24H Questions (and feedback) to Rhys/Chris/Jonathan/Qarl/..

Is there any word on lifetime race rewards?
Wasn't there a GGG member who went by the name Max, I remember him playing a lot in closed beta and he was very good at "perking" everyone online up and creating a fun atmosphere, if I don't have his name wrong what happened to him?

Any plans for cosmetic items that cover the body/legs/feet?


Make it so in your passive tree it shows if the nodes you're hovering over affect equipped skill gems, and make it show in the description when you hover over a gem if a linked support gem works with it.
In the beta thanks to Starcraft42.
Shagsbeard wrote:
Anyone else notice that this thread simply turns into a generic gripe/suggestion thread veiled as "questions"?

I did.

OK, my turn.

Do you plan to introduce dedicated crafting reagents in support of a crafting system? I also think it could make a great sink for unwanted gems and uniques.
Taganov wrote:
Shagsbeard wrote:
Anyone else notice that this thread simply turns into a generic gripe/suggestion thread veiled as "questions"?

I did.

OK, my turn.

Do you plan to introduce dedicated crafting reagents in support of a crafting system? I also think it could make a great sink for unwanted gems and uniques.

 That would be too similar to the D3 salvaging mechanism and GGG does not want to duplicate anything that D3 has. Hence when Blizzard announced that D3:RoS will have a 50% boost to loot drops (Loot 2.0) so playing Self-Found will be much better, PoE will deliberately go the other way and nerf high level loot drops just to be different and in so doing piss off millions of potential microtransaction buying arpg players.

 Hey GGG, if the rewards for time played are too low you have just cut off the hand that feeds you. I guess the cost of living is real cheap in New Zealand so you can afford to turn your back on a huge arpg player segment. Who knew?
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
I already posted my request on 1-7-14 so here's the link:

"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Whats the reason/explanation for lvl 66 Maps dropping in lvl 76 maps?

What is the reason/explanation for low level uniques dropping in 76 Maps?
"Hey theah, this is Chris WIlson from Grinding Geah Gaimes. This week Oih'd like to talk to you aboaut using a regal Ohb on youh Tyrannical Tornadoh wand af Destruction! Today is youh daaay and I am answering your prayahs!"
TheAnuhart wrote:
BrianWeissman wrote:
Normally I would resist commenting on a post like this, but for some reason this one just got to me. I checked your account, you have one character that is level 62, in Standard (I can only assume it's a dead Nemesis character since it has 1 total death). The other characters are level 1, level 4, and level 34.

Yet you're complaining on here about how the drops rates are bad, and how you've leveled "6-7 characters to 60 or higher without finding an Exalted Orb".

Constructive criticism is one thing. Telling flagrant lies on the forum to fit a false narrative is something else entirely.

Our support staff works tremendously hard, around the clock, to ensure that every player gets their concern answered. I sincerely doubt that you've been ignored by support in the three instances you claim you wrote to them.

Whatever personal issues you may have with the game aside, I think you have a hard time with the truth.

Hi, Brian.

As you are into checking accounts, would you care to look at mine.
Since the launch of OB 1 year and 1 week ago, I have, I think, 5100 hours on the 5 characters that still exist on my account. I think close to 4000 of those hours are post eternal orb introduction.

I don't trade, I kill beasties. My time in PoE is almost 100% killing beasties. I've found some nice gear, you'd expect that in over 5000 hours. I've found many exalts, probably around 100, I recall picking up 10 exalted orbs in a 14 day period once, but I can go weeks without seeing one (12-16 hours every day).
I've found maybe 50 divines, again with strange lucky spells where I find 5 in 5 days, on at least 2 occasions I've found 2 divines in 3 hours. But again, I can go weeks without seeing one.

So where am I going with this?

I have found, in those 5100 hours, ~4000 of which are post eternal introduction, and a lot of which were with high IIQ, exactly 1 one ONE UNO eternal orb. It dropped about 2000 hours back. I have a friend with 3000 hours who has also seen only 1.

Do you think this is good design?
Do you think it is justifiable that people are eternal-exalting items, dozens, hundreds of times in the playground of the rich, which requires nothing more than trade profiteering? The people doing this are unlikely to have found even 1 eternal orb and many of them, with their time actually killing monsters, are unlikely to ever find one.

I've been crafting (lol) this wand

for 11 months now.

The last 2 mods are eternaled with the one and only eternal orb I found.
I expect I might actually finish it in about 10 years time, playing 12-16 hours a day, if I'm lucky. That is, playing the way I do, killing beasties, not engaging in the intended trade sim which I feel diminishes the game, trivialises the game and shortens the longevity. Sadly, not taking the intended, by design, short cuts, gates a player like myself from what could be a decent crafting system and also gates me from challenging content due to maps requiring several times more currency than they can ever reward without trading.

What are your thoughts on the eternal orb?
Casually casual.

Thanks for your time reading through all this. Not sure how you are able to deal with some of the questions stated here without facepalming until your face is a bloody mess, but i guess NZ has some sort of legal drugs to keep you guys chilled.

W/e, question:

Is there any plan to let elemental damage leech just like phys damage? Or at least a small(er) amount?

I don't want a damage increase, as i think it's fine to be able to deal much better with reflect and in turn do less damage, but it'd be cool to be able to at least USE some skills more freely. My gear's perfectly able to sustain for example a 6L Reave or a 4L Frenzy on only 180 mana with leech alone, but i just can't make Lightning Strike work. Kinda sad, as i really like the skill, but the very small leech just kills this build for me.
Not the fact that Lightning Strike does a lot less damage than Reave, not the fact that it clears much slower and is much less effective AoE, but the sheer fact that it's not usable without massive usage of pots. And at least for me that's what made the decision ultimativly.
I understand that running high lvl stuff (maps) is intentionally made difficult (drop rates of maps) because in other games end-game content is taken for granted while in PoE it should not.

