[3.12] Aziire's Earthshatter Juggernaut - Screenwide Slamming! | League Starter

So i listened to everyones advice and switched to axes and got this

Mapping is so smooth now,i just need to get a bit more life and i will be completely satisfied with my character
Last edited by Devilking5 on Aug 26, 2020, 4:58:36 AM
Well, I played a bit this past week and can finally try Sirius for the first time this league. I wish I had more currency for a new axe (current is 550pdps) but I don't. I have 1 exalt pure and about 70 chaos. Need to upgrade my jewelry.

Really want to link my chestplate and augment that base crit. Have not been lucky enough with the seeds to hit augment yet.

Fun build.

I have about 5.4K life and can certainly be squishy. Conquerors have taken some work killing as they tend to almost 1 hit me. Can I kill Sirius with this current status? Never killed him before.

Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Madcow1120 wrote:
Can I kill Sirius with this current status? Never killed him before.

Sirius is skill-based - you can beat him even with crappy gear if you're good enough to dodge his attacks.

Give it a try anyway - as long as you don't know the encounter, you'll die anyway. And you WILL waste your first attempt at him - just like everybody else did.

Hi guys, can anyone critique my build so far? I'm thinking of upgrading my chest and helmet next. Currently also working on my 2h weapon. I have a mace that I am working on but it looks like a lot of you are recommending axes due to speed.

Last edited by Loketoron on Aug 26, 2020, 7:25:38 PM
Finally hit level 100 today. I just wish I didn't brick my current amulet due to stupidity, but at least I could salvage the situation and kept it usable.
So this is my first season and i ran with this build. I used this as a basic guide my gear i maybe went a little over the top with but i managed to kill sirus after i added a corrupted blood can not be inflicted on you jewel. I did double influenced chest explosion and crit. tailwind and elusive two tone boots. warlords spiked gloves with 50%melee dmg and culing strike.shaper and elder ring with lvl 12 assasins mark and 35 melee dmg and a hunter diamond ring with 35 to exerted attack dmg. i also used a warlord ammy with pride reservation. im at level 94 and my POB shows me pumping out 4.8 mil DPS with bottled faith, lions roar, and diamond flask. I like this build better than the spectre build i started with. I also had better success with this build. Thanks a lot
Last edited by Weebelz on Aug 29, 2020, 10:54:53 PM
Done with T1 life on my chest. That took way more tries than I expected (~25). Now my entire gear has max T1 life on everything - very nice.

All that's left to do is getting a nice high DPS Fortify Support Fleshripper for the 7L, but those are kinda expensive.

Weebelz wrote:
So this is my first season and i ran with this build. I used this as a basic guide my gear i maybe went a little over the top with but i managed to kill sirus after i added a corrupted blood can not be inflicted on you jewel. I did double influenced chest explosion and crit. tailwind and elusive two tone boots. warlords spiked gloves with 50%melee dmg and culing strike.shaper and elder ring with lvl 12 assasins mark and 35 melee dmg and a hunter diamond ring with 35 to exerted attack dmg. i also used a warlord ammy with pride reservation. im at level 94 and my POB shows me pumping out 4.8 mil DPS with bottled faith, lions roar, and diamond flask. I like this build better than the spectre build i started with. I also had better success with this build. Thanks a lot

I can't look at your gear, but the way your gear sounds, you should be able to do way more than 4.8 million DPS.
After a long, tiresome hunt with prices escalating over the weekend, I didn't think I could still snatch a good Fortify Fleshripper anymore, but here it is:

Edit: Done with the rerolls:

Last edited by Barooky on Sep 8, 2020, 5:20:34 PM
Im looking for some slam/melee build for 3.12,
Do you think that this build can be doable without harvest as a league starter?
Or need 50ex to work?


Will u bring an update for 3.12?

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