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Rahsaan's Builds Workshop

Hi Exiles,

I'm Rahsaan, a dedicated ARPG player from France. I've started playing PoE in late 2013, and since then, I've created several builds that are featured on the forum, while other are only on my Youtube channel.

* I've been inspired by Wrecker of Days to gather them all in this post with a quick overview for each of them.

* My builds are very Johnny, if you know this Magic:The Gathering classification by Mark Rosewater. In short, Johnny means a creative player that likes to go off-meta.

* My way of playing of PoE is indeed to craft and improve my builds. I'll showcase a build only when it is playable, has decent dmg and defense and has a style that I personally like and which makes it quite unique.
Nevertheless, my builds are off-meta and personal projects that I like and that you may also like, nothing more, nothing less.

* I'll try to update the PoB links regularly. Some builds have last for more than 10 patches, other have been good in the past and have since been nerfed too much.

* * *

Bane / Caustic Arrow Occultist
CI, lots of immunities, three curses.

Safe and patient playstyle, Caustic Arrow being a ranged, DoT and AoE skill.
With this character, I've beaten for the first time several endgame bosses (Shaper, Uber Elder, Uber Atziri, Sirus, Feared, Uber Cortex and Uber Shaper) and in 3.24 : T17 Fortress, Abomination and Citadel !

PoB 3.24 :
Fated End ring for max curse effect and 4 curses. Sulphite bonuses added on a flask.

Spectral Throw Deadeye, with Spectral Wolves.
Create a synergy between you and your wolves and shatter enemies with your claws !

Alternate between regular ST and ST of Materialising to backstab enemies.

PoB 3.24 :

Righteous Fire Chieftain
A personal variant of this popular build, using The Grey Spire staff and Incinerate.

PoB 3.24 :

Ice Golem of Hordes Elementalist

Lead an army of Ice Golems on steroids !

PoB 3.24 :

Build showcase on PoE builds/Reddit.

Lightning Tendrils Trickster

Unleash the power of the lightining !

Huge DPS with Annihilating Light staff : currently 25M+ on Stronger Pulse.
Good tankiness with MoM + EB + Frost shield.

PoB 3.24 :

Forum thread.

Rage Vortex, Energy Blade Hierophant

Unleash the power of the Dark Side with your padawan totems !

PoB 3.22 :

Blade Flurry Assassin

Fast and versatile build, good DPS against single target, good defenses with high Evasion.
My older and more successful build, with 1M+ views on the forums and dozens of videos on my channel.

PoB 3.23 :
Added Cyclone of Tumult as an alternate skill to Blade Flurry.

Forum thread

Viper Strike Occultist

A melee Occultist, can you imagine that ? This nasty girl will surprise you with her unique, and very nasty, playstyle :
Poison your enemies with Viper Strike and Plague Bearer, and watch them explode in full purple Profane Bloom chaosplosions !

Regular Viper Strike (a lot of small poisons)
PoB 3.24 :

Viper Strike of the Mamba (one big poison)
PoB 3.24 :

Forum thread

Build showcase on Poe Build/Reddit :
In Affliction league.
In 3.24 Standard.

Dual Strike of Ambidexterity Gladiator
Ichimonji sword + Rigwald's axe
Bleedsplosions, Impale, max Rage (up to 85), Berserk.
Get 8 seconds of Adrenaline with War Banner and Perfidy armour.

PoB 3.24 :

Charged Dash Assassin

Charged Dash is one of the most stylish and at the same time clunkiest skill in the game. But with the Reflection clones, it works suprisingly well !

PoB 3.24 :

Scourge Arrow of Menace Pathfinder
+ Toxic Rain of Withering Ballistas, Ward stuff

One-Woman-Army with : Mirage Archers (Occupying Force), Ballistas and Agony Crawler !

PoB 3.24 :

Iron Mass Occultist
Lead an army of skeletons dealing pure chaos dmg and exploding your enemies !

PoB 3.24 :

Build showcase on PoeBuilds/Reddit (3.24) :

Exsanguinate Trickster, self-cast
Regular Exsang or Exsanguinate of Transmission

PoB 3.24 :

Build showcase on PoeBuilds/Reddit (3.22) :

Frost Blades Raider

Max chill and shock. Easy 100% spell suppression, high evasion, dynamic playstyle.
Alternate between regular FB and FB of Katabasis to proc Trinity effect.

PoB 3.24 :

Forum thread.


Questions, suggestions and ideas welcome.

Good luck and have fun !
Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds :
Last edited by rahsaan on Jul 24, 2024, 11:02:20 AM
Last bumped on May 16, 2024, 12:52:57 PM
Added 4 new builds, updated several images and PoB links.
Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds :
heya rasaan, love your witch build working on it, useing cobra lash/bow not realy into melee. looked at your other builds so gonna try them as well,
Life sucks; but damn i'm havin a ball doin it.
Hey, thx for your interest !
I'll continue to update and improve the builds as much as I can.

Currently working on the Infused Trickster, the Ice Golemancer and the Vampire.
Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds :
Two new builds in the first post :
- Energy Blade "Jedi" Hierophant.
- Scourge Arrow Poison Ward Pathfinder
Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds :
New build :
- The Spiritwalker, Charged Dash Assassin (no less !)

