Xbox servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .

PlayStation Heist Launch Delay

Due to a technical issue being experienced with the PlayStation deploy, the realm is going to remain offline while we investigate the issue and work out a solution. We apologise for the inconvenience.

EDIT 11:03am NZT: The issue itself is going to require a client update. We're currently compiling an update internally; if it works, we hope to have it deployed sometime this afternoon. EDIT: This unfortunately didn't resolve the issue.

EDIT2 3:13pm NZT: We're still working on the problem. As of right now I have no news to share in regards to a timeline, sorry for the inconvenience.

EDIT3: 4:14pm NZT: We're currently compiling another speculative fix for the issue. This will take a few hours to compile and test, at which point we'll have a better idea on an ETA.

EDIT4 7:12pm NZT: We're still working. As mentioned in my previous post we have a build compiling, which we're waiting to test as soon as possible tonight. Right now it's a waiting game. When the build is done and tested, I will post an update with what to expect.

EDIT5 9:50pm NZT: We've finished testing the earlier mentioned fix, which appears to have resolved the technical issue. We will be deploying the update ASAP, my current estimate is 1-2 hours. I'll post an update when a time is locked in place.

EDIT6 11:29pm NZT: We're currently deploying the update to the PlayStation store. The update should become available within the next 10 to 15 minutes for download.

EDIT7 11:42pm NZT:The update can be found on the PlayStation store now. We'll be opening the login server momentarily.

EDIT8 11:59pm NZT:We've opened the login servers. You should now be able to get in-game. If you're stuck in queue, please re-enter it. If you have an error message that an update is available, please close your client and check for update.
Last edited by Jeff_GGG on Oct 20, 2020, 6:14:23 PM
Last bumped on Sep 30, 2020, 3:43:25 AM
LV9999Majin wrote:
Hey Jeff, can we get an answer on the remaining in queue thing? I'm going to anyways, It'd be nice to have an idea of how long though.
You're safe to leave the queue. I don't have an ETA at the moment, but will provide an update on the issue as soon as I have news.
The issue itself is going to require a client update, hence why leaving the queue is safe. We're currently compiling an update internally; if it works, we hope to have it deployed sometime this afternoon.
d3arcaya wrote:
Jeff_GGG wrote:
The issue itself is going to require a client update, hence why leaving the queue is safe. We're currently compiling an update internally; if it works, we hope to have it deployed sometime this afternoon.

Thanks for letting us know.

I *really* hope the new patch is small. If it's big, I have to drive somewhere else to do the patch.
If you've already updated to 3.12.1, the follow up should be small.
kadura85 wrote:

If you could give us an "expected" ETA, sone people could take a nap or something, cause its a bit late here and i would love to know if i can save sleep 3-4hrs or not. Thank you :>
I don't have a concrete ETA to offer as of right now. I can confidently say it will be at least 3 hours at the absolute earliest, but again, nothing is concrete at this time.
We're still working on the problem. As of right now I have no news to share in regards to a timeline, sorry for the inconvenience.
We're currently compiling another speculative fix for the issue. This will take a few hours to compile and test, at which point we'll have a better idea on an ETA.
Last edited by Jeff_GGG on Sep 24, 2020, 12:16:48 AM
Mrnickwan wrote:
It is getting late (for daytime office workers) in NZ. 18.50 as I write this comment.

Idk about you but I'd imagine they've gone home for the night as they're probably 9-5 workers.

I wouldn't expect anything until tomorrow. 12+ hours from now.
We're still working. As I mentioned in my previous post we have a build compiling, which we're waiting to test as soon as possible tonight. Right now it's a waiting game. When the build is done and tested, I will post an update with what to expect.
We've finished testing the earlier mentioned fix, which appears to have resolved the technical issue we faced today. We will be deploying the update ASAP; my estimate would be within 1-2 hours. I'll post another update as soon as the time is set for the deploy to begin.
We're currently deploying the update to the PlayStation store. The update should become available within the next 10 to 15 minutes for download.

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