Well its been fun, game too hard so its back to Diablo 3 I go

Just finally got my summoner the anima stone + primordial might jewel. Why the hell would I look back at D3. To play a fake summoner, and spam skeleton mages that last 6 seconds? What a goddamn joke and insult.
AgentChaos360 wrote:
I've tried other builds. I like my chaos vortex witch, but I get killed on a tier 1 map with 1.5k hp and 3.5k es. My resists are good. Monsters just hit too hard.

Those numbers are insanely low for mapping. Hybrid life/es builds are not the easiest to make.

I have made a couple that were successful. However, when I started mapping I had 4.5k life and 5.5k es.

The numbers you have are nowhere near enough.
AgentChaos360 wrote:
MeWhenum wrote:
I only had to read the title to know this was going to be gold.

1.5k life in merc...dear god. Perhaps...invest in life nodes and gear or straight up go CI? Generally when one dies one tries to improve defenses and strategies, no? Or have you been thoroughly poisoned by the D3 mentality that moarrrr dps is always the answer? I'd offer genuine advice on gear or tree but I'm on mobile at the moment and the forum doesn't play nice with safari.

I'm following a build exactly as it is laid out. its CI build. I now have 4k es and 1k life.

It is not a life build. Getting stun amulet seemed to help but I lost some of my resists. I am around 75 lightning 60 cold and 70 fire. I am still dying in maps though.

Definitely focus on resistance capping as your priority. Once you have four skill points available I'd definitely go CI as soon as possible. The nodes behind it are a big HP boost and you're going to have real issues with no chaos res, no shavronne's wrappings, and no CI. You'll be perfectly fine with 5k or so ES as least for intro maps as long as you have decent leech and don't try to facetank nasty stuff. If I had somehow been there when you started I'd have recommended not starting the game on a CI build, they are much more tricky for beginners than life based builds.

But yeah resistance >>> all. If you only have 60% of an ele resist, remember that you're taking 60% more elemental damage than someone who has 75%.
Diablo 3 in 2k17 LuL
Look on my works ye mighty, and despair.

Harvest league oh you are beautiful.
Quo210 wrote:
It's funny how half the posts in this thread bash Diablo3 and the guy instead of providing help.

You may all say D3 is shit but It still is leading the aRPG scene as the biggest and most popular one.


I don't know how many aRPG have you played in the past or how many different ones you have touched, but all have one thing in common and that is a higher difficulty requires a heavier investment on defenses. Grim Dawn behaves like that, Torchlight behaves like that, PoE behaves like that, even Diablo 2 and the multitude of remake mods that exist for it, behave like that.

You should be investing heavily on defenses. Usually focusing on 2 core stats (Life and ES for example, instead of going Life, ES, Evasion and Block)

Elemental resists should be at 75%, that means having a total of 135% of each one in Merciless.

Chaos resistance is optional and many players get away with the -60%, but if you're playing with 1.5k Life, that will not be protected by ES unless you have CI or Shavroness' then you're up for a bad time.

You can progress with no trading, buying nor selling. There is a SSF league where no one can Party or Trade, and there are people at max Lv who cleared all the content the game has to offer. All by themselves.

Can't say I'll blame you on the storage p2w side, but as a free game they have to make money somewhere. You can survive with the 4 stash tabs tho. I've done it. Yet I fully understand your point. The original stash tabs feel opressive and forcing you to buy more.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Its funny or better put quite sad, how you all attack the OP and D3, while you completely ignore the reason for this topic.

Does D3 have a better stash system, yes it does. There you gain additional tabs by playing the game, when you master very hard challenges. At POE, no such thing exists and it´s p2w.

Does D3 depend on using external websites to equip your char, no it does not. All items have reasonable drop rates. At POE you must go to POE trade, as buying items is more profitable than playing the game.

Is POE often confusing, yes it is, as people get one shot for no apparent reason, while nothing is actually explained. Skills are hard to understand, what does work with what? It´s a nightmare for casuals and non nerds!

Are most of the items we find, especially rares, totally useless? Yes and that makes finding loot boring! Rare items should be important and they should be accessible at one point, just like build defining uniques.

XP penalty in a league mechanic is bad, as it makes it pretty much impossible to reach max level in three months. In general, the seasons are way too short, but that is also a problem at D3, just like the lack of valuable rare items.

POE has it´s problems and needs improvements, just like D3 does. What you forum folks do is childish and dumb, as the game can never improve if you keep claiming that it´s perfect.
^^ I think it's that people associate players with a certain....mindset, when discussing D3. Many, many D3 players have come to the forum berating PoE with little knowledge of the game and a pretty entitled/"game should cater to me" attitude. Using D3 as a vehicle for trolling is pretty common too. So...I think it's moreso that people are skeptical whenever anyone mentions D3 and react with hostility to complaints about the game because they assume they are being trolled, or they're just tired of hearing endless complaints.
So here is what I did.

I wasn't stun resistant. I got the stun amulet. Still died.
I got my resists up to 75% still dying.

The next things I will try

is getting the occult passive, wicked ward.

Getting an cwdt, immortal call setup.

Switching to CI.

If none of those things work than I'll probably give up with this game.

The thing that I think is killing me is big hits. ES= no armor. I wish there was a chat setting to look at damage done and damage received so I could see what is killing me.

Someone said I need to farm dried lake for recipes and build my gear from there. What is a recipe? Can you craft your own armor? How do I get specialized enchants ( like more orbs with molten strike)

I have been playing since early March. I have a necromancer (gave up) a firestorm ele (gave up) and this witch (about to give up.) I just don't think es builds are strong because you need something to mitigate the hits (like armor). When I was leveling up I had a mix of armor and es and did not die much.

Just to be clear, I am not trolling I have always had a difficulty with rpgs. I used to find WoW difficult and didn't understand mechanics with that game either. I couldn't raid in wotlk because my dps sucked and no one wanted to carry on a small realm. I came back in cata with raid finder where blizzard basically handed you gear.

I do play hard rpgs. I like dark souls series, (not pvp) Division was fun. Getting gear in that game was hard. No one could do challenging for the "raids." But heroic the harder difficulty was easier because people came in with the gear and builds. I found a group of friends to play with that helped me get better gear. I kind of got carried (somewhat) but by that point I already had some decent pieces. The cleaner raid was my favorite. Farming the 4 horsemen. Smart cover/pulse= win.
Last edited by AgentChaos360 on Apr 30, 2017, 2:43:36 PM
Dude whisp when online I can help.
No Problem,
OP, people are referring to "vendor recipes", most commonly the chaos recipe. Check out the wiki page on vendor recipes, it'll explain it better than we could.

Edit; and I should apologize if I came across as rude earlier; I tend to see "D3' in the title and think it's a troll thread.
Last edited by MeWhenum on Apr 30, 2017, 3:46:54 PM

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