[1.2.0]<Theory> Meraxus' Freeze Pulser - 40% BUFF HYPE

I have infinite Mana now and my Damage got doubled x'D
Faceroll Hype inc :D
linkstyle wrote:
I have infinite Mana now and my Damage got doubled x'D
Faceroll Hype inc :D

yeah the mana regen so far is putting me in a good mood knowing that it will scale well late game :)
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Seems a shame not to be able to get the 71% cold damage and 2% cold pen at the top, only 2 points away from EB.. I can't work out a nice way to do it though..
Seems a shame not to be able to get the 71% cold damage and 2% cold pen at the top, only 2 points away from EB.. I can't work out a nice way to do it though..

Yea I thought about the same. Maybe i'll have too many mana nodes so i can respec in the top.
That would be a huge damage push.
Check this one bro. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMA37DfioIQB6UC40myLJwQWAVCr5tBlq6z0PVMs1Aw214RD0wtrJgUsBdU99c6WHRVgh6OPJuhVcZfKohC2wtWSo9GeC-D28HFnqEdFDlSf8YigfrSvDcc3BGWFy826VgHkycOSAceZOckquNq74i0DGNDXfKVLlXWFm_5N0ZxcNVCw_DVgKQabNfPgwnhiInT34SP-klR5CJJsW-eHapwUgL-6_UpT45knKTxs4w2ZJ2Ffew496aHE0tXVUvyHRo4tvp3B8DjYeKnhCaVkFUWvwMeH0E=
Unique独特 wrote:
Check this one bro. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMA37DfioIQB6UC40myLJwQWAVCr5tBlq6z0PVMs1Aw214RD0wtrJgUsBdU99c6WHRVgh6OPJuhVcZfKohC2wtWSo9GeC-D28HFnqEdFDlSf8YigfrSvDcc3BGWFy826VgHkycOSAceZOckquNq74i0DGNDXfKVLlXWFm_5N0ZxcNVCw_DVgKQabNfPgwnhiInT34SP-klR5CJJsW-eHapwUgL-6_UpT45knKTxs4w2ZJ2Ffew496aHE0tXVUvyHRo4tvp3B8DjYeKnhCaVkFUWvwMeH0E=

Your build lacks mana regen, you will need A LOT of mana regen to support MOM + AA, which i consider to be a core element of this build.

I'm also not a fan of the cold nodes. I intend to use added lightning, which means those nodes only apply to 2/3 of the damage, reducing effectiveness significantly. There are better ways to scale damage, like elemental damage, cast speed, crit or crit multiplier.
Why not go to the center for True Strike, Hired Killer, Harrier then go through Foresight and Sharper to the Scion Life Wheel?

Like this
nebunelux wrote:
Why not go to the center for True Strike, Hired Killer, Harrier then go through Foresight and Sharper to the Scion Life Wheel?

Like this

I'm a big fan of this build, not sure if i'd invest so heavily into the scion life wheel. My build is looking alot like this though.

I also think worth noting is WillyWonka's ice\crit witch he's been playing. Here's his build for reference.

I'm pretty much doing a hybrid of willy's build and your build.
IGN: Standard League - Dark_Captain


I've been watching this thread for the past few days now and have been playing with the builds a lot. I came up with my own version which I really like. I end up with the following differences from my build to OP's.

+71% Cold Damage
-26% Elemental Damage
-5% mana regen
-2% life
+35% ES
+28% Max Mana
+12% Cast Speed
-20% Base Crit Multi
+80% Crit Strike Chance
-50% Spell Crit Strike Chance
-Flask cluster, which I may take at some point if I decide I need it.

I plan on just rushing the mana regen and life nodes first, and getting damage later. What do you guys think?

IGN: _Treble || Path__Finder || Richest_Mule_NA || PM me if I am offline
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Last edited by Slisk on Aug 21, 2014, 12:40:06 PM
Slisk wrote:


I've been watching this thread for the past few days now and have been playing with the builds a lot. I came up with my own version which I really like. I end up with the following differences from my build to yours.

+71% Cold Damage
-26% Elemental Damage
-5% mana regen
-2% life
+35% ES
+28% Max Mana
+12% Cast Speed
-20% Base Crit Multi
+80% Crit Strike Chance
-50% Spell Crit Strike Chance
-Flask cluster, which I may take at some point if I decide I need it.

I plan on just rushing the mana regen and life nodes first, and getting damage later. What do you guys think?

This is almost exactly my build it's kind of scary, but i think yours does a few things more efficiently than mine. a big +1 nice take on the build.
IGN: Standard League - Dark_Captain

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