Content Update 3.9.0 -- Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

So little for wands and nothing about Raider, sad =(
I can FLY!
Mikayshen wrote:
I don't want to play a bow build
I don't want to play a caster build
I want to play a melee build
I guess I need a new game

Guess so.


(Nobody tell them about dominating blow, stunlocking, cyclone, bladeflurry, righteous fire, pestilent strike, or any of the other melee skills that will let you play endgame)
Last edited by Rockell on Dec 11, 2019, 12:07:49 AM
No more Harbinger Zana mod? But how I will I make my $$$ now???

Why increase monster armor? I am assuming to tone down physical dps builds correct? Then why add -x% physical damage reduction nodes to passive tree? To buff physical dps builds, correct? What is the point?

I'm more than a bit confused, but hopefully after 3.9 is playable all will be made clear.

The views and expressed opinions of Dragon are solely those of a drunken redneck and are not necessarily those of a sane person. Any likeness of intelligence is strictly coincidental and should not be taken seriously. His posts should not be read... by anyone.
Last edited by Dragon585 on Dec 11, 2019, 12:08:16 AM






But seriously, that nix on maim for 2h maces is just evil.
And the nerf to multimodding will make really good gear unreachable for everyone but the 1%

What were you thinking?

Edit: or maybe this is your smoldering elitism showing?
Quoting Saltychipmunk:
...I look at the new act 5 boss where you have to hide behind the statues to survive the bullet hell and all I can think is... how the fuck are zombies going to survive that?

They don't know what hiding is... they don't know what dodging is... they are morons.
Last edited by joachimbond on Dec 11, 2019, 12:09:18 AM
sooo arc mines? or Prolif ignite burning arrow totems?
Dragon585 wrote:
No more Harbiner Zana mod? But how I will I make my $$$ now???

I'm more than a bit confused, but hopefully after 3.9 is playable all will be made clear.

Why increase monster armor? I am assuming to tone down physical dps builds correct? Then why add -x% physical damage reduction nodes to passive tree? To buff physical dps builds, correct? What is the point?

Those -x% nodes won't apply to minions, is why.

GGG hates minions again.
Quoting Saltychipmunk:
...I look at the new act 5 boss where you have to hide behind the statues to survive the bullet hell and all I can think is... how the fuck are zombies going to survive that?

They don't know what hiding is... they don't know what dodging is... they are morons.
The Veiled and crafted modifiers with hybrid defenses (Armour, Energy Shield or Evasion) and life have had their values halved, and their tier progression split by item type.


I was specifically running betrayal encounters in order to get dual mods of this type (my current project). With this update i'll just enchant one now and it'll be better than anything post patch.
joachimbond wrote:
Dragon585 wrote:
No more Harbiner Zana mod? But how I will I make my $$$ now???

I'm more than a bit confused, but hopefully after 3.9 is playable all will be made clear.

Why increase monster armor? I am assuming to tone down physical dps builds correct? Then why add -x% physical damage reduction nodes to passive tree? To buff physical dps builds, correct? What is the point?

Those -x% nodes won't apply to minions, is why.

GGG hates minions again.

Oh. Well as long as they hate minions and not me!
The views and expressed opinions of Dragon are solely those of a drunken redneck and are not necessarily those of a sane person. Any likeness of intelligence is strictly coincidental and should not be taken seriously. His posts should not be read... by anyone.
Dragon585 wrote:

Oh. Well as long as they hate minions and not me!

Minions are still lowkey OP even with their movespeed cut. You can probably freely do them as a starter and mapper build, even with all of the people screeching about the apocalypse in this thread.
looking s f*cking good!

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