[RETIRED] MUSCLEMANCER 2 | Souleater Winter Orb JUGG | Insane Clearspeed | Immune to Phys Damage

Have been thinking about this setup a bit more. I think a CI Jugg would be the most defensive. Just need the core 4 items:

- Omeyocan
- Shackles
- Shavs Ring
- Solstice Vigil

Rest of items can be loaded up with ES. Also need -mana cost ring and maybe clarity watchers eye to cast spells. With all the ES items now available, it should be easy to hit 10k+ ES even on budget.

SaiyanZ wrote:
Have been thinking about this setup a bit more. I think a CI Jugg would be the most defensive. Just need the core 4 items:

- Omeyocan
- Shackles
- Shavs Ring
- Solstice Vigil

Rest of items can be loaded up with ES. Also need -mana cost ring and maybe clarity watchers eye to cast spells. With all the ES items now available, it should be easy to hit 10k+ ES even on budget.

I've actually already tested this idea. I made a CI version with a double -mana cost ring. I found that you end up with a pretty mediocre amount of ES and less damage. I scrapped the idea for now, but I might revisit it later to see if I can make it more viable. If you have a configuration that hits 10k+ es on a budget I'd be interested to see it, because I think I got like 7k ES and that was wearing a good shield as well.
4u3u wrote:

I'm lvl79 atm running Eternity Shroud variant,

can you elaborate? Seems really hard to not use death's oath...

ChrispieD wrote:

- Once every map or once every 2 maps, I get stuck in channeling and can't move unless I TP out.

You have to take off winter orb to get out of being stuck. Easiest to do by taking off chest but won't work with DO, so prolly have to take out gem

So now for sir Oscrix, first gotta say I got some nice ideas, so thanks for the great post and entertaining vid! Been playing with soulthirst many times and now I felt like making another :D Haven't tried DO variant, looking forward to it (hope it even works after all my changes lol)

Just wanted to point out that there's a useless 10 int node in the witch area in PoB (can path through 2 int nodes above jewel instead of 3), and I don't think the 2 extra curse nodes are worth it since just the first one is enough to cap
if you guys are interested I managed to make it work as a league starter withuot watcher(s eye and the big gear.

Basically using -mana cost rings (to avoid being stuck in animation too) and blood magic for utility and managing degen with RF.

character (in progress): http://poe-profile.info/profile/zgurf/JUGGpatchplease

trying to make obs work to record a vid but no luckso far :)

edit: here it is https://streamable.com/3ob7r

Obviously not finished and a bit annoyingly short soul eater timer and no life gain on hit and all, but it works. I use 2 mana cost ring because I was tired of getting stuck all the time in animation, but 1 is enough and frees slot for shaper ring life gain on hit. It started working as soon as I could somewhat maintain RF, at about lvl 70 with very trash gear.
Last edited by AAZgurf on May 12, 2019, 5:48:02 AM
if you guys are interested I managed to make it work as a league starter withuot watcher(s eye and the big gear.

Thats a cool way to get it working early! I think your damage might be a little on the low side and your flask won't last particularly long, but it is a good way to start off!

I have been streaming me leaguestarting flashback as a jugg, to see how transitions can be done into playing this build. I've just been playing smite/molten strike making money to switch over.


So now for sir Oscrix, first gotta say I got some nice ideas, so thanks for the great post and entertaining vid! Been playing with soulthirst many times and now I felt like making another :D Haven't tried DO variant, looking forward to it (hope it even works after all my changes lol)

This build is a blast to play, it takes a bit of setup to get going but when it's working it feels awesome! Soulthirst like you said is just an awesome unique :D
And an update for the poors :)


Using blood magic on each spell is a blast. The LGOH from the ring is enough to sustain but I added a %leech vitality watcher's eye I bought for 70c.

This way, no more stucking in animation above 200 stacks, and no more mana management :)

I a not sure it's even not as good considering the more damage from rf (and the degen which is also actually killing stuff).

https://streamable.com/07tis current state (btw is it possible to make a timestamp or something of the current character ? or not really ?
Last edited by AAZgurf on May 13, 2019, 7:57:04 PM
And an update for the poors :)


Using blood magic on each spell is a blast. The LGOH from the ring is enough to sustain but I added a %leech vitality watcher's eye I bought for 70c.

This way, no more stucking in animation above 200 stacks, and no more mana management :)

I a not sure it's even not as good considering the more damage from rf (and the degen which is also actually killing stuff).

https://streamable.com/07tis current state (btw is it possible to make a timestamp or something of the current character ? or not really ?

Looks like that's working nicely! Having to have blood magic linked to your skills is a damage loss but seems like you've found a good way to get it started!

You can kind of screenshot your character by linking your gear in your forum post. In the top right of the screen click on your character, and when you click on your equipped gear it will add it to your post :)
You said in the build, that you only need 45% curse effect to get to max.
Can you please explain the math?
And how long before you reuse the flask?
my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1632595
- the Flash: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1367774
- the oro's bridle build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1409823
The_x_ile wrote:
You said in the build, that you only need 45% curse effect to get to max.
Can you please explain the math?
And how long before you reuse the flask?

The cap on expiry is 75%, so you need a combined 75% between solstice vigil and your temp chains/curse effectiveness

The math works out like this:

30%(Helmet) + 15%(COH/Tree) -40%(Reduction taken from curse on players)=+5 TC curse effectiveness

40% slower expiry * 1.050 (5 curse effect total) = 42% slower expiry

+33% from Shaper's Presence from Solstice Vigil

=75% slower expiry of Effects

Meaning you reuse your flask every ~1.4 minutes
Last edited by Oscrix on May 31, 2019, 11:29:10 PM

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