[3.0] BALLZERKER - Molten strike Disfavour Berseker (Safe-Bosskiller-95% of all content viable )

it is still same good in 3 00?
and how abaut Brutus Sprinklers? they work good in builds like this on old day
This build is very fun to play. It's super tanky and does an insane amount of damage. I can't get enough of this build. I highly recommend this build if you have the currency to make it.

My gear for anyone interested:

Last edited by natherox on Aug 18, 2017, 2:19:15 AM
Yes i am dooing it but l try version with Brutus Lead Sprinkler
I found that Ngamahu's Flame, Abyssal Axe work much better with Sunder. It makes a great secondary weapon so I can just swap over when mapping. On PoB I get 30k more DPS with Sunder using Ngamahu's. Disfavor is still much more superior when using Molten Strike. I hope this info was useful.

My New Gear:

The bls version is nice,budget and all but it has cons as well.
First of all, way less damage and theres no point stacking and wasting passive tree nods for strenght when i can invest in more versatile options as life or powerfull axe nods.Second of all the cwdt setup is just enormously good.
If you havent tried it ,i cant explain just how good and usefull it is,but to give you an idea,
that 5-6link cwdt setup is almost ireplacable. Theres literaly nothing that i could think of that couls copensate for losing the 6link kn weapon or armour.

Last, nhagamahu or however it is spelled,is a badass farming weapon amd the best alternative imstead of disfavour too.As for the clearing i agree that while building the character its an awsome way to keep your mapping capabilities on high pace
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Last edited by johnywalker92 on Aug 19, 2017, 6:59:45 AM
I farmed up a disfavor using cyclone Ngamahu's, but when I swapped it out my cyclone dps stayed the same? Except worse because now I don't get the extra meatball dps. So I thought fine I can just do a weapon swap for maps no problem, BUT my single target DPS with molten strike (conc - multistrike - WED - fire pen) is much worse than cyclone. I know i'm only on a 5l still but so was cyclone.

Does the build not scale enough non-fire damage to work without xoph's? 9ex for my dps to go down just feels bad man. What am I doing wrong here?
how do u kill minotaur with this ? i get oneshotted with 7k life everytime
Oakshore, drop fire pen amd ise ele focus.fire pen is the 6th link.other than that make sure tree and gear are optimal to my guide and as i said before try to farm xoph as soon as posible.Other than that,my advice is not to base your dps output to the tooltip since it is not coresponding to the projectile damage.Enchant, flasks and xoph amulets are mandatory for this build to work since the main boost for the damage is the balls.

As for mino its just a matter of mechanics.dodge the heavy blows and nuke him.Taste of hate does most of the heavy work there migitating the phys damage.fortify is a must have as well during fights with endgame.learn your fortify / flask rotations and you will be just fine.( will upload a video once i have acess to my pc as well,but ive farmed countless guardians till now and its usually 3-4 sec job even with bad mods)

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NOTE: the build is set to work with a specific combination of items and thats why i said its not beginner friendly.there are some alternatives options to make it work for map farming but you def wont see the results i show with pob or my vids unless you make this build your personal curency sink. I know that copying the build as is takes the fun away but it was made from scratch to perfection to help people farm endgame chilling , safely and repeatedly. I suport any changes to my build and i can also help with ideas ,but always keep in mind that it took me a lot of time to work out the end result rather the transition there since i already had the time and currency amd leveled up berseker.

Ill try to help you people as much as possible to experience the results i did but try to obtain as similar gear as mine and if there are any questions about transitioning slowly ill try to help as much as i can.Thanks for understanding
My mirror thread : view-thread/2024779

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