pls add gold to buy items

Fluffy wrote:
tpapp157 wrote:
Scrolls of Wisdom are the closest thing.

They will suffice when you can stack 100,000,000 of them and split stacks with a typed numeric value.

wtf?? O.o
The "fairy dust" idea is ineffective; the dust is absolutely useless unless you can change it back for an orb. If there is no re-exchange, it would be taking an item of use and destroying it for something to trade with that is useless, and then who wouldn't trade with/for the useful item? And if you can re-purchase orbs, it makes the most useful orbs less rare and less valuable. Additionally, it'd simply be an extra step in a trade that is cumbersome and most people would avoid.

Bartering happened a lot in D2. Bartering happens in Magic: the Gathering (in all forms). It happens and works. And if you don't want to use orbs for trade, trade item for item. Often, throughout D2's history, trades and values were determined in other items: high runes, SoJ's, etc.

GGG is developing an interesting currency system that elegantly removes the need for clunky gold sinks. Repairing gear is an annoying step that's not a particularly creative, and inelegant gold sink. Other ones often feel shoe-horned into the game. Here, the currency IS the currency-sink. As the devs stated, they're aware that the drop rates for lower items are too high and thus inflate. That's easily fixed and not a systemic issue.
Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow,
Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow.
None has ever caught him yet, for Tom, he is the master:
His songs are stronger songs, and his feet are faster.
I am going to echo what has already been stated by some other posters in that I believe discussion about the currency/trade in PoE is a little premature.

It is very clearly outlined in the Beta Manifesto (Please read this. It contains valuable information) what the intentions of GGG are towards this subject.

On a personal level, I am attracted to a goldless economy, and I do not feel it is necessary to have a fiat currency for efficient trading to take place.

Artificially pegging any item that does not have a finite availability (be it gold, scrolls, orbs, etc.) with a fixed exchange rate will invariably lead to item inflation. Anyone with a basic understanding of economics should see this.

The problem with any in game item is that supply is constantly being increased as people play the game (it is like a government/bank that continues to print money). As people kill monsters/open chests and stuff spits out, they are basically making the 'bank' print money. As currency supply increases, people will offer more and more for the same item. This is called inflation.

The concept of a money sink is to design a game mechanism that reduces the amount of currency in circulation. The problem with this is that no money sink is perfect because it is up to the user to voluntarily give up her/his money.

GGG's choice to use expendable items is a partial solution to the constantly growing money supply because the expectation is that people will use these things for their primary purpose and not just for trade. This should help address some of the risk of inflation.

There will always be a currency/trade problem in a gaming world because new items are being created at no cost all the time.

The only way for a fiat monetary system to actually work in game is to have a finite amount of currency available that would be issued on demand to players through a central bank. The problem with something like this is it would require a huge amount of administration and a huge amount of research to set exchange rates so that inflation doesn't happen. That is why every government has a central bank, with hundreds of very well educated staff monitoring market trends and data.

I have a few ideas for the trade system that could exist in the PoE world, and I am looking forward to see what GGG will be rolling out.

<edit a point for clarity>
"We were going to monitor the situation but it was in the wrong aspect ratio."
Last edited by Garr0t on Sep 16, 2011, 6:14:54 PM

fairy dust

SirDimos wrote:
I'm glad GGG threw out gold as a currency as there was no inherent value in the gold itself.

There is no inherent value in a bit of paper with $ or £ printed on it.
Fluffy wrote:

There is no inherent value in a bit of paper with £ printed on it.

Enough of this pointless thread.

@Those Against Gold:
Don't worry it's not gonna happen... stop posting.

@Those for Gold:
Sorry, it's not gonna happen... stop posting.


"pls" instead of "Please" in a thread Subject? Really?
IGN: Cadmus / Valgar
Enough of this pointless thread.

@Those Against Gold:
Don't worry it's not gonna happen... stop posting.

@Those for Gold:
Sorry, it's not gonna happen... stop posting.


"pls" instead of "Please" in a thread Subject? Really?

While changes probably aren’t “gonna happen,” to put it so elegantly in your words, we as community members still have a right to voice our concerns and debate the topic.

Just because you aren’t interested in contributing to the discussion does not mean that it’s a pointless topic.
Happy Days Abound.
Fluffy wrote:
SirDimos wrote:
I'm glad GGG threw out gold as a currency as there was no inherent value in the gold itself.

There is no inherent value in a bit of paper with $ or £ printed on it.

In an intricate and real-life economy $ & £ and other monetary systems can work just fine. For example, I have no problem with Eve Online using ISK as a general currency because the game has sufficient legitimate money sources and sinks to keep ISK inflation down.

In a game with a less complex economy, a monetary unit with no value to the player of it's own becomes less useful since inflation can quickly cripple any use that the player will have for that currency.

Since PoE is shaping up to be a game with a simpler, albeit unique economy, a valueless currency doesn't make sense. What would you sink that money into besides arbitrary systems like repairs?

Edited for clarity.
"You'd take a eunuch like me?"
Last edited by SirDimos on Sep 16, 2011, 6:34:09 PM
Silver wrote:

Just because you aren’t interested in contributing to the discussion does not mean that it’s a pointless topic.

/signed. I might also add that if you're sick of hearing about a topic, then don't read the thread.

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