Announcing the Five-week Darkshrine Events

Imagine if one of the effect is force teleport you into 5 uber atziris and IF you kill them all you get 1 exalt per mob kill forever.
"Teamwork is OP"
-The one and only one Dark_Reaper115 at your service.
this one actually sounds fun - might give it a shot.
Chris wrote:
Drumheller wrote:
This sounds like a lot of fun! Thank you!

Will it only work for rare items or items of any rarity?

Only rare (yellow) items. You'll start by sacrificing ones you don't need, but then the greed will take over...

Greed will depend hard on how good items or perma item buffs or area/map buffs that grant rarity, quantity or something like that are especially in HC league.

If you just gonna get some temp buffs for map with a chance of breaking map it's not gonna be used a lot in HC league.

Knowing the history of how bad risk/reward ratio is handled for HC sounds like it's gonna be ignored most of the time after few goof ball tries, might be wrong and maybe this time around you gonna hit a good ratio between risk and reward.

I know when you design things it's pulling you to think oh this looks and feels cool but I hope you are thinking about how HC is all about having fun being efficient and surviving with regular goofball fun being just the cherry on top of good risk/reward situations
Last edited by AcidHC on Oct 23, 2015, 8:09:16 PM
For a throw together, this is pretty awesome. Nice work Jonathan!
The Lab, making a great game good since 2016.
Jumping jesus, what a cool idea. Love the 5 weeks (so much better than 4, need that extra week)!! Never been so hyped for a league!
Sounds like a fun short leag. The only thing i dont understand is why it ends on saturday evening not on sundays.
The only thing that stood out as a worry was "modify an item in your inventory in some way" hopefully not permanently...would suck to brick a GG item out of bad luck -_-
Barivius wrote:
Darkshrine was a challenge league idea that we rejected in the past because it had two problems. The first was that it probably wasn't substantial enough for a full three/four month league on its own. The second was that we thought it might be a bit oppressive for all the new players that we get for a fully-marketed challenge league release.

If this is well received, would you consider it as a rare occurrence in the core game? Keep in mind that running the same content over and over, a little RNG event wise does spice things up.

I was thinking this too. Even if it occurred rarely it'd be fun to find them in the core game and think wow, darkshrines! I remember that league! (obviously then rng would kick in and you'd get the most common result but!)

More unpredictability (especially optional) suits this type of game, and keeps players on their toes.
Its also an interesting way to momentarily bring back former content that didn't make it into the core game/maps etc...
Last edited by Drakkon1 on Oct 23, 2015, 9:16:45 PM
bloody effing awesome

and another great example of user-initiated modification to gameplay (always enormously popular: "open the strongbox, or not?" "run the apex content?" "roll the map?") to produce cool results.

Wouldn't be a bit surprised to see it added to the core game, and disappointed if not.

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