D4 will probably not beat PoE 2, but...

"beat". Yeah it'll beat poe it will blow it out of the water, in sales, well money made.

Will it turn poe players into diablo players? probably not based on what I've seen in the beta which is an older build an contains one act of the campaign.

I haven't seen any thread that compare the d4 beta with act 1 in poe.
Second-class poe gamer
Last edited by pr13st on Mar 25, 2023, 6:10:07 PM
pr13st wrote:
I haven't seen any thread that compare the d4 beta with act 1 in poe.

No thread needed. D4 won that by a mile.
What does "beat" PoE even mean. By what metric?
Will D4 make more money than the PoE franchaise? Most likely.
Will it have more players? Most likely.
Will majority of people around the world prefer D4 gameplay better than PoE? Most likely.
Will the few 50k hardcore PoE players who alread main this game prefer PoE? Most likely.

If your definition of another game "beating" PoE is whether that game can make you stop play PoE, then sure. No game will beat PoE since there's probably a specific reason why you play this game.

But by most other relevant metrics in this world, PoE will most likely be beaten. It was already beaten when GGG went down the design philisphy of catering to hardcore players forcing a very niche community to be the only players able to enjoy this game.

Not saying that's a bad thing. PoE is my favorite game after all. But lets not be delusional. D4 will be a widely more succesful game than PoE ever was and probably more succesful than PoE2 too. Maybe it's a better game to us who play PoE but I'll let you guys in on a secret. Majority of people who try PoE out don't like it.
Baharoth15 wrote:
Vendetta wrote:
Ivanovv83 wrote:
Call me when it beats Poe1..

leave your number please, because this call should have happened last week.

I mean i hate GGGs idiotic stance on Qol and trading more than most but saying D4 is going to beat POE is just delusional. It might win out in concurrent players for a few weeks, if that, but in the long run? D4 will be the overpriced core game, maybe 2 or 3 overpriced DLCs and then end of story. It's not going to last, Blizzard won't care enough to make it so. They will milk the franchise a bit and move on, just like with D3.

D3 beat PoE for years in players, well up into 2017+, from release. You guys vastly overestimate PoE's dominance.

It wasnt a few weeks, and it is pure revisionist history to believe otherwise.

I mean even now PoE is not exactly loaded with players. You have what? 100-120k concurrent players on Steam on a League release? Lasts 1-2 weeks max before it drops 60-70%? 2 months into a league, PoE loses like 80-85% of its players. Also, PoE had 30-40k on league release in 2016-2017. 20-30k 2014-2015.

You guys really just dont remember how popular D3 was back in 2012-2015. You vastly over-estimate PoE's popularity while D3 content was still fresh. You think of it in 2018+ days, when RoS had been out 4 years at that point, and there was zero new content while the only new content in town was being created by GGG.

Point is, you are going to be in for quite the surprise when D4 is popular for years, and not weeks.
Last edited by Destructodave on Mar 28, 2023, 9:16:09 AM
Totally agree with OP. PoE will always be the superior game. There is no doubt about that. It's also clear that Diablo 4 is not an ARPG anymore, it's more of an MMO.

But this doesn't change the fact that modern games like Diablo 4 and Lost Ark will have the technological upper hand over PoE2. They are already offering a much smoother gameplay experience. On the other hand PoE2 won't be adding to much to PoE1 in that department.

Obviously, build complexity is key for an ARPG game, but it's not everything. Some people favor a game that feels smooth no matter how shallow it can be. I got two characters to level 25 in Diablo 4 beta and the quality of slow-paced gameplay and combat mechanics felt quite luxurious compared to what PoE2 will offer. Responsiveness of the game, spamming skills without getting halted by useless animations felt awesome. Not to mention all QoL upgrades. I just want PoE2 to do much better in that sense.
Nubatron wrote:
I'm glad I didn't give in to the free try hype this weekend. I just saw the 3080 TI cards being bricked. I have a 3080 TI. :-/

I choose console simplicity over PC supremacy. My 2080S blew up late last year playing, of all things, Sacred 2. I am back to my gtx 970 (Old Fsithful) and it can barely handle Grim Dawn. No way it could do DIV so I am immensely grateful for my ps5. It's a top of the line corolla to your porsche but I don't do cars (or pc building for that matter) so it's a no brainer.

Definitely wouldn't have gotten to play DIV this weekend without it. Can I afford a beast pc rig? Technically. Do I have better things to do with that 5k+? Absofuckinglutely.

PC gamers increasingly have my pity as more and more gamers make the same choice. As more and more devs notice this. Or maybe it was the other way around? Don't you guys have phones?


OP: 100%. Who is going to care about arrow physics in a game infamous now for its speed and clutter? Weird flex indeed.

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Nubatron wrote:
I'm glad I didn't give in to the free try hype this weekend. I just saw the 3080 TI cards being bricked. I have a 3080 TI. :-/

I choose console simplicity over PC supremacy. My 2080S blew up late last year playing, of all things, Sacred 2. I am back to my gtx 970 (Old Fsithful) and it can barely handle Grim Dawn. No way it could do DIV so I am immensely grateful for my ps5. It's a top of the line corolla to your porsche but I don't do cars (or pc building for that matter) so it's a no brainer.

Definitely wouldn't have gotten to play DIV this weekend without it. Can I afford a beast pc rig? Technically. Do I have better things to do with that 5k+? Absofuckinglutely.

PC gamers increasingly have my pity as more and more gamers make the same choice. As more and more devs notice this. Or maybe it was the other way around? Don't you guys have phones?


OP: 100%. Who is going to care about arrow physics in a game infamous now for its speed and clutter? Weird flex indeed.

I have been playing POE since 2013 and have totally abandoned my PC account in favor of the xbox, about two years ago. I don't need the carpal tunnel from sitting at a desk clicking a mouse. A controller in a lazy boy is so much better.
Networm13 wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:
What I dont yet understand is why those who are enjoying PoE, or don't like D4, care at all what anyone else does in any other game? Whether is D4, or Elden Ring, or Last Epoch, or FIFA, what is this zero sum game that is being engaged in?

Bottom line is play what you want. You will be ok. Being so mad isn't healthy.

When the casuals complain about how PoE has horrendous quality of life, the mechanics are so obscure and unnecessary complex, GGG be like: "This game is not for you, bud."

Now the PoE veterans complain about how D4 is so dumbdown, game is so simple, itemization is boring, Blizzard be like: "This game is not for you, bud."

PoE fans got a reverse taste of their own medicine. They expected that Diablo4 will be more PoE and less Diablo3. And boys, they got disappointed. It's pretty apparent now that the target audience of PoE and Diablo4 are very different. Both games will be fine as long as GGG or Blizzard don't do something that kills their games.

The Diablo3 refugees can now go back to Diablo4 instead of begging GGG for QoL improvement, etc. GGG won't budge.

This. I played the beta and I am already bored of the game. I dont even know if i will be able to complete it. POE is for POE played D4 is for D4 players.
Ivanovv83 wrote:
Call me when it beats Poe1..

Diablo 4 will probably beat PoE in several aspects of a video game. It doesn't have to have PoE's complexity (that comes with its overly complicated mechanics and bloated content) to be the more attractive ARPG for the majority of gamers.
Last edited by Faceman165 on Mar 29, 2023, 6:11:52 AM
pr13st wrote:

I haven't seen any thread that compare the d4 beta with act 1 in poe.

because d4 would win by a mile. act 1 in poe is terrible and everyone knows it
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Mar 29, 2023, 6:44:02 AM

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