Reset Passive Skill Tree

I'm not going to bother reading all of this. Selling respecs for real money is P2W, and I would eat every sock in my sock drawer with no ketchup if GGG ever does this.
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So that you know, here are the real proportions of players :

Domination: 51.3%
Nemesis: 20.5%
Standard: 25.6%
Hardcore: 2.6%

If resetting passives was doable, most of the players would have to use it, because it would make the game a lot easier and they would balance the difficulty to match it. Just like trading. That's why we don't want it.
Renahud wrote:
So that you know, here are the real proportions of players :

Domination: 51.3%
Nemesis: 20.5%
Standard: 25.6%
Hardcore: 2.6%

If resetting passives was doable, most of the players would have to use it, because it would make the game a lot easier and they would balance the difficulty to match it. Just like trading. That's why we don't want it.

I think it's the real value of the different ladders. They should only allow it in the standard league. Problem solved. The other leagues is what matter in competitive perspective.
I don't understand. The trading is allowed and supported by the forum...

Antnee wrote:
Selling respecs for real money is P2W

Just explain it please.
RPj0tr wrote:

Antnee wrote:
Selling respecs for real money is P2W

Just explain it please.

Respecc whenever you want for different maps, zones, bosses etc. That's how it would be pay-to-win.
Grughal wrote:

Respecc whenever you want for different maps, zones, bosses etc. That's how it would be pay-to-win.

Then you just didn't read my post thoroughly. I said the price should be exponential, so if You wish to respecc for every boss and maps, that cost really soon will be well above thousands of dollars. Nobody will pay this much for one map. And nobody will wait 2 weeks between maps.
My whole point was that this future could only usable to experiment and repair broken builds. Where would be pay-to-win if somebody change its build every 2-3 weeks?
It would be cheaper to buy items from black market (for real money of course). And I think it would be a naive thought assume that the black market is not exists.
Last edited by RPj0tr on Nov 20, 2013, 1:17:38 AM
I can't stop thinking to solve the problem. (Not stubbornly stick to my point)
A little what if game:
Every character have a pool for respecc.
Maximum number of respecc are five.
Every character start with 0/5 respecc point.
There should be two way of gaining respecc point.
- Every 20 level the character awarded with one respecc point
- Every two weeks the character awarded with one respecc point
So the properties of this feature:
- Everybody can have it
- It's still free
- Can't use on daily basis

The numbers are examples. Could be 3 respecc point max, every 30 level and every month...
Just think about.
How about making new chars for different builds instead of respeccing all the time? Also, having more chars is way more fun than playing with 1 char only.
RPj0tr wrote:
But if I have to start a new toon I loose 2-4 month of gameplay

This isn't a MMO, the main point of this game is that you reroll all the time.
Nothing to see here.
ReZar wrote:
RPj0tr wrote:
But if I have to start a new toon I loose 2-4 month of gameplay

This isn't a MMO, the main point of this game is that you reroll all the time.

Another point of the game is having fun and it seems he doesn't see it as fun lvling up new chars. Too bad, that's the best part though.

To people that do think this is a MMO where you lvl up 1 char only and beg for respec, go play a MMO and leave the respec to those games that have them.

GGG implements full respecs in any way im gone.
Skivverus wrote:
Each orb of regret allows you to refund one point; there's no limit to the number of those you can use. But no, there's no way - real money or not - to erase your character's past and respec your entire skill setup.

Well their kind of is, real money orb sellers...
pay people to grind for you orbs...
pay people to lvl up a toon for you...

money is the key to unlock almost everything :(
Why you should try Harcore
Last edited by tadl on Nov 20, 2013, 5:59:48 AM

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