(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)

Dying sun - let me plz clearly get three things:

1) is this build could solo kill U-Izaro without it?
2) is this build could farm U-Lab without it?
3) do u need 6l barage to kill\farm U-Lab with and without DS?

I see your icon is a Berseker.You are already able to bullet-speed farm Uber Izaro 4 keys.
Here is what you can do with the icon you already have in forum:
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Last edited by Spacecom on Jul 27, 2017, 4:06:10 PM

You are Welcome!

All good, just wanted to clarify and be safe before someone interprets your argument's wrong.

As Nephalim suggested running with an Aura Bot Make's the most sense, all 3 Char's i leveled to 100 had one, since we ran dark red map's with funny mod's (minus max, the usual lethal poop)


Defiantly get a Dying Sun, it's worth every penny, since you plan to farm U-Lab you want some comfortable dps output.

Also it's really nice for Kinetic Blast too, more Projectiles and the Explosions are bigger :3
Nephalim wrote:

It is just a matter of gear scaling. Wands are mechanically capable of doing any content but not necessarily the most cost efficient way.

Alternatively, a single aura bot + any ranged attack char will be able to 1 shot anything in a 6 man party with little gear investment.

For sure on the auramancer part! I've seen truly obnoxious tooltip numbers with a good aurabot and a a few headhunter buffs active.

I've just always used 6-man poorjoys as a rough indicator of true clear speed. Easy to jump in one as they run non-stop all league and see how fast the mobs drop. If people have trouble keeping up with you, you are usually doing quite well :)

Thanks again guys! Cant wait for 3.0 to try this build. Been several leagues since I've done anything that wasn't low-life or CI.
Last edited by Deadfire1 on Jul 27, 2017, 7:53:15 PM
Toma_Hawk wrote:


Defiantly get a Dying Sun, it's worth every penny, since you plan to farm U-Lab you want some comfortable dps output.

Also it's really nice for Kinetic Blast too, more Projectiles and the Explosions are bigger :3

i clearly realise, that DS boost this build as hell, but i want to have answers to 3 questions i have asked earlier.

Spacecom wrote:

I see your icon is a Berseker...

i had played various Berseker builds last 3 leagues, and 'little" fed off them now, so looking for another vaible options.
Last edited by Mikes_Mekazukatoto on Jul 28, 2017, 5:01:01 AM

Ok you wanna farm uberlab on a pretty expensive build and safe on a pathfinder currency by not getting one of the crucial flasks's ? ? ?

You will need it. Go get it :3

In before 1000 post's come about the datamined flask changes.

Current Vinktar shock's you now too so no change there, unless they change the way it interact's with Master Alchemist.

Dying Sun ... well they removed 4% currently in the Beta from Alchemist ( Witch Area)
With that Change, this Build at it's state would loose 1 Projectile from Barrage.

That kind of sucks, although the Node, the Cluster was way to strong, Pathfinder, a class that fully build's on flask got a bit Bitch Slapped with that change.
Personally i'd like to see less Flask Effectiveness in the Tree and more in Pathfinder.
Since you actually can play a "flask build" without Pathfinder.

Which is/ was my plan B, before i even knew that they will change the Alchemist Node.

Worst Case would be taking the Unique Jewel giving 8% Flask Effectiveness OR drop Nature's Adrenaline and take a Traveling node in the Ascendancy Wheel to get 5% Flask Effectiveness.
Toma_Hawk wrote:
You will need it. Go get it :3

About question:

1) is this build could solo kill U-Izaro without it?
2) is this build could farm U-Lab without it?
3) do u need 6l barage to kill\farm U-Lab with and without DS?

you have answered to #2,tnx, what with 1 and 3?

About datamained nerf - its to early to being sad about it, before 3.0 notes will be relise
What's the difference between U-Izaro and U-Lab?
Like nobody is farming U-Lab without killing Izzy right?
Yeah get 6l and Dying Sun.
dis build dead in 3.0 now?!
Toma_Hawk wrote:
What's the difference between U-Izaro and U-Lab?
Like nobody is farming U-Lab without killing Izzy right?
Yeah get 6l and Dying Sun.

its all albout firs kill, about getting 2 ascendency points.

from u answers i realised that best way to make U-lab quickly and early, to get benefit from ascendency - its pay for carry U-Lab.

Chaozhax wrote:
dis build dead in 3.0 now?!

we cant be sure till 3.0 patchnotes have been relised.

Last edited by Mikes_Mekazukatoto on Jul 28, 2017, 12:16:20 PM
There a some changes to Power\Frensi charges:

Red post: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1927472/page/8#p14637825

Another quick note: Power Charges now grant 30% increased Critical Strike Chance per charge (down from 50%) and 4% more Spell Damage per charge,
and Frenzy Charges now grant 4% more damage with Attack skills (as opposed to 4% more Damage). You can see these changes in the Charges page of the Charcter Panel.

looks like FC no more aply to KB damage at all, as PC totaly do nothing to Barrage.

And, as i sad earlier, we shoul see 3.0 pathcnotes, to be sure.

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