[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Torean1 wrote:
Torean1 wrote:
Great build! I made a few changes to better suit my playstyle.


I based this off of the block variant that someone posted a couple pages earlier. With flasks up, we get 70%+ attack block and a little bit of spell block.

A couple notable changes from that though:

1) The new Tempest belt is actually insane. 80% uptime for 20% MORE damage. It's incredibly OP and 7.5 exalted is nothing. The downside is you will have to either get your resists from jewels or craft resists like crazy on your items.

2) I'm using elusive boots instead of Kaom's Roots. 3% evasion chance is nice and the life hit is far worth for elusive/MS, even if we are just whirling blades everywhere.

3) I dropped Witchfire and got a ring with Level 5 despair. I know this is an expensive upgrade so witchfire is fine for the majority of people. But if you can fit, it works great. To facilitate the missing blind, I took the Blind wheel in the southern part of the build. This is not necessary if you are using Witchfire and can be better spent elsewhere (Namely, Claws of the Pride would be a good choice)

I need to get life on my ring but I'm at 4.4k life, 80% phys reduction w/ flasks (without vaal molten shell!), 70%+ attack block, and I blind typically within a second of hitting the enemy. I'm pushing about 8.5M Sirus DPS all buffs included. My only upgrade that I can forsee right now besides gem leveling/quality is getting life on my despair ring and getting proper enchants.

I've soloed T19 100% Delirious Burial Chamber maps a few times with only a few deaths so the survivability of this build is far more insane than "just" 4.4k life.

Feel free to make suggestions or ask any questions.

It was me that posted block variant. Overall i think it offers better defense while keeping decent damage.

Looks great. I'm just not sure how often your Elusive is up.

Personally I would go with this passive tree and different anoint

You can cap resistances with Prismatic catalyst on ring and get more life with Fertile from amulet (maybe divine little boots). Abrasive for belt.
Damage will be compensated with leveled awakened gems and quality on Vile Toxins.
You can cap attack block with perfect Rumi's.

I'm glad that you managed to farm t19's. I've completed it only once of many tries.

Good call on the prismatic catalysts.

More life is always a good call, my worry is that I will no longer have blind because the smoke cloud from the Witchfire Brew no longer blinds enemies near me.

It looks like Elemental Nodes near the top of the tree were still allocated. I took them out earlier but they may have added to your passive tree that you posted. If that's the case, I would remove the three elemental nodes and either work towards Dazzling Strikes again or Claws of the pride. Either one should be a decent DPS boost.

Thanks for the advice!

Something else to try, by the way:

You can get Swift Venoms (And heart of Oak while saving a passive point) if you use a Thread of Hope. If you do this, you can have Constitution AND Swift Venoms while still retaining more life. You do lose slight stun resistance but nothing that can't be fixed with a boot enchant. Depending on how far you want to go, you can remove all nodes leading to the major evasion/life node and throw them somewhere else. That'll save you four points all in all since you don't need the dex leading to them now.

See here: https://pastebin.com/RZU6pzED

Here's one without the nodes leading up to the evasion/life node and still keeping blind if you want.


Ignore resists, with 20% prismatic catalysts + a better rolled jewel, I'm capped at 75/76/75.
Last edited by Torean1 on Jul 22, 2020, 12:24:21 PM
Torean1 wrote:
Great build! I made a few changes to better suit my playstyle.


I based this off of the block variant that someone posted a couple pages earlier. With flasks up, we get 70%+ attack block and a little bit of spell block.

3) I dropped Witchfire and got a ring with Level 5 despair. I know this is an expensive upgrade so witchfire is fine for the majority of people. But if you can fit, it works great. To facilitate the missing blind, I took the Blind wheel in the southern part of the build. This is not necessary if you are using Witchfire and can be better spent elsewhere (Namely, Claws of the Pride would be a good choice)

I adjusted my tree and flasks to yours and also made the ring switch and did a deathless 100% delirious burial chambers! I then tried a juiced 100% delirious T16 estuary map and got wrecked by some allies cannot die mobs at the entrance but still managed to kill kosis and the map boss on the final portal. The switch was a 4 million dps loss but the defense definitely made up for it. Hopefully my mob RNG is better with the next delirious juiced map lol.
Last edited by arzate03 on Jul 23, 2020, 1:11:53 AM
I just found out that although aberrant fossils can grant the "60% chance for poisons to deal 100% damage" harvest crafting does not allow for chaos seeds to augment items with poison mods.

wanted to add to this but game said no :(
arzate03 wrote:
I just found out that although aberrant fossils can grant the "60% chance for poisons to deal 100% damage" harvest crafting does not allow for chaos seeds to augment items with poison mods.

wanted to add to this but game said no :(

Yeah, no poison harvest crafts does suck a little.
I am working on a poison build my self that uses viper strike. I am using Bino's with it and then I thought what if I use pestilent strike in combination with viper strike to clear mobs. I put pestilent strike in embalmer gloves with ancestral call and unbound ailments for longer duration. The result was I would hit something twice with viper strike and get some poison going then it would either be dead or close to death and I would start hitting the mob with pestilent strike. Everything melts but its hard to use on bosses so mainly it helps are the start of the fight and clears minions and just use viper to finish. The combination of binos and viper strike is kind of op because of their mechanics. If you used an ascendancy that spreads poison from a dead enemy then bino's isnt really useful. Worth looking into.
blastinMot wrote:
arzate03 wrote:
I just found out that although aberrant fossils can grant the "60% chance for poisons to deal 100% damage" harvest crafting does not allow for chaos seeds to augment items with poison mods.

wanted to add to this but game said no :(

Yeah, no poison harvest crafts does suck a little.

The 60% chance one does have an 'Attack' flag now, but yeah.. your odds of getting it are low. Pretty sure it didn't have the attack tag initially, and it lets you work around the mod a bit better. Craft with fossils until you get the tag, then optimise with harvest crafts.

The one I find more annoying is that the Elder %chance to poison (but no increased poison damage) also has an attack flag, but the non-Elder increased poison damage does not (but that seems to be in keeping with the handling of most non-influenced DoT multiplier type affixes).
My luck this league has been truly insane. Got this after using two resonators on it:

arzate03 wrote:
My luck this league has been truly insane. Got this after using two resonators on it:

No added chaos but it will serve to some point.
arzate03 wrote:
My luck this league has been truly insane. Got this after using two resonators on it:

No added chaos but it will serve to some point.

As the suffixes are full, you can guaranty the added chaos prefix with a "augment chaos mod" harvest craft.
Almost perfect claw then!

Edit: Looking at his profile he alrady did it.
Last edited by blastinMot on Jul 25, 2020, 8:38:17 AM
blastinMot wrote:
arzate03 wrote:
My luck this league has been truly insane. Got this after using two resonators on it:

No added chaos but it will serve to some point.

As the suffixes are full, you can guaranty the added chaos prefix with a "augment chaos mod" harvest craft.
Almost perfect claw then!

Edit: Looking at his profile he alrady did it.

Didnt know you can do that 😀

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