Content Update 3.20.0 -- Path of Exile: The Forbidden Sanctum

Going to loose more player base.

I really don't get how giving Blasphemy a nerf when it already has a massive opportunity cost compared to Hextouch/Bane, one that I would argue is on par with or even larger than that of self-cast makes any sense. 35% reservation means that in theory it should on par in power to Discipline and the three element specific Purity auras. However 25% less curse effect AND reduced ability to scale from gear puts Blasphemy in a rough spot, especially considering that the majority of builds using Blasphemy at all were using it purely for a defensive curse in Enfeeble. Some might argue that it is easier to scale curse effect compared to aura effect since the nodes are all more tightly clustered together, or that Enfeeble is more powerful than the purity auras in general, but I would disagree on both accounts. For aura effect, the only builds focusing on scaling as much aura effect as possible are aurabots and thus the nodes being spread out on the tree hardly matters. Not to mention that you are nerfing the curse effect available on gear substantially while leaving the aura effect alone. For arguing if Enfeeble as an aura is more powerful than the purity auras, you have the option of swapping your purity aura to the one most beneficial for the content you're running, or utilizing Melding of the Flesh to gain higher max resistances, or even just smoothing out gear requirements for an attribute stacking build that is starved on resistances. Not to mention Discipline for any energy shield focused build is easily more powerful than Enfeeble on Blasphemy could ever be simply by increasing your EHP against any and all forms of damage, including all of the ever present and increasingly lethal on-death effects or attacks from bosses while they are either too far away to curse with an aura or are straight up immune during said attacks.

Please reconsider the nerf to Blasphemy, thanks.
/e laughs in replica soul takers...

I'm reminded of how well this works out for me as people continue to pay me 7 divine for pre-nerf Flagellant's Flasks which cost about 20c in alteration orbs to roll a scant few months ago.

But I am concerned how this continues long term. The AARPG crowd is a wild tiger, and you don't want it wounded or hungry.

You guys, (GGG), are doing both.

I will be a bit angry if you kill your game before I can take over your economy.
Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth on Dec 3, 2022, 5:17:50 AM
where the melee gem buffs at?
where the melee ascendancy class buff at? looking at you 0.5% gladiator..

you know the game is rigged against melee classes when cyclone is used by occultists or the few still HCSSF viable melee skill gems (LS, BS) got nerfed. They were still doing 1/10 damage compared to spells and instead of buffing the rest of the melee gems, they got nerfed. is anyone at GGG looking at poeninja at all? just look at the builds' DPS, please. cyclone 100k, spells 20million. sounds fair.
Another question for the F.A.Q. about the patch notes.

When you steal a monster modifier with behead support it replaces the other monster modifier on you making it very weak.

Will vaal cleave remove all monster modifiers on you when you gain new monster modifiers from killing a rare?

Also do you have any plans to allow behead support to stack monster modifiers so it can compete with other similar effects?

Allowing behead to stack monster modifiers would be a nice boost to strike skills, since they are weak for clear anyway and behead support is suppose to help clearing not bossing.

I don't see why strike skills lose the 30% range on passive tree. They need as much range as they can to try to compete with other skills for clear speed and clear is where most of our time is spent.
Changes for the sake of making changes. Do it again every 3 months.

Fistaniderya wrote:
dude, just skip league. I am on hiatus atm, looking at patch notes to see if they understand what went wrong. If not, i'll just skip another. No need to be frustrated, its just a game. If it isnt fun, its not worth your time. Just leave and be happy mate.

i like this. solid advice for both players and ggg, accurate, positive, chill, and all that without even giving ggg a chance to flag it as "needlessly hateful comment"
Wish we had more melee and totem buffs tho.
Great to see melee getting some love. Ecstatic to see Archnemesis gone... or at least watered down to a manageable level. This looks to be a good league, well done GGG!
SeaSkipper wrote:
where the melee gem buffs at?
where the melee ascendancy class buff at? looking at you 0.5% gladiator..

you know the game is rigged against melee classes when cyclone is used by occultists or the few still HCSSF viable melee skill gems (LS, BS) got nerfed. They were still doing 1/10 damage compared to spells and instead of buffing the rest of the melee gems, they got nerfed. is anyone at GGG looking at poeninja at all? just look at the builds' DPS, please. cyclone 100k, spells 20million. sounds fair.

I mean a cyclone linked to auras will never compete with any spell or melee skill in first place.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho

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