Ascendancy Enchantments

300? The labyrinth of eternal grind :D

And after all this wait... the Scion ascendancy class... better be good...
so get yourself nice end game boots/gloves or helmet and enchant it till you get nice sh1t.
omg that helmet rng.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
This is bloody glorious!
leto2626 wrote:
Oh my, every single gem has an multiple possible enchantments? Sick !

That's why we play PoT: Path of Trading.

The odds of getting anything remotely useful for the build you are currently playing when you enchant a helmet as your single enchant per completed labyrinth visit are remote if there are 300+ to choose at random between unless there's some sort of friendly "only skills you have currently socketed will be rolled for", but since this is GGG developing, such kindness towards the player seems unlikely.

GGG: Why settle for the lesser evil?
Scionic Flametank 3.2: The classic ES-CI-ZO-GR regeneration tank is back in business, stronger than ever before with 50-60% ES/s recovery during most fights due to creative use of regeneration, leech, and recovery mechanics
TheGriz738 wrote:
Will the enchantment stack with a vaal/corruption effect?

this is also what i want to know

You can't add an enchantment to a corrupted item.
If I add an enchant and use a mirror of kalandra on the item, will the mirrored item have the enchantment?

Also, I am guessing you cannot enchant an existing mirrored item.
IGN:Vennttorr - Level 100 Witch - 1st Witch to 100.

My mirror service thread:

My Crit Arc build: -- Updated
apologies if these are already asked:

1. Can corrupted items have an enchantment placed on them? (answered right above me, sorry! no you can't)

2. Can helmets skill bonuses work on any skill or just skills that are socketed into your helmet?

thank you!
Last edited by Drahken on Feb 23, 2016, 7:43:54 PM
It's like softcore vaal orbing.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
Those skill-specific enchantments are really fucking exciting. Like dudeeeeeeeeeee.

Also, I read above that corrupted items cannot receive enchantments; so, can you enchant an item and then corrupt it?
gimme money bitch
Last edited by Atlantae on Feb 23, 2016, 7:50:34 PM

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