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Why do people not want to haggle?

go play HC. People there are much better at interacting with one another, be it trading ot partying.
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Simple. I already have done my research when I want to buy something, so when I go to buy it, either the price is listed at a price I'm willing to pay, or it's not. I won't even bother with sellers advertising above the average price.
andkamen wrote:
go play HC. People there are much better at interacting with one another, be it trading ot partying.

I noticed. :)
People who call haggling a waste of time don't understand how a barter economy works. It's tantamount to just saying that you don't like that this game has a barter economy. Which is fine, but haggling is part of the system when the value of an item is ultimately what the buyer and the seller agree to trade it for. It's one thing to not enjoy haggling, but it's another thing entirely to condemn the concept or the fact that it's part of how the economy works, and that this is by design.

That said there are specific cases where it's a bloody nuisance, like when some surly newbie thinks you will actually get out of bed for their alteration orb. Really, once I saw a newbie who wanted a flask, but was only willing to pay an alt for it, and then gradually went up in their offer on the trade channel, rather than just offering a bloody alch to make it quasi-worth the time to sell to them. But that's a fairly extreme case.

Anyway, setting a buyout is not turning away hagglers. Haggling does not exist only when someone says "offer" because either they're hoping for a highball or they themselves don't know what the item's worth, as some people seem to mistakenly think. A buyout is not a fixed price. A buyout is your starting offer and don't be surprised if someone haggles. If you want to move the item, maybe you'll even entertain their counteroffer, unless you really, truly are confident that the item won't just sit in your stash until the servers finally go down or you vendor it in frustration. (Of course if it's a hot-selling item, go right ahead and stick to your guns. I just hope for the sake of your stash space that you're right.)

If you don't tolerate hagglers, don't set a buyout, because it's dishonest to make a "starting offer" you won't budge on. Set a fixed price. Just don't be surprised if no one comes calling.

tl;dr: Don't like haggling? Set fixed prices instead of buyouts, and accept the fact that you are the one opting out of that completely normal and inherent aspect of a barter economy for your convenience, rather than hagglers opting into some kind of aberration.

Oh, and...

Antnee wrote:
Because this is 2014.

Guess what? We still haggle in the real world in 2014. We don't do it at the grocery store, but we sure as hell do it when we're buying a car or a house (total suckers excluded). The sticker on the car is a buyout, not a fixed price. The starting offer on the house is a buyout, not a fixed price. It's one thing to find it aggravating when someone wants to haggle over a low-cost common item that could be regarded as PoE groceries, but it should be expected when you're trying to sell a big-ticket item that's like the PoE-economy equivalent of buying a car or a house and that isn't such a hot seller that you've got people lined up to buy it at your starting price. If you don't like it, you can always take Hargan's offer instead.
Last edited by AllisonW on Jul 27, 2014, 4:33:23 PM
I want to use my time on playing the game not haggling with some morons.
AllisonW wrote:
People who call haggling a waste of time don't understand how a barter economy works.

To me PoE is ARPG not economy simulator.
profeetta wrote:
AllisonW wrote:
People who call haggling a waste of time don't understand how a barter economy works.

To me PoE is ARPG not economy simulator.

Then you are opting out of a normal part of the economy as GGG intended it. This is entirely your prerogative--set fixed prices instead of buyouts, please--but I hope you have plenty of stash space and, as mentioned, remember that you are the one opting out for your own convenience. Hagglers playing economy simulator are not making the game into something GGG didn't intend.
profeetta wrote:
AllisonW wrote:
People who call haggling a waste of time don't understand how a barter economy works.

To me PoE is ARPG not economy simulator.

Exactly the reason why bartering is better because it gets around these stupid AH high prices and unaffordable items.
profeetta wrote:
AllisonW wrote:
People who call haggling a waste of time don't understand how a barter economy works.

To me PoE is ARPG not economy simulator.

Exactly the reason why bartering is better because it gets around these stupid AH high prices and unaffordable items.

I don't think that an automated trading system would necessarily be destructive to the game, as long as counteroffers are part of it. (Put up an item for such-and-such currency buyouts, and others can make counteroffers which you can review when you have the time, or, if someone just matches a buyout, they get it without you having to review offers.)
AllisonW wrote:

Oh, and...
Antnee wrote:
Because this is 2014.

Guess what? We still haggle in the real world in 2014. We don't do it at the grocery store, but we sure as hell do it when we're buying a car or a house...

Yep. Got me there. If you're one of those few folks who do most of their trading for items worth the POE equivalent of a car/house, then by all means you should be haggling.

Meanwhile, in The-Rest-Of-Us land, you can fuck right off if you wanna argue with me over a couple chaos orbs. So yeah, this is 2014, and I'm not haggling with people for my groceries like some snaggle-toothed merchant caricature.
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