[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Pyrok wrote:
How is survivability for general mapping going for you guys? I'm only 76, but I have all of the life nodes from the tree plus fairly high life rolls on my gear and I'm still sitting ~3900 hp. My clear is absolutely fine, but I find myself getting randomly popped even in yellow maps. Is that just the new reality with all of the nerfs and shit, or am I doing something wrong?

i m assuming you got a life flask and a rumis for the empty flask slots, is the right pantheon set up? besides that everything seems fine, just get some more levels
Yea, I just have them on another character. And yeah, pantheon is setup. I'll just focus more on using Vaal MS in big clusters of rares and shit, I've always had it on a CWDT setup, so it's not muscle memory to use it without being on a boss yet. Thanks for the reply

Edit: Can you tell me the appropriate use of Withering Step? Is it just to assist the totems with applying withered stacks?
Last edited by Pyrok on Aug 2, 2021, 11:56:21 AM
yeah exactly i m using vms for bigger incoming packs and i ve got normal ms on mouse left click to autotrigger it. withering step is actually your main way to apply wither stacks (helm enchant, anomalous withering step + enhance), the totems are there for the missing few stacks.
withering step is spammed on cooldown, almost use it to:
- apply wither stacks
- increase movement speed around the map (instead of quicksilver flask)
- move through monsters (phasing)
- dodge (by moving out of) or tank hits (elusive)

When fighting trash mobs:
- reposition yourself so that your aoe can hit a large group
- hit the group with main skill and run to the next group, repeat
or in other words:
tack monsters on top of yourself using the phasing and then just 1 tap them with VS/PS, spam withering step for speed when no mobs are around

When fighting yellow / unique:
- WS apply initial wither, if the mob is dying fast then dont even summon totems

When fighting boss:
- totems apply wither, WS primarily for speed

use both speed and debuff

In the POB listed there is amulet and ring with - mana cost of non channeling spells. That makes the cost of Whirling Blades = 0. Therefore Lifetap is not needed for Whirling Blades. Any suggestions what to use instead? I like increased attack speed support
Last edited by __arqu__ on Aug 2, 2021, 12:25:01 PM
__arqu__ wrote:

In the POB listed there is amulet and ring with - mana cost of non channeling spells. That makes the cost of Whirling Blades = 0. Therefore Lifetap is not needed for Whirling Blades. Any suggestions what to use instead? I like increased attack speed support

faster attacks is good, i m not using it because if you get too much attackspeed you get quirky double whirls which can fuck u during boss encounters (whirling outside the circle at sirus, whirling into storms, whirling into stormcalls at atziri, etc...)
good point, then any suggestions what else to socket there?
i m not sure myself, but this is the setup i came up with before leaguestart:
so you're not using perfect form, right?

could you elaborate on difference between using perfect form and loreweave?

also whats the most important stats when getting loreweave? 78% max resists and what else?
Last edited by __arqu__ on Aug 2, 2021, 4:36:49 PM
__arqu__ wrote:
so you're not using perfect form, right?

could you elaborate on difference between using perfect form and loreweave?

also whats the most important stats when getting loreweave? 78% max resists and what else?

In that order:
- max resists
- life roll
- attributes
- flat damage roll

The difference is that you have no armor for phys, but your armor applies to ele (more frequent than phys). You lose phase accro that you need to get with a thread of hope instead. Basically, it makes you close to unkillable versus ele hits, but dots are still scary and phys requires other mitigation sources.
Last edited by Yalpe on Aug 2, 2021, 6:20:56 PM
__arqu__ wrote:
good point, then any suggestions what else to socket there?

Increased duration ain't terrible on fortify.
Last edited by Yalpe on Aug 2, 2021, 6:22:02 PM

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