GGG does ban bots :D

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Proud of GGG for at least trying to have a game with some fucking integrity in this corrupt, bullshit day and age.
Last edited by Michael_GGG on May 1, 2014, 11:20:53 PM
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anything is everything
Last edited by Michael_GGG on May 1, 2014, 11:21:01 PM
Mivo wrote:
b15h09 wrote:
A lot of it only makes sense if I want to go all tin-foily. I don't, so I just remain baffled. Blue pill for me.

Yeah, but that also doesn't really make sense to me. It can't be profitable enough to justify the risk of discovery. Maybe it really is just lack of ... I don't know, foresight? Or perhaps they don't care and feel that they should not have to design around it. But that would boil down to lack of foresight again, I feel.

Anyway, you're right, it's probably pointless to think too much about it.

I dunno that I'd discount the profitability of it. A certain website is offering 1 million USD a year to someone who can produce unlimited D3 items (as in, someone with Blizzard who can sneak in an exploit). PoE isn't as large of a market, but the item valuation is up there. I wouldn't be surprised if it could bring a person 10-20 grand each month, off the books, if someone wanted.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
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Last edited by Michael_GGG on May 1, 2014, 11:21:11 PM
they'll never ban enough of them.

psycho botter is right. there are _lots_ of players who want to use <censored> to get the goods immediately.

i wonder how much the player base would drop if not for <censored> ?
F1ghtClub wrote:
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LOL. People washing your clothes is not a bad thing. I wish someone washed my clothes.
i use a secret account because i am a politician that doesnt want the NSA to know i play poe.
Last edited by Michael_GGG on May 1, 2014, 11:21:30 PM
Plausible enough with Chris' background. ;)

Nice read.
Last edited by Nightmare90 on May 1, 2014, 8:12:09 PM
borek664 wrote:
12 threads simultaneously? 64 GB ram? Wtf, thats a monster, not a PC lol. Where do people get such machines from?

Great post, had good laughs reading it.

People build them. It's what is needed to have a massive bot farm.

I like how not only is the guy pissed about getting baned again but how he is pissed that barly any 1 buys his RMT crap. Then complains about a buissnes model that aggresivly combats him ( the problem with moder online games ) and then cry's about the potential profits

His tears are presious to me

Just a sec let me grab a beer...@#*@ Ok how did I die this time

Learn the rules, it's the only way to exploit them.
F1ghtClub wrote:
[removed by support]

I hear that man u got it right.

GGG dose very aggresivly combat RMT players, people who think GGG let`s botters run rampent un-checked have no qlue how much they actualy do.

Just a sec let me grab a beer...@#*@ Ok how did I die this time

Learn the rules, it's the only way to exploit them.
Last edited by Michael_GGG on May 1, 2014, 11:21:51 PM
Alea wrote:
isnt hard to detect and ban botters when they are always doing the same areas again and again, for weeks...
btw OP post is full of insults directly to ggg "you" , pretty weird while it was supposed to be posted in another website ...

op copied the post from another site

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