Well its been fun, game too hard so its back to Diablo 3 I go


I'm going to be myself here but you just want loot given to you in a silver platter which is what D3 is. No hard work nothing just instant gratification.

In fairness, no effort bot-like farming of normal docks (or wherever) and a trip to xyz or can silver platter everything to any PoE player in the same manner. I wouldn't call any of it "hard" work. Boring work? Maybe.

That is the shittiest comparison I've ever fucking heard what are you doing?
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
What am I doing?

Farming alts in normal docks until I have enough moola to buy my shiny new shavs and kaoms heart at xyz, of course :)
This kind of posts reminds me of this: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/670ftx/my_6_year_old_son_has_been_playing_poe_for_8/

I always laugh when people don't know how to play properly xD (even myself don't know how to play properly at 100%, but i can clear all the content of the game).
AgentChaos360 wrote:
The thing that I think is killing me is big hits. ES= no armor.

You can run armor on es builds. You sacrifice a little es but not enough to be a huge dealbreaker....

The thing is, armor does literally almost nothing against big hits, so it's semi-useless. I'll take a wild guess and say you haven't researched how armor works, but you should.

AgentChaos360 wrote:
So basically,

the problem was I wasn't tanky enough (like I thought)

No, your main problem was hybrid, and you had a myriad of other problems that were pointed out to you over the course of several pages, some of which it sounds like you took steps to rectify.
Last edited by MonstaMunch on Apr 30, 2017, 10:39:55 PM
MonstaMunch wrote:
AgentChaos360 wrote:
The thing that I think is killing me is big hits. ES= no armor.

You can run armor on es builds. You sacrifice a little es but not enough to be a huge dealbreaker....

AgentChaos360 wrote:
So basically,

the problem was I wasn't tanky enough (like I thought)

No, your main problem was hybrid, and you had a myriad of other problems that were pointed out to you over the course of several pages, some of which it sounds like you took steps to rectify.

I'm amazed how patient you are with this guy :)
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
How will POE2 and POE coexist?
AgentChaos360 wrote:

Not a big fan of "buying" my gear in order to progress.

Too much loot, all of it crap.

I had a snicker at everything else, but these two points you'r every right on. But you won't get any others agreeing with you. These folks love path of economy simulator.
鬼殺し wrote:
These folks love path of economy simulator.

Yep, like junkies love needles.

Or, y'know, maybe that's grossly simplifying the situation. Maybe.

I absolutely do not like the economy simulator =(
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
That is the shittiest comparison I've ever fucking heard what are you doing?


Dear OP, an humble advice from an humble player: two defenses are better than one. For example, try to pair ES with regen (zealoth's oath) and...block. Doing this is very easy by going Necromancer (use a Rathpith Globe shield + Bone offering).

Moreover, make your life easier by overcoming totally non-sense problems forced down in player's throats like excessive mana cost and 5/6 linking items: Rime Gaze + Cast while channeling (spell: Bladefall or better Firestorm, to take advantange of the same increased duration nodes useful for increasing Bone offering effect)

I hope my advice can help you :)
I am Zeorymer_Of_The_Heavens
OP actually did nothing wrong, he follower a guide 1:1 and the one who made the guide had bis gear and 11-13k es. OP is currently at 5.5-6k. He uses gear like me, 2-5 ex worth instead 20-50.

That makes the difference.
No Problem,

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