Ruler of Wraeclast Pack

I'm thankful to everyone who contributed- no matter what amount - because it rewards the devs for all the hard work they put into the game I love to play.

But I am thankful most of all to those who choose to support on the Ruler level, because it gives us a substantial new addition to the game in the form of a new monster to fight.

I echo the sentiment that has been stated by numerous other people on this thread- that how people choose to spend their hard-earned money is their business. And if you enjoy the game, then you should be thankful there are those who are willing and able to support on that level since all of us will benefit from it.

I just hope that there are more Ruler packs sold, just so Charan doesn't have to rule all by his lonesome. ;)
all bow down before our ruler , Hail Master Charan! Ruler of All Wraeclast!
Warmey wrote:


GGG was like, wtf is wrong with that kid. Maybe he's wacko, let's put him on probabtion. Spent 12.5 with his mommy's credit card!

Mom: Son, wtf did you do with my credit card?!?!?

Dude: I'm the ruler of wraeclast now, mom!

Mom: WHAT?! I'll show you a ruler of wraeclast.

Trying to make fun of a man that has the money to support a game you and him like and play? Do you make fun and try to humiliate your parents too? You probably should, all the money they are wasting on you.
IGN: Smegacore
Last edited by battled on Jun 12, 2013, 4:19:43 AM
Aulic wrote:

QQ from a penniless communist who wishes for more fair (read: confiscatory) redistribution of (hard earned) wealth

I finally got around to telling the girlfriend, and of course she was okay with it.

When I say things like 'but it could have gone to charity' she just snorts and says 'they're all corrupt anyway, you have no idea where that money would go! At least with GGG you know the devs and can see how things are going!'

Good point.

...I am so lucky to have a cynical, practical partner. ^_^

She's not cynical, Charan, she's a realist. Approximately 10% of all monetary donations actually reach their intended recipients. Whethere its supporting humans, animals, or the environment. The money goes towards their expensive yachts, vacations, private flights and overinflated salaries administrative costs and charity work. Why do you think the Foreign Aid-Welfare-Industrial Complex is so lucrative? That's why when I donate to appeals, I always give food. Man, were they always pissed.
POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL!
MonstaMunch wrote:
Not interested in the next generation of consoles. I still get jaw-drop moments playing my ps3, so really, I think I'm done with the console game. Only reason I got a ps3 was for the bluray playback anyway.

I thought I was done with consoles, but I'll be buying a PS4 even if only to show my support for their relatively DRM Free stance.

The lesser of two evils is still evil. I shall be sticking with my PC for yet another console generation. I believe consoles are becoming increasingly superfluous. All the stuff I used to consider an advantage for consoles is mostly gone. They are mostly less efficient locked down PCs now. Pass.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
The lesser of two evils is still evil. I shall be sticking with my PC for yet another console generation. I believe consoles are becoming increasingly superfluous. All the stuff I used to consider an advantage for consoles is mostly gone. They are mostly less efficient locked down PCs now. Pass.

Three evils if you take into account some of the horrific DRM they are putting out on PC games these days, which is why I'm willing to support pretty much anyone who is willing to go against it ;)
newman92 wrote:

Says the guy who spends his family's inheritance on a game...

Even if it was "10%" and you have 90% saved, what a complete shame. I would NEVER, ever disrespect my love ones and use their hard earned money for some support package. (Sure donating a couple hundred would be fine, since you did 12.5k) You're the person who needs to look into money management.

12.5k Could be enough for missions trips around the world to help 3rd world countries/etc, but I guess you take Pixel's over that, which in any event; is another shameful behavior.

But I guess, it's your money, do whatever you want..But don't be telling other people how to manage money.

You my friend are very naive.. "mission trips around the world"?! Airfare takes most of that 12.5..
Charities to 3rd world countries?! You do know the correct term for at least a decade has been developing countries, but then with the billions donated to charities over the last 30 odd years, why do we not see any development??
Have a look at the salaries of many charity CEO's, have a look at commisions paid to the people on the streets raising funds, the amount of charity taken by the corrupt in those countries.. An incredibly small amount of money raised acctually gets to those in need..

We will never ever wipe out poverty in developing countries with money, donations are a 'tax' for the people with a bit of money so they feel less bad being better off..

We will however eliminate poverty with a shift in thought process, ie education, skills and labour. Oh and a big stick to beat off the vultures that use developing countries as a 'feeding ground'.. (atm we let them feed by donating!)

Charan did good, he supported a project that many hard working people enjoy doing to relax, and many unemployed bums play coz they would otherwise be bored out of their brains..

Ironically I imagine it to be the to lasy to work crowd that is calling him an idiot..
To them I say get a job, be productive and you too can find out how rewarding it is to be able to splash out some disposable income!!
"Whats in it for me" is not always, and actually never should be about gaining wealth..
It's about, do I enjoy my life, am I happy? and more/most importantly "Am I a possitive in the lives of others!!!"
Something the haters will never understand..

My hat off to you Charan! Your contribution has and will be positive on my own and the lives of other appreciative souls!!
Your parents did done good!!

[edit: found one typo, but there's possibly more]
Last edited by Slyloki on Jun 12, 2013, 7:02:58 AM
MonstaMunch wrote:
The lesser of two evils is still evil. I shall be sticking with my PC for yet another console generation. I believe consoles are becoming increasingly superfluous. All the stuff I used to consider an advantage for consoles is mostly gone. They are mostly less efficient locked down PCs now. Pass.

Three evils if you take into account some of the horrific DRM they are putting out on PC games these days, which is why I'm willing to support pretty much anyone who is willing to go against it ;)

While this is true. It isn't blanket DRM that affects everything on PC. I can just not buy from those publishers, and I do.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
Not that this was ever my thread to begin with, because it was actually a 'lol u moron u spent 12.5k on a game' thread, but do we really have to let it be about DRM and consoles? Reallllly?

You aren't the ruler of me! ...Oh wait, I guess you actually are. Son of a bitch.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
Not that this was ever my thread to begin with, because it was actually a 'lol u moron u spent 12.5k on a game' thread, but do we really have to let it be about DRM and consoles? Reallllly?

u rich freak time for u to take care of my 30$ pack.

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