Demo video
Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds :
Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds :
3.23 reworked gems qualities and Transfigured gems


The Infused Trickster, Lightning Tendrils Trickster

- Heatshiver helmet is nerfed : 30% cold dmg as extra fire against frozen enemies (down from 100%).
- We lose the "alway to the Stronger Pulse from Phantasmal quality.
- 20% quality will grant +40% crit multi.
This will partially compensate the loss of Phantasmal quality.

3.23, two Transfigured Lightning Tendrils gems :

LT base dmg = 75 to 1420.
Effectiveness of Added Dmg = 130%

LT of Eccentricity

Inferior base damage : 33 to 629 = 44% of normal dmg.
Effectiveness = 60%

A Stronger Pulse every 6 pulses, deals 500% more dmg, has 150% more AoE.

I already love it, as the spiritual successor of Phantasmal LT !
The Stronger Pulse should deal 264% of base dmg (44%*6). I hope it will be worth it.

LT of Escalation

Superior base damage : 86 to 1633 = 115% of base dmg.
Effectiveness : 150%.

No +crit multi from quality.
No Strong Pulse, so no "always crit".
Does not have the "Critical" tag.
+1 meter radius per sec of channelling, up to 2 meters.

So Eccentricity is for bosses, Escalation for mapping.


The Jedi, Rage Vortex Hierophant

Quality buff to Energy Blade (will remove only 45% of ES)
Buff to Rage Vortex, which will consume more Rage.


The Nightblade, Blade Flurry Assassin

Lose 10% inc attack speed from quality.
20% more dmg per stage --> 25% more dmg with 20% quality
= 13.6% more DPS.

6 stages max, so the +1 stage enchant becomes useless.

Not sure the Transfigured Gem Blade Flurry of Incision is useful : "25% more dmg per stage" becomes "30% more crit chance". But we already got plenty with Assassin ascendancy.


The Pestilent Viper, Viper Strike Occultist

With the return of Ultimatum in core, the Mahuxotl's Machination shield will be available again !
- More duration for Viper Strike and Pestilent Strike.
- More dmg from Plague Bearer.
- Some more dmg from the Agony Crawler with more Virulence from quality.


Samurai Ichimonji, Double Strike Gladiator

The Kaom's gloves are nerfed, granting 1 Rage per 300 life regen (up from 100)

The 2 Transfigures Gems of Double Strike are very interesting and fit the build quite well :
Double Strike of Impaling and Double Strike of Momentum (for atk speed)
But I'll need to see the numbers in PoB to see whether they're better than regular Double Strike.

My favorite, though, is Cleave of Rage, because it fits the build very well, since you need both an axe and a sword. And I've dreamt about doing a Cleave build for a long time.


The Thorn Princess, Scourge Arrow Pathfinder + ballistas

Returning projectiles will now deal 61% less dmg. So I will test other supports instead : Chain, Multiple Proj, Withering Touch etc.


The Feral Child and The White Wind, Spectral Throw Deadeye and Spectral Helix Raider

Spectral Thrown and Spectral Helix 20% quality :
Projectiles that have pierced deal 10% more dmg.

Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds :
Last edited by rahsaan on Dec 6, 2023, 7:06:53 AM
Some Transfigured gems I want to test in 3.23 :

Ice Golems of Hordes
with The Ice Golemancer

+3 max Golems.

Exsanguinate of Transmission
with The Vampire

Targets 1 enemy, chains +21 times.

Animate Weapon of Self-Reflection
with The Jedi

Up to 6 copies of your main-hand weapon, in this case the 2H Energy Blade.

Main E-Blade + 4 Blades from the Ancestral totems + 6 Animated Blades + 1 from World of War gloves enchant = 12 lightsabers total !

Let's play it like General Grievous !

Cleave of Rage + Rage Vortex of Berserking
with Samurai Ichimonji

Spend more and more rage with Rage Vortex while you generate it with Cleave of Rage

= A Righteous Fire of Rage.
(A Rageteous Fire of Bertex ? )
Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds :
Last edited by rahsaan on Dec 7, 2023, 5:09:12 AM
I've started Affliction league with the Feral Child build : Spectral Throw Deadeye, cold dmg, with the Scourge and Law of the Wild claws.

The build is cheap to do, easy to play and it fits the league thematically.
The start has been slow during the first two acts. Started to feel better in act3.
I've bought three uniques to level : Prismweave belt, Winterweave and Tasalio's rings. 1c or 5alch each.
Currently level 51, just before killing Kitava act5. The build feels good to play now.
You can see my character Viridian_Eye.
For the Wildwood Ascendancy, I've chosen the Warden of Eaves, the one that grants the Tinctures.

PoB level 27 :
PoB level 51 :


With the "Samurai Ichimonji" build, I've tested Cleave of Rage + Rage Vortex of Berserking. Good AoE for clearing, but single target dmg is mediocre. You can watch a demo video here :

Good luck and have fun !
Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds :
Last edited by rahsaan on Dec 11, 2023, 12:18:43 PM

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