Enduring Cry

oh well... I guess it makes sense
Since this is apparently looking to be a MANDATORY skill to play melee in high end content, please make the timer a little longer. It's incredibly tedious right now. It would be ok if it was a temporary buff you could "get by" without, but as it is it's a necessity.
Great skill and yes it's annoying to cast it multiple times, as well as try and maintain charges throughout fights, but increasing the duration is an easy way out imo. Perhaps making it able to be affected by the Increased Duration gem is an option, or refresh the cooldown every time you kill 5 enemies, or when you take x% of your max hp in dmg or something more creative.
IGNs: Runtime_Error / Syntax_Error / Unexpected_Error
Plan to (temporary) fix enduring cry:

Start Macro
Wait 5000 ms
Press T
Repeat Macro
I'm worried about the 40% nerf in the OB patch notes... will we be able to keep up 6 or 7 charges?
IGN: Octaus
Why wouldn't you. EC does nothing to effect your cap, so neither does the nerf.
Because 2 mobs are not enough to get a charge now, but you are right, it should not be a lot more difficult to maintain max charges.
IGN: Octaus
You always get one Charge as long as there's a monster in the effect radius last I checked.
oh, sorry then, my fault :P
IGN: Octaus
Sorry for asking this instead of testing it myself, I can't play PoE right now so all I can do is theorize about it.

What are the support gems that works with Enduring Cry? The obvious ones that can improve this skill are Faster Casting, Increased Area of Effect, Reduced Mana and Blood Magic, but what about gems like Blind and Chance to Flee or gems that adds damage? Since this is not a damaging skill I guess they don't affect EC, but I wanted to be sure.
Last edited by Synchrotron on Jan 26, 2013, 3:55:33 PM

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