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PlayStation Heist Launch Delay

Merry Heistmas everyone ! <3

(... as I wait patiently for my pressies)
Last edited by Flem-Clandango on Sep 24, 2020, 3:57:15 AM
Damn this is fucked up!
First of all we must wait 24 days for the launch of HEIST!
I updated the patch, and still wait because of a technical issue 😣😣
Merry Heistmas everyone ! <3

(... as I wait patiently for my pressies)

All you are going to get are crashes and massive disappointment.
TheFirbs wrote:
Merry Heistmas everyone ! <3

(... as I wait patiently for my pressies)

All you are going to get are crashes and massive disappointment.


It’s ok, just like every Christmas. 🎄
TheFirbs wrote:
Merry Heistmas everyone ! <3

(... as I wait patiently for my pressies)

All you are going to get are crashes and massive disappointment.

Fully expect Heist to be nigh unplayable on ps4. I mean they already admitted there was no fixes for PS4 crashing this patch. Pc players are throwing a fit about crashing in heist. So ps4 crashes + Heist crashes + whatever they screw up in this patch = crashmaggedon.
I'm off work today and I was hoping to play my Discharge Frenzy Raider, oh well, looks like Jeff and the console crew are still working on the problem. At least after this problem is fixed any others won't seem as bad!
AbilityPoints wrote:
I'm off work today and I was hoping to play my Discharge Frenzy Raider, oh well, looks like Jeff and the console crew are still working on the problem. At least after this problem is fixed any others won't seem as bad!

GGG: Hold my beer.

I want to see what you give us, as a condolence after all the disappointment we received tonight !? I think those after Ps4 deserve a reward for this long delay.
Thx for your hard work Jeff+Team

Can we get any new news because so many are waiting
I’m sure it’ll be fine, pretty impressive that they managed to get a game with this much demand on processing power to function on a PS4 to begin with.
Just need to be patient, enjoy your day/night and it will all work out 💥

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