I hope harvest gets added into the CORE game

It's absolutely amazing.
Look on my works ye mighty, and despair.

Harvest league oh you are beautiful.
Last bumped on Jul 18, 2020, 7:01:23 AM
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No. Just no. Outside of my hatred towards this league adding it to core game would ruin path of exile.

Example nr. 1
Tailwind mod - only crit mod that you can find on hunter boots. Use one t2 crit seed and tailwind boots are yours.

Example nr. 2
Fractured items. Yes they made it harder to get but still you have like 1/5 chance to hit it. Just id rare weapons u may want to use, fossil spam or whatever currency spam till you get it and try your rng.
Once you have good enough fractured weapon slam it with t0 essence for huge added flat phys. Then replace with t1 seed non phys mod into phys and enjoy broken weapon.

Now tell me, what will GGG do?
Will they let us have toys that are far too powerfull compared to how hard it is to get them or they will once again nerf players/buff monsters assuming everybody is using broken stuff?
No. League is terrible
Acolina87 wrote:
It's absolutely amazing.

Amazingly banale, boring, tedious and annoying, maybe.

It is not good enough to go core, IMHO (which counts for absolutely bugger-all anyway :P )
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
Good sarcasm:)
They should improve crafting without adding more clutter to the game.
Imagine how bad this league would be at 10% the spawn rate. It would be just an extra management essence. We don't need another ultra endgame crafting option, we need crafting options for the rest of the game to be useful.
if they do ill uninstall this game after 9 years and never back
kekoyaso wrote:
if they do ill uninstall this game after 9 years and never back

But it already been decided that this will go meta....
The other leagues that added layers of power creep made it to core, so you can't really use power creep as a reason not to add it.

The "complexity" issue goes away once you learn it, so that argument is out the window too.

I know there's a lot of people who don't enjoy the league. I'm not particularly fond of it, but don't really understand the hate. I wish I could actually see the fights but they're just a blur of color. Too much going on in one little area for anything tactical to go on. Just spam area damage and wait it out. Whee.

To actually keep this out of core you need to find a reason that matches leagues that were kept out of core. Look back to the arguments against Synthesis.
Agreed I love harvest. I have never been able to do the boss because of the invincible wall glitch 3 times in a row but I STILL love this league.

I have played since talisman and I gotta say this is one of my favorite leagues. You actually had to really THINK about what you were doing and make decisions and problem solve.

I doubt this will go core since the meta is zoom zoom and less think and strategize (not counting racing ofc strictly talking average league play)
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