the "Exalted and Divine Orbs" change. All my hard earned Exalts are now worth peanuts.

Not only yours, all of them, so its the same for everyone. Go buy divines, walstreet wolf.
Diablo 2 > Diablo 1 > Diablo 4 > Diablo > Torchlight > Titan Quest > Grim Dawn > Diablo Immortal > Path of Exile 2 > Path of Exile.
Last edited by Riverwind77 on Aug 11, 2022, 8:35:12 PM
Whispering Ice ?!?

Why You so wanna kill this awesome skill ?!

It totally sux nowdays disregarding there is so many peoples which love it, and not playing it because you killed it.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Aug 11, 2022, 8:35:40 PM
I wonder how the 6link bots that buy and sell divines in bulk will do now?
I hope its easier to deal with arch monsters as we are even less powerful than 3.18. And, MB will be a mandatory item for reaching 50k+ armor, 30k+ evasion, i don't see a way without.

AND why couldn't you introduce divine shards/divine orb div cards, after deleting the economy formed over years. What chickenshit are you cookin up there?
Last edited by codeb3nder on Aug 12, 2022, 12:02:36 AM
Since minions are getting updates in items, would there be a possible update to minions in the character screen/tool tip. When it comes to minion skills, there's not much indication or information on what items are doing to the minion skills. Would love to see just more information about the skill damage/effects. League looks really cool, super excited to play next week.
LOL Divines already going up, up to 70 to 80 chaos in Sentinel. Not sure why unless people plan to play standard.
Rumbis wrote:
Honestly, i`m a bit over the edge with the way even "unique item rebalance" becomes yet another wound for Necromancer and summoners in general.
Majority of items that was mainly used by AG due to weak base and\or no specific strong personal effects now become an mediocre personal item or mediocre aurabot-only gear.
Ambu, Victario and stuff.
I mean, i`m okay with direct nerfs to minion stats, especially if it is compensated by gearing. That`s reasonable, and necros being as useful on 1ex as some melee builds on near-mirror budget is not ok.
But why add a grain of salt after that by nerfing summoners even harder indirectly?

Leer cast was buffed to 50% from 15%...
Gruthkul's pelt was buffed to 10% regen so now it's even more insane for AG...
Victario nerfed for AG but I'll trade that for the leer cast buff any day.
Lots of other body armor options than ambu.
Mentoya wrote:
LOL Divines already going up, up to 70 to 80 chaos in Sentinel. Not sure why unless people plan to play standard.

Lots of people play standard and league and the prices will move on league to reflect the arbitrage opportunity of course.
Past league changes, pog, especially hyped for more Harvest changes (though a full list of the reworked crafts might be nice). No more sitting in the harvest channels on TFT!

The exalted-divine rework is going to be super weird, but I much prefer being able to cheaply slam things than cheaply divine things. Rip to my exalt hoard in Standard though ;(

All in all I am very happy with the changes, though I still do wish we had a little bit more of a meta shakeup (+2 Cleave radius anyone?)

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