Diablo 3 is dead - Blizzard confirmed

RottenSausage wrote:
poe = trading sim
d3 = 4 player co-op arcade shoot-em-up

different experiences enjoyed by different players

case closed...


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

All this talk of Gauntlet clones.. the new game in the series looks to take quite a bit from Diablo clones.

Of course if you prefer metal you're better off sticking to Gauntlet 4. What's more metal than having Death Stars for boobs, really.

This is completely unrelated to this thread but I just wanted to chime in to say that I think sound is often an extremely underrated aspect of game development.

Exactly. Diablo 2 has mellow pleasurable sounds, well suited to playing for hours at a time. Diablo three, besides all the distracting noise that has nothing to do with anything (YOU KILLED SIX GUYS HOLY SHIT YOU'RE AWESOME HERE'S ANOTHER UI SIREN), is like metal scrapping metal nonstop. What used to be metal hitting meat. Robotron is more subtle and relaxing.

The distance between Piety screaming before casting a lightning storm 0.5 seconds later and the giant Oogie Boogie monsters from The Nightmare Before Christmas movie grunting for four seconds so you're really, really sure insects are about to burst out of him, is an ocean.

Lordy. Even Hellgate never made me into an epileptic.
"Single player game isn't selling, must be dead."

Would be borderline retarded if the sales of D3 kept going up, do you think people buy 3-4 copies each just.. for fun? No, most sensible people buy a copy, and that's it lol
I wonder why everybody on this forum has to hate D3. Why can't this two games exist together in peace?
Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
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EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431
I am getting impression that the OP was heavy sarcastic
candoerfer wrote:
I wonder why everybody on this forum has to hate D3. Why can't this two games exist together in peace?

In the immortal, ever quotable words of Kormac, "Betrayal can NEVER be forgiven!"

lotta butthurt d2 fans here who feel betrayed by Blizz/D3 and still can't let go

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

candoerfer wrote:
I wonder why everybody on this forum has to hate D3. Why can't this two games exist together in peace?

For the same reason why the Israel issue will likely never be solved within our lifetime.
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All those people who bought Diablo 3 are jerks because they enjoy something I don't.

People I don't know, liking things I don't is unacceptable.

People who play Path of Exile are automatically better people because they enjoy a game I enjoy. How could they be wrong about anything?

"I would have listened... I would have understood!" - Scion

Have you removed Asus ROG/GameFirst yet?
i loled hard reading the op
D3 could have been awesome but modern Blizzard made it a shitty pay to win game because every bullshit blizzard touches turns to gold, even nowadays. SC2 will propably be the last good Blizzard game.

MaxTheLimit wrote:
All those people who bought Diablo 3 are jerks because they enjoy something I don't.

People I don't know, liking things I don't is unacceptable.

People who play Path of Exile are automatically better people because they enjoy a game I enjoy. How could they be wrong about anything?


People don't want to hear it, but good taste can be measured objectivly. If you think McDonalds makes the best burger, you have no clue about food. If you think D3 is the best ARPG, you have no clue about games. I'd still rather play D2.
Last edited by Destructor666 on Aug 19, 2014, 6:07:00 PM

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