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[3.12] Aziire's Earthshatter Juggernaut - Screenwide Slamming! | League Starter

So, I'm kind of "that guy who loves using uniques in every slot", so I was wondering what uniques you'd recommend for this build.

Thanks again for your build, I am absolutely loving it. Getting through enemies like a red-hot knife though room temperature butter.
Earthshatter noob here. Can someone explain the warcry rotation that I've seen a lot of people use for oneshotting/chunking bosses?

Do we not need to worry so much about the warcry rotation when we're mapping?

Bane__ wrote:
Earthshatter noob here. Can someone explain the warcry rotation that I've seen a lot of people use for oneshotting/chunking bosses?

Do we not need to worry so much about the warcry rotation when we're mapping?


I just use whatever is ready to fire and I'm doing quite well. Second wind support helps a lot.
Currently rocking this at the moment. On to tier 9/10 of the atlas so far. Have yet to do the Eternal Labyrinth. Anything I should change on this build?

Last edited by MJHeemeyer on Oct 19, 2020, 5:22:42 AM
I have a question about the skilltrees that you linked. Do they reflect killing all bandits or keeping Alira? I'm on level 90 and am trying to match the skills up.
I want to thank you for your nice build!

I never really played melee but always wanted to play with a two-hand weapons. Your build was exactly what I was looking for and it was a blast.

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