7k fusings later, a 6L

I got 3 letters for you my friend:


dice rolls can be a bitch at times, sadly you just have to accept it
YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions

Lab still sucks balls.

I miss Zana already.
You know that fusings don't have a memory right? if you spam 1K fusings at an item, your odds of getting a 6L are the same no matter if item JUST 6 socketed or if you'd previously dumped 10k fusings into it. There is no concept of "deserved" or "I'm due" here... That's just Gambler's Fallacy.

And while going 5K+ fusings between 6L's is unlucky... it's not THAT unlucky in the grand scheme of things. Someone can probably do the math better than I, but I'd guess that 1-2% of all 5K fusings spent will result in zero 6L's... so you're 2% unlucky... So, if you had 50 stacks of 5K fusings, one of those stacks won't get a single six link. One of those stacks might get 10. ON AVERAGE across ALL OF YOUR FUSINGS SPENT, you're likely to approach that touted 1200 average that we see floating around the forums.

Sorry you're unlucky this time around. But there ARE risk mitigation strategies.

1.) DON'T break links on the damn chest you're using. Get a second one.
2.) Even if there's only a SLIM profit in selling off a 5L, TAKE THE SLIM PROFIT! If you can sell it for more than a 6S version of the chest you want, then DO THAT. And keep an eye out for well-priced 6 socketed chests, or chests cheap enough that you'll gamble socketing yourself. That way you'll have a stockpile of stuff to work through.

Put it this way, if you could do the above with your 5K fusings, and you had a 5c profit per 5L... well you probably blew through 100 5L's in your 5K fuses... that's 500c, or 1200-ish fuses that you could have kept going with...

3.) If it's a rare chest that you can't possibly find a replacement for (ie. not a unique and not a commodity) just get yourself a cheap 6L chest, craft wth essences till it's 80% of the chest you wanted to link, and then blow your money away... at least you'll get a 6L sooner even if you have to deal with slightly less res,life,defense,etc.

Welcome to the club im at 2k jewelers for this body armour
and i am just curious how many jewelers it will take me to get 6 sockeds on it atm i have gotten 15 times 5 socked so yea

There are 2 ways to do it:
- an ordinary item you want to 6L, like Reach of the council - buy it clean, put 6 sokets on it (or buy it like that) and fuse fuse fuse till u get 5L or 6L. Jack pot. If you hit 5L first, just sell the item and buy another one clean. After many tries you get your 6L and profit.

- an unique item you need to 6L like an top rolled Reach, to keep with that example, just put it in Vorici.
Otherwise you end up here moaning...where is my money...
Krayken wrote:
2791 fusings on my chest so far and no luck. At this rate i won't even get to start that new toon i've been planning for one month before the end of the league. Pathetic.

My previous attempt at 6 linking i had to give up after 2300 (Perandus).

Then the attempt before that i got my 6 link after 3300 fusings (Talisman).

It's like our account is flagged at having bad RNG.

One 6 link out of my last 8391 fusings is ridiculous.

GGG should implement a 5 link counter on an item, when it reach 10 times 5 link then you automatically get that fucking 6 link once and for all. Pretty sure that kind of RNG has made peoples quit. Is that what GGG wants?

My current chest :

I gave up and i'm now saving my fusings to use that fucking piece of shit Vorici whom everyone calls a rip off.

I dont know why no one has started a vorici undercut biz. Everyone speculates odds are like 1000:1 so in avg you'd spend 1000 linking chests. Charge 1400 make 400 a pop over the long haul and customer is happy only paying 1400 instead of 1500
Git R Dun!
Vhlad wrote:
RNG dependent events in games/leisure activities require safeguards at the extreme end of the unlucky tail in order to maximize player motivation/retention/enjoyment/positive word of mouth.

Larger more successful companies know this. Blizzard triggers rewards for very unlucky players after various conditions are met in hearthstone for pack opening and d3 for legendary drops (and other things).

Failing to do this will cost you customers. A normal probability distribution curve will result in 5% of players being outside 2 standard deviations of the mean (2.5% at the unlucky end; and probably most player tolerances for bad RNG are somewhere between 1 and 2 standard deviations, meaning more than 2.5% of players experience a game ending event).

Apparently GGG is willing to lose at least 2.5% of customers to very unpleasant RNG experiences. If they were a public company with investors pushing to maximize shareholder value, this would change over night. Private ownership gives GGG the freedom to make poor business decisions.

Those are self founded games right? Trade corrects bad rng. use it.
Git R Dun!
Vhlad wrote:
RNG dependent events in games/leisure activities require safeguards at the extreme end of the unlucky tail in order to maximize player motivation/retention/enjoyment/positive word of mouth.

Larger more successful companies know this. Blizzard triggers rewards for very unlucky players after various conditions are met in hearthstone for pack opening and d3 for legendary drops (and other things).

Failing to do this will cost you customers. A normal probability distribution curve will result in 5% of players being outside 2 standard deviations of the mean (2.5% at the unlucky end; and probably most player tolerances for bad RNG are somewhere between 1 and 2 standard deviations, meaning more than 2.5% of players experience a game ending event).

Apparently GGG is willing to lose at least 2.5% of customers to very unpleasant RNG experiences. If they were a public company with investors pushing to maximize shareholder value, this would change over night. Private ownership gives GGG the freedom to make poor business decisions.

