Fisting in 11.1 HanFistedFirst - Lvl 81 Facebreaker/Bringer of Rain Melee Build [Updated]

I think it would be incredibly sad if they nerf Facebreaker builds, unless it's very small.

It's a fun build, it's not even near the strongest builds in the game, but as it has temporary hightened publicity it gets threatened with the nerf stick.

Fix Kaoms Heart, Shavronnes, energy shield in general, Discharge and Lightning Arrow before you even touch Facebreaker.
bendot wrote:
I think it would be incredibly sad if they nerf Facebreaker builds, unless it's very small.

It's a fun build, it's not even near the strongest builds in the game, but as it has temporary hightened publicity it gets threatened with the nerf stick.

Fix Kaoms Heart, Shavronnes, energy shield in general, Discharge and Lightning Arrow before you even touch Facebreaker.

Exactly if they nerf FB before them I think ill quit this just like I did d3.. Its a viable is by no means OP..Look at top of ladder wonder how many of them run a FB build? Its just a good build for cheap, but it is by no means over powered..I die way more on my FB build then I do on my summoner.
gump124 wrote:
i still find it funny they want to prioritize facebreaker nerf over kaom's or shavs, or even the aura exploit items

I don't get it. I can think of at least a dozen other things that would have to be adjusted first. What's the problem with unarmed being a somewhat viable build? Is it simply that it's cheap enough for an average player to be able to gear semi-decently in a relatively reasonable amount of time played?

Or is it just because it's fun?
Ok i see he says he uses Infernal blow, added fire damage, melee splash, and multistrike, do you not use Bloodmagic gem? Im confused, thats 5 gems in 4 slots
donovb wrote:
Ok i see he says he uses Infernal blow, added fire damage, melee splash, and multistrike, do you not use Bloodmagic gem? Im confused, thats 5 gems in 4 slots

You swap out splash and fire damage depending on single/AOE..Boss fight I switch to added other then that I run splash.
Nerfing facebreaker would be very sad I would say. The build is relatively safe and easy if you watch for reflect (if you're using IB and not Frenzy), but the real issue can come at times when we desync. I think this build is still very HC viable, but the desync that still exists makes me never want to do this in HC. In other news, I'll be updating this guide immensely this week and have a couple awesome videos to put up too. :)

Anyway, regardless of the nerfs, I'll still be fisting away.

No nerf with the new patch.
New art for Bringer of Rain.

So, more manly or not ? ^^
Here's my current variation of the build at 83, it's been going rather well so far (even though my life is a bit low due to Carnage Heart, but that's the only thing with leech that I have).



Any suggestions on what to change/upgrade?
tienbasse wrote:
No nerf with the new patch.
New art for Bringer of Rain.

So, more manly or not ? ^^

New name: The Bringer of (blood) Rain. Nice!

Although with the 11.4 patch the aura/ blood magic/ reduced mana setup is fucked up. Really a bummer. Everytime you enter a new area you have to set it up new.

I am running 4 auras plus tempest shield. Grace on life with reduced mana, purity, hatred, and swapping haste/determination.

My Skilltree (@82) is this:

I like getting the two 15% fire resist after diamond skin. Instead of taking the shortcut i take the two 15% fire resist nods. So i get a plus of 30% fire resist for one extra point. I am a bit low on life (2.5k) at the moment but still having no problems. Still wondering if it is worth to go for inner force. My second question is about the block and block recovery. Is it good to be above 70% block chance or is there a diminishing return effect? Secondly how does block recovery work? My shield has 120% and there is a skilltree nod with extra 40%. Does that mean i recover faster and can block more often?

My Gear:

Be true to yourself and you will never fall.
ign @DingOfFire
ign @Tormented_Bowjob
ign @UmEinharKeinenNamen
Last edited by Schlachtviehh on Sep 23, 2013, 10:17:05 AM
I've only done up to 70 maps thus far, but I'm safe enough running 4 auras (Grace on life, Determination + Hatred + Haste on mana). No need for Malachai glitch. 2.7k life after reservation, max resists, 19k damage, 15k armor, 12% LL.

I cannot say for sure if anything above is doable, but at least up till where I am, you don't need the BM bug to survive well enough.

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