However, getting a lvl 66 map drop from a lvl 72 map is just motivation-draining. Any ideas on how to remedy the situation?

I'm thinking either no map drops or whatever number of maps but not below the host map's level.

Could you please point out which of these quality of life features you're planning to implement in the near future? (quick "never", "maybe", "3 months", "1 month" etc, will do! )

People keep submitting these suggestions to forums and reddit all the time, would be nice to have some reference so we can stop spamming.

Huge thanks!



1 - COMPULSORY! make so we don't lose conversations in the loading screen
2 - make friends list mouse wheel scrolling faster!
3 - show when a player was last online on offline friends list, NOT exact time though, BUT: was online last: x hours ago, x days ago, x months ago. So basically we know whether a friend was online today or someone plays the game at all.
4 - Comment feature for Friends List (to note who is who, e.g. farming or mapping partner, guy selling xx...)
5 - Ingame and email notifications about forum messages - seriously why am I expected to check the poe forum every hour?
6 - make the sent out and coming in messages clearer as the small arrows arent very noticible (possibly differ in shade a bit, or make my msgs bold?)
7 - have an option to display other peoples account name next to their character name! (I'm in a guild, have some good mates, but when they switch to new/different character than usually, I have no idea its them! not everyone keeps usualname_character naming standard :/
8 - search option for your friends list
9 - make friends list show more friends, make a line with a friend much lower se we can fit more of them in, currently its only about 4-5 in on screen, I can see 5 times more contacts in my instant messanger in the same space
10 NEW option to disable friend list notifications of when they come online and go offline. Or at least the option to move it elsewhere. Right now its at the same place where item tooltips show
11 NEW an option to pin a friend to the top of the list? (i have a brother or some regular mapping mates, its a real pain searching for them amongst 40+ people online on this already tricky list)


1 - Number of players in an instance over a portal
2 - Timer over a portal showing time for an instance to close
3 - When Party Leader kicks a player, enforce a 1-2 minute cool-down period before rejoining, the leader should still be able to reinvite the player
4 - When someone has disconnect - add 2 minute grace period before leaving the group.
5 - Leader can kick from the party even when player is offline.
6 - Have health of nearby unique boss displayed permanently when in map or encountered in instance.
7 - remember my last loot allocation! if I always play on permanent why do I need to change it every single time?
8 NEW - show all icons of all party members all the time on the left edge, just gray out the ones in different location, also say what location they are in
9 NEW - option to give the party lead to someone else!
10 NEW - don't erase party name when making private from public, save for later when we make it public again

User interface

1 - arrange and group icons displayed in top left corner, separate buffs and debuffs and status aliaments http://i.imgur.com/qYzD5jv.jpg
2 - feedback on status alianment - audio and visual http://i.imgur.com/j1otYDf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/eaPGY6j.png http://imgur.com/a/cgk4R
3 - option to zoom in / out even more the Tab map / mini map
4 - add a 'continue' button to lore dialogues so we can listen to them whilst playing
5 - floating texts for crits/damage/stun/other effects... (an option to switch on/off)
6 NEW - bind skill assignments on weapon swap


1 - Intergalactic Trade - AKA - Trading through Whispers, not in party. leaving your current party, and macro for typing: "a1n" are just silly also making sure we're in the smame instance of town is just a bother
2 - EDIT: not such a good idea afterall: Split Trade channel to "Selling items" and "Buying items"
3 - add currency exchange only channel (you can't link items there)
4 - allow currency splitting (with left click shift) once the trade panel is open
5 NEW - in game mail system where you can send items requesting payment in set currency for making transactions between two people that are not online at the same time


1 - Show basic str/dex/int without bonuses from gear in character panel + also requirements for gear/gems like the resists in brackets
2 - /played to show total time played and time played outside towns and global timer for the account (don't expect it to work for past characters)
3 - Preserve minions summoned upon logout.
4 - Preserve aura effects upon logout.


1 - when a currency converts into a bigger one (from shards etc) please add it to another stack of the same currency if there is one already in the inventory / stash
2 - Stash tab list dropdown stay up permanently (option switch to the curent behaviour)
3 - option to filter items shown on the ground (don't show whites unles its a chromatic - show items only higher than x ilevel) - currently there is way too much clutter on the ground!
4 - ctr-click moving of items into / out of guild stash and same with the map machine
5 - mouse wheel change tabs left/right when stash/seller are open (i currenctly have a macro alt+scroll up/down = arrow left/right)
6 - stash search option by name (I understand searching by mods would be too hard)
7 NEW - show item level when holding alt on items on the ground and in the inventory
8 NEW - A log for Guild Stash (many guilds have a thief and none knows who it is ;)


1 - sound for flask drop / pickup
2 NEW - option to sort character list by name/age/last played/league and also remember the choice next time we log in
3 NEW - make /remaining to show brackets: exact number, over 20, over 50, over 100
4 NEW - real life clock
5 NEW - Go back to last chat chanel after using a slash command... No need to go back to local every time
6 NEW - Remember last pet so you don't have to re summon it every log in.
7 NEW - Mark HC characters in red in the web profile view http://i.imgur.com/sreHtUr.jpg

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