Please. Realize this has nothing to do with RNG. There will always be unlucky players, and always some that are lucky. If you think you'll only retain the lucky ones, you're sadly mistaken. I'd bet you lose as much from the lucky as the unlucky.
Daiena wrote:

Snorkle_uk wrote:

the question is how much should the game allow itself to fuck people over, what is healthy? We had to battle for that vorici bench, we had to slog it out with GGG for what, over a year to get that bench that they did not want to add to the game. Fusing are not designed to be tokens for a bench, they are designed to be used. Its one thing to evaluate this one guy working within what we know, but questioning the entire mechanics behind things is entirely different.

Last i recall there was no fighting,ggg is not exactly known to cave for easy modes. The game fucks you over as much as you allow it to,the bench is there,and 1.5k fusings for a 6-linked item of any kind as long as it's eligible is not exactly a bad deal.

then you dont recall very well.

I made a thread suggesting a 1500 cost for a guaranteed 6 link via a vendor recipe. And then I made the suggestion again, and again, and again, and again, and I suggested it and argued the case for a 1500 cost guaranteed link for over a year and then... it was added to the game. It wasnt already there, it wasnt added after I suggested it once, or twice, or three times, this went on for an age.

I wasnt the only one suggesting it either, but most people were giving responses like you are giving here, brushing off the idea, saying theres no need for it, its a bad idea, you gamble or you dont get your links, thats how it is so thats the only way we can envision it just deal with what is and dont think about what could or should be. but people made the point and GGG listened.

Now we have the bench, and Ive used the bench in situations where I couldnt afford to risk the loss, so have many people. I think I was right to argue for 1500 bench cost 6 link and I dont see tons of people on the forums now days arguing that it shouldnt be there. When I first suggested it most people who commented argued against it, just like most ppl who comment on this thread just say lel, u gamble u get whats coming, suck it up blah blah.

Daiena wrote:

Snorkle_uk wrote:

If a guy goes to a pub, drinks 2 bottles of vodka and ends up in hospital you can say yeah, idiot, shouldnt have drunk that much, his own fault. But you have to take a step back from that and look at the bigger picture, I dunno about other countries but bars here in the uk are not allowed to serve you alcohol if you already appear to be very drunk because while you can just pin things on individuals in individual cases, from a wider perspective you have to acknowledge that this will happen and people selling alcohol have a responsibility to not allow the potential for such unealthy things to take place in a bar where they are advertising alcohol intended to get you drunk. Fuisng are intended to be used, GGG has put them in the game and said here, use these to do this, and people will use them to do exactly that, and this will happen. Is that healthy for the game? Is it healthy for players? Is it good for us all to just switch to fusing being bench tokens rather than using them? Does that make for a more fun, exciting game? You got to take a step back imo and look a the bigger picture.

This part is just sad......

Its not sad, its real, and if you think game devs shouldnt take responsibility for such things or consider player psychology when designing systems based on the reality of what happens then Im sry but I disagree. Is this my thread? Am I making a thread bitching that I spent X amount on this particular thing and it didnt link? No. But whats happened to this guy happens, you can say oh fusing can be currency theres no single design... crafting mats double as currency yes but the reason fusing in particular exist is to be used to fuse gear, there was no bench when they designed fusing that was something us the players suggested repeatedly till it was added. If that was a GGGs intention from the outset we wouldnt have had to spend years campaigning for it. the primary reason they exist is to fuse gear, and people will use them to fuse gear, and some of those will get dragged into this sort of situation and feel like total shit. the man has used 5k fusing, hes paid his dues, he took a gamble and lost it and has paid the "I lost" price 2 or 3 times over, should the game still be fucking him and leaving him with 0 progress facing the same chance of paying the "I lost" cost another 3 times without getting anywhere? Should that be a possibility? What does that add to the game that is positive? What does that do for player retention?

Im not saying guarantee him a 6 link, there guarantee price is there, but I dont think there should be 0 progress either, I dont think his 5k fusing should mean nothing.

Maybe you dont feel like these are appropriate questions and its sad to consider them but I can guarantee you serious game developers take these sort of questions seriously. Maybe they dont come to the same conclusions as me but its not sad to examine game mechanics in terms of player mental health in this fashion. Gambling, alcohol, drugs, all these things in forward thinking countries have legal intervention to ensure those facilitating them do so responsibly because where they exist there will be those who get on the wrong side of them, that is a reality.

This is a game, it supposed to be fun, that doesnt mean hand everyone everything for no effort, anyone who knows my posts on these forums knows thats far from what I argue for on a regular basis. If it was up to me the way most people get a 6L now, the div cards, would be wiped from the face of the game and everyone should be made to either take the gamble or pay the bench if they want a 6L. But do we need no limits on how hard someone can lose? Should that just go allllll the way down? In some situations yes, sure, in this situation I believe its unhealthy and unnecessary.
7k fusings to fuse a unique?

WHy not just buy a unique that is 6L? Especially a carcass jack. You could buy like 5 of them for 7k fuse.

This whole time i thought you were linking a rare regalia or something that is hard to replace.

6 linking is like the last thing not casualized this game, and actually it is buffed considering quality dosnt go 0% after every fuse.
My point is uniques are nearly worthless. 6L is one of the few things worth anything.. They used to be 20ex+ actually... now they are only 5ex+ So best not to casualize any more. Use a tabula if you must.

(I'm saying this from the shit end of RNG myself)

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