24H Questions (and feedback) to Rhys/Chris/Jonathan/Qarl/..

Question: Why is the item level not shown directly on the item?
Questions :

1)Are u planning to buff Weapon elemental damage? The only attacks which beneficit Ele damage when u level the gem is Spectral Throw otherwise it's always physical damage which is increased. There are very much mobs with elemental resists and damage can drop far much than physical damage as ennemies have almost no armor. Life leech also drop consequently.

2)Will u increase map drop rate? At long term it's really boring to not be able to do end game content because u can't manage to drop high lvl maps. It's an artificial wall which prevent u to exp at a decent rate and to drop some map only uniques as well as higher ilvl items.

3)In its current state "Curse on Hit" is useless, would it be possible to get rid of the necessity for this gem to be linked with ur attack/spell skill?

4) Much nodes in the tree don't worth spending 1 point on them and are never taken like the Purity of Essence cluster for example. When are u planning to buff all the underused nodes?

Last edited by Yesu on Feb 1, 2014, 2:00:19 PM
CWDT + IC setup, did you really intended to trivialize physical damage even further when implementing CWDT gem, even though physical damage was already way weaker than elemental damage.

Are you considering of implementing something regarding map bosses?
Risk - reward relation is in a very bad state, and I'm sure you're aware of the massive boss skipping.

Any new dual wield skill coming fairly soon?

Are there going to be any changes regarding dual wield, as for now it's incomparable with 1h weapon + shield, the DPS gained is miniscule for the amount of survivability lost.

Is the boss triggering in Courtyard map working as intended?


Question: What are your thoughts on increasing popularity for the Permanent leagues or are there none? As it is, the Perma leagues are frowned upon and the economy is pretty whacked out. Are there any thoughts to make it so people are willing to continue on it after the 4M leagues end?
IGN: Caessa_Undying - 4 FPS Immersive Rain 4 Lyfe!

Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/822740
Question: Will we ever see the move skill be an option (like move to cursor) to put on a key instead of having it a skill that is blocking one (or in other cases even more) slots that could be used for other skills?

I would like to comment this:
Hyskoa wrote:
Shagsbeard wrote:
Anyone else notice that this thread simply turns into a generic gripe/suggestion thread veiled as "questions"?

Well, we figure communication is already quite bad, so we might as well ask. Rather than keep these issues to ourselves.

Exaclty. I hope it works like it did with this one : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/767391

Please the thread after the 24H have passed. Thanks.

http://wideo.co/view/449781379368063514-inexs-journey-for-the-8-stars (Music: Odd Look)
I am the guy behind price check forums yay: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/387787 (i think.)
"Seriously, its a loot game, make the loot DROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by INEXFadeXFHONOR on Feb 1, 2014, 1:54:37 PM
Why did you buff the alchemists?
also buff avian retches mov speed cuz they are slow as snails
1.) What is your stance regarding a complete overhaul (like LoD did with D2)? Do you think - when there are more acts, and (maybe) more mods and their tiers on gear, and whatever else - that one might be necessary in the long run?

2.) Is there anyone at GGG able to draw the passive tree from memory?

3.) What do you think of the idea of making rare monsters much harder and giving them one, two or three guaranteed rare drops?

4.) What do you prefer: Tone down 3.x and Dominus in cruel, or buff up act 1&2 in merciless? Or do you prefer the way it is now?
Last edited by Jojas on Feb 1, 2014, 4:15:01 PM
Q. What game are you currently playing and how is it influencing how you interface wth PoE (if at all)?

That's a serious question. I assume that because PoE is your labor of love there have to be times when you just want a break for a while.
Isbox1 wrote:
1) Do you guys ever intend to have another permanent league with more relaxed drop and craft rates to those that are currently in the game?

2) Do you guys ever intend to somehow standardize the craft/loot experience? (AKA: 1 guy spends 1 years worth of currency - 5k fuses - and doesn't see a 6L then buddy next to you 6Ls in 50 fuses.) Do you even see this as an issue on your radar?

I'm afraid the shield generator will be quite operational...Doh!!!... damn my cross-wired brain.

 The subject of a "Casual" type of league for us non-hardcore but PoE loving players has been discussed at length and Chris and company has always had an aversion to expanding the permanent leagues. I've posted several times on the benefits that 2 more permanent leagues would provide (Casual for the time limited PoE player and Ironman for the uber hardcore masochist player) and with the additional quantity of players there should be an increase of microtransaction purchases (everyone can always use more stash space and bling). To date all interviews of Chris have him regurgitating the same BS about how they (GGG) have designed PoE to be the way they most like to play an arpg. While true that it is their software and they can take it in any direction they want, if does seem to me that they are missing out on a lot of revenue by not giving us more permanent play style choices.

  Crafting has also been talked at length to extremes and how most of us really hate the RNG gambling nature of this. GGG doesn't have any plans (least not any they care to share with us) to overhaul or add any way to craft better gear without RNG. And so the frustration continues with players posting their excitement over 6 linking in under 100 fuses and others moaning that they burned through 2K of fuses without a 6L. I've watched a few Twitch streams to see someone attempting to 5L or 6L an item and see it roll a 0L item and then a few fuses later get a 5L or 6L. Such is the nonsense of the RNG mechanism in PoE that crafting (gambling) is. I love IzzyD's humorous approach to take 2 low level trash uniques and sacrifice them to the RNG gods before he attempts any fusing to get quicker results.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Last edited by Arrowneous on Feb 1, 2014, 2:57:27 PM

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