3.12.3 Patch Notes

maxtraxv3 wrote:
Unique Contracts ?
wait where do find these?
ive never seen one...where do you find this????

Actually.. yeah. What are they!?

Having more than 1000 of contracts dropped and storing, and ran about 45000 iq of maps so far and not yet saw a single unique one. Zero. Nada.

Are we supposed to chance them?
Last edited by DarkJen on Oct 5, 2020, 9:41:20 PM
Niles still trash and stands around, bugs out
I still cannot go into the planning room (crashes). Did a regular heist and did not really notice loot changes, rogues still dumbly stand still from door to door. Waiting on the next patch before going back i guess.
starphil7 wrote:
Thank you for all the hard work that you continue to do. Appreciate everything the Devs do during a difficult time in this year. All of the GGG team, I am truly grateful for the ongoing changes and wanted to let you know.

Thank you,

Phil C.

simp identified
Haven't played my main guy because i was waiting for this patch to hopefully make heists playable. Patch comes, played 2 heists and crashed 3 times on the first one and 2 times on the second one before lock downs, crashed 1 time on the second one after lock down and i lost the instance and all my stuff... guess ill go back to leveling my 4th alt.
Is the drop for alternate quality lightning spire trap (cooldown recovery variant) actually enabled? I have had live searchs for the past 4 days and all the gems that appear in my search are the hinder variations.
Not had one crash in playing heist.. Not one..seen some bugs tho.. But has been great for me.. I did turn Windows game mode off ..

Ryzen 3600x OC> 4.6, AND 5700xt .
I havent had any crashes in the last 2 leagues i think. At least none that happened every single time i tried to do the mechanic or maps, but this league i have had crash after crash when trying to do maps or league mechanics. Usually only crash at end game activities not while leveling.
Not a word about the constant random crashes in heist?
Here's my question to everyone complaining about loot chests. What is everyone expecting from the big loot chests? And be SPECIFIC.....

The big chests don't seem any worse than previous league loot and in many cases it's much better! But what exactly are you expecting to find?
If you aren't able to answer that, it tells me that perhaps you are setting your expectations too high...

For example, I just opened a big chest and got 4 stacked decks, the porcupine and 3 other random div cards.

the 2nd big chest had 2 orbs of horizons and 1 harbinger orb.

The big chest before there had a "Healthy Mind" Jewel that I had sold for 8 chaos and the other one had 3 incubators in it.....

I mean, how is this not decent loot???? And it's not as if I have run one heist. I've ran a bunch of them.

I'm starting to think that the element of "greed" is creeping in and people either like to complain because that's just who they are, or they are using reverse psychology thinking that if they complain about it even more(even though it's fine) that they will make the loot even better.

The complaints about the crashes I totally get, but just not the loot complaints.
Last edited by Mentoya on Oct 5, 2020, 10:44:52 PM

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