Well its been fun, game too hard so its back to Diablo 3 I go

I feel the same way the majority of the time but it doesnt mean I need to "gitgud" like half these elitists continue to reply.

I took my main character to lv 98 which is hardly a cake walk but its not even remotely fun and at no point feels like a game.

Theres no actual loot, its just all garbage, crafting is 100% rng. Its a fkng video game, I want to play, have fun, and actually get something.

I havent played the diablos, I just go back to the usuals, FFXIV, TESO, WOW, Neverwinter etc. Im sick of having to spend over half of my play time alt tabbed begging people to reply on poe.goods to buy my goods and consumables b/c the drop rates remain absolute shi* on this game.

So no OP, alot of people feel this way you are just going to get bumrushed b/c you typed diablo 3, the PoE fanbois validate their existance by bashing diablo players.
to each their own, it's very possible that diablo 3 is a better game for YOU.
Why it requires a forum post idk.
Check the date out guys... you're talking to a ghost.
Kerrin wrote:
I agree with the general sentiment of the original poster.
This game is fun, but has some very sudden difficult spikes.
You'll be playing through the game and change act and now you have to completely redo your gear to continue. The most prominent places are Act 5,6 and after act 10.
I have got two characters to the maps system at end game, and in both cases I struggle with getting past the first or second tier. And doing maps is a sure way to lose all my XP in the level.
I play games like this in a SSF style, so I now play that league, and I realise this makes it harder on my self, but the game should be playable like this IMO.
I do find it weird that the trash is easy and the bosses (and some elites) are so much harder in difficulty.
It is a shame the difficulty curve is so jagged, as I enjoy the game lots until I hit a wall of difficulty I can't over come.
The whole issue is compounded by the XP penalty for dying, which I am really not a fan of.
I guess in the end, this game is just not for me. If the game difficulty was more to my taste I think I would continue to play, but after getting stuck on the very early maps every time I get to end game, I lose interest.

This is who necro'd the thread - it's kind of funny when people post these since they basically talk about how they're not very good and unwilling to learn so they give up instead of getting better.

I remember getting stuck even in D2, and if I remember correctly those bosses reset if you died where poe allows you multiple attempts. My first poe character had over 100 deaths before touching maps just because the game allowed me to progress even when I wasn't ready.

But really, its weird seeing folks talk about being unskilled and fail to figure out even the most basic solutions to resolve their issues.
Yep, totally over league play.
AgentChaos360 wrote:
Keep dying on es characters and I normally love casters in rpgs.

Game too confusing I have to follow build guides exactly and even then they don't work.

Not a big fan of "buying" my gear in order to progress.

Too much loot, all of it crap.

Uniques suck and penalize you for using them, infernal mantle, voidbringers etc

Mechanics too confusing

Skills are boring, when I play a fireball build, I want a skyrim fireball that explodes.

Game punishes you with exp loss (how am I supposed to level up?)

Microtransactions for storage, I've spent probably over around $100 for storage, more than I would on Diablo.

Edit: I have figured out some thing with the mechanics that is helping me with my current build. Still die a lot, but at least I can do dried lake low level maps.

Now all I need is dps.

That might even be too hard for you, there's a version for kids tho
Meta = cattle

-ty men
Last edited by I0wa on May 26, 2018, 11:58:59 PM
JCOH35 wrote:
I feel the same way the majority of the time but it doesnt mean I need to "gitgud" like half these elitists continue to reply.

I took my main character to lv 98 which is hardly a cake walk but its not even remotely fun and at no point feels like a game.

Theres no actual loot, its just all garbage, crafting is 100% rng. Its a fkng video game, I want to play, have fun, and actually get something.

I havent played the diablos, I just go back to the usuals, FFXIV, TESO, WOW, Neverwinter etc. Im sick of having to spend over half of my play time alt tabbed begging people to reply on poe.goods to buy my goods and consumables b/c the drop rates remain absolute shi* on this game.

So no OP, alot of people feel this way you are just going to get bumrushed b/c you typed diablo 3, the PoE fanbois validate their existance by bashing diablo players.

It's the same everywhere. Try going to the Diablo 3 forums and starting talking about how you don't like Diablo 3 and are going to try PoE. I can guarantee it isn't going to go over well.

People are loyal to the games that they play.

Also, if you want a game that's not as complex as PoE, but is a large step up from Diablo 3 Arcade... try Grim Dawn.
D3 fans are pretty strange, they’re hanging on a thread with the notion that Blizz will give a shit and resurrect the franchise from its grave.
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
Who the hell rez'd this thread? Last post was in 2017.
I think the point of nerco was he still tried this ladder.

Thats cool IMO to keep trying. You're only a failure if you stop tying.
Git R Dun!
Shagsbeard wrote:
Check the date out guys... you're talking to a ghost.

Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar

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