3.18.0b Hotfix 1

Just remove Archnemesis. No one has asked for it and no one will miss it, seriously.
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Thanks, its a good start! :0)
What about headhunter?
when is its being fixed?
1-2 inspired learnings is better than a headhunter pls fix.
make buffs stack again..
Hi Chris,

No changes on Steel infused modifier ?

Just level up my new char on ssfhc, just before piety act 4 i litteraly went from 1700 hp (just for your information, Chris, since you dont play the game, having 1700hp before piety a4 is HUGE) to 200 on a blue pack while im jugger with reasonable armour amount... i cant imagine the same situation on a T14 map for exemple. Do i need to stack 100k armour + 20k life to prevent being one shotted after investing maybe 50 or 60 hours on a char.
Im talking about a fucking blue pack, A FUCKING BLUE PACK, CHRIS, not rare or uniq or bosses...

Your game balance is trash, you litteraly dont play your game, OBVIOUSLY.

I'll never make another time the mistake to buy a supporter pack before league start in the future, i just feel scammed at this point.
instead of shoving archnemesis in our face.... make this a notable on atlas tree "nemesis monsters are imbued with archnemesis modifiers with extra 5 rare modifiers"

whoever wants challange will take that notable.

revert rare monsters as they were prior this nosense.

then look your player numbers who actualy want this

how hard is this ? 5 minutes and done.
fk archnemesis.
Last edited by SuperDrop on May 17, 2022, 9:33:27 AM
So I'm happy to see all the nerfs to this bs but at what point do you guys start actually testing your game before you release a league. You could pay 3 people to play the game through ONE TIME, and I mean JUST the campaign and you'd see how stupidly over tuned a lot of this crap is. I literally just skipped every rare mob until maps because 1) It's not worth my time to kill or 2) It'll run me down until I'm a flap corpse. You will Never Ever in 1,000,000 years grow this game releasing shit like this. Imagine being a new player or even just a casual, walking into A1-A3 and just getting trucked by this garbage. I'd quit on the spot and play literally any other game. I can appreciate a challenge but GUYS TEST YOUR GAME.
thanks for the quick patches, GGG! cheers ~
I think it's important to post how much I'm enjoying this league. There are way too many people whining about everything that's not perfect to them. This league has been fantastic for me so far and I don't think things needed to be nerfed this bad. Thank you for this amazing game you guys pour your heart and soul into, it's much appreciated!
So sad that you're catering to all the whiners, who want to faceroll the game day 1 with their no-investment broken league starters.

Really sad

Its not a git gud issue, some mods are just out of control. And some of them are not even close to being fixed.
Diablo 2 > Diablo 1 > Diablo 4 > Diablo > Torchlight > Titan Quest > Grim Dawn > Diablo Immortal > Path of Exile 2 > Path of Exile.
I am happy to hear you are limiting invulnerable in blight, but I feel that assassin and juggernaut should be looked at as well. Assassins can teleport directly to you, and if you are near the pump this can end the encounter. Juggernauts cannot be stunned by towers and when combined with other health adding mods can simple waltz directly to the pump. Thank you for taking the time to look at this!

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