1.3 The Community's Molten Strike, Face Melting Build!! 1h+shield and 2h variants available

I'm about to hit level 80 with this build soon. I love it! Doing end-game mapping mostly now between dock runs for currency and just grinding solaris for EXP.
Is this viable for invasion?
Hi I while ago I posted about respeccing out of a dual strike physical build into a one handed molten strike (thanks for all your replies). Anyway its gone well and ive learnt a lot, but im left with a question as I do the last part. Here is my passive tree.
So instead of going down from Warriors blood across to steel skin. I would go from the node near lava lash along till i get to water dancing. I will save 1 passive using 6 instead of 7. Also getting more points in strength instead of dex and int. Do people think its worth it. Nows the time as I pull my last few passive points from 1 handed swords.

Went ahead and respecced along those lines, seems worth it to spend a bit more in this game and get what you want. Running grace and Determination have about 18000 armour (Did play around with the idea of snapshotting with an alphas howl, get 3 auras going. But snapshottings getting nerfed so gave up on that.)
Thanks for reading and thanks for the great build.
Last edited by Fhark on Jun 20, 2014, 12:02:38 AM
What gems are people choosing regarding Doriyani's Catalyst elemental proliferation?

The whole 'can't deal critical strikes' thing makes it difficult to find a good use of it.
SteamPoE2080 wrote:
What gems are people choosing regarding Doriyani's Catalyst elemental proliferation?

The whole 'can't deal critical strikes' thing makes it difficult to find a good use of it.

I use tempest shield, iron will and blind. You get extra defense with 4% block and Blind and extra dps with the iron will (negligible IMO) and more opportunities to shock when I block. I think I got this Arsenaldo's post on page 65.
Abelos wrote:
SteamPoE2080 wrote:
What gems are people choosing regarding Doriyani's Catalyst elemental proliferation?

The whole 'can't deal critical strikes' thing makes it difficult to find a good use of it.

I use tempest shield, iron will and blind. You get extra defense with 4% block and Blind and extra dps with the iron will (negligible IMO) and more opportunities to shock when I block. I think I got this Arsenaldo's post on page 65.

Yes, Arsenaldo's idea of using Tempest Shield is definitely a good way of capping block chance. I am using it with reduced mana in a 3L shield after reading his post. The blind support doesn't make use of elemental proliferation though, so it can only affecting a single target per block with a 12% chance of proc'ing. Maybe in a boss fight it would be useful if you add an increased duration gem.

Thanks for the reply Abelos. I may just see about using the Doriyani's 3L for a Vaal Cyclone setup.
Someone has made calculations as to the differences between running Anger and Hatred for a AoF build?
I got a bit obsessed last night and after some calculating found that with a lvl 20 red mana gem and the 5% reduced mana reservation (1st passive is 12% buff to auras) near unwavering stance i can run tempest shield on top of grace and hatred (Sorry if its been bought up before.) Im really enjoying it and its given me that final bit of tankiness i wanted while having hatred up.
Cheeers McGa
Last edited by Fhark on Jun 20, 2014, 3:40:48 PM
SteamPoE2080 wrote:
Abelos wrote:
SteamPoE2080 wrote:
What gems are people choosing regarding Doriyani's Catalyst elemental proliferation?

The whole 'can't deal critical strikes' thing makes it difficult to find a good use of it.

I use tempest shield, iron will and blind. You get extra defense with 4% block and Blind and extra dps with the iron will (negligible IMO) and more opportunities to shock when I block. I think I got this Arsenaldo's post on page 65.

Yes, Arsenaldo's idea of using Tempest Shield is definitely a good way of capping block chance. I am using it with reduced mana in a 3L shield after reading his post. The blind support doesn't make use of elemental proliferation though, so it can only affecting a single target per block with a 12% chance of proc'ing. Maybe in a boss fight it would be useful if you add an increased duration gem.

Thanks for the reply Abelos. I may just see about using the Doriyani's 3L for a Vaal Cyclone setup.

Good to see some discussion relative with my build, I'd like to share few more, hope will help :)

The idea of add Tempest shield is to add extra survivability. As Doryani's Catalyst has only 3 sockets, so any attacking setup will not gain much damage to MS build. Therefore the goal is to use defensive setup also not waste the L20 Elemental proliferation on it.

Tempest shield + Bind gem is my highly recommendation

* Blind is not just good for against single boss, in fact it works better when against a group of mobs around the character.

The more hit get from the mobs, the more chance of block attacks occur, which means the more chance of Tempest shield + blind will activated. When the build reach the max block/spell block(75%/69%),the blind gem just works as the 7th Link(similar as BOR,but you can use 20/20 blind,even better). You will notice the difference with blind especially in the hard contents of the maps.

* One of the core item for my build is Aegis Aurora, Aegis works the exactly same defensive idea(more hit u get,more tanky you are) as Tempest Shield + blind, so Aegis and Doryani are perfectly fit each other with this setup.(With this setup I can AFK during the fight with Atziri 3 bosses when the flame strike boss remaining last)

Blind afk screenshot
u can see almost all the mobs around were blinded

* Tempest shield will free your 4%block passives which is huge to the endgame full block character.

* Increased Duration Gem will not support Blind, it will support curses/immortal call or any gems with "duration" description, Blind is just a support gem.

* The idea of add Iron will is Iron will works with tempest shield.Iron will and blind will not cost your extra mana reservation of the Tempest shield.

* You can do snapshot with Iron will/Reduced mana as they are same color of the sockets. With Tempest shield+Blind+Reduced Mana setup, after enter the maps Turn the Tempest shield on, replace the Reduced mana to Iron Will.

* Doryani's Catalyst has only 3 sockets, Iron will does not add significance damage's bonus to the build. However, add lightning dmg+lightning penetration can be other idea if u prefer to have attacking setup.

IGN: Knightsly_ARM; Chaosly
Last edited by Arsenaldo on Jun 21, 2014, 7:16:16 PM
Btw Arsenaldo I saw in your build that you were using a lvl 20 increased duration with a lower level cwdt. Ive been keeping my Increased Duration below the lvl of the cwdt thinking it would lose the support. Its great to see someone take this to endgame and its an impressive passive tree and gear your running.

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