[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.

yes you are correct. as with any other skill in the game none of your tree passives (aoe, damage, attack speed) is shown on the tooltip as text. only the modifiers from your gems are showns as text. but they do take effect.
Last edited by Xavyer on May 29, 2013, 5:59:06 PM
yeah I tested myself, I link dual strike with increase AOE and melee splash gem, When I remove melee splash gem, dual strike also lose increase AOE effect, and it make sense.

As some ppl asked me i share excel file i use for dps calculations

Last edited by Xavyer on May 30, 2013, 9:26:19 AM
Вот у меня ещё найдётся время что бы причесать его для адекватного использования...
Currency: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/400203
For new comers: Ranger guide and 10 builds
To crit or not to crit: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/466825/page/2
When you start adding physical damage from external sources like rings, don't forget that they don't count as 'mace', 'melee', 'bows', etc. for additive mods. However, I've tested and found that supports like melee physical damage still applies.On the other hand, +% elemental damage with weapons seems to work paradoxically for ring mods. Zharmad (talk) 21:25, 8 February 2013 (UTC)

Ign: Ohjeahx
Tnx for pointing out the thing about the rings and amulets. I did't have any flat damage on them, but for ppl that doo this might mean some additional calculations. I will search for some more explanation as i was under impression that flats from gear is just being added to weapon base.
Phys dmg from rings/amu just doesn't benefit from your dagger passivs, but from other physical modifiers such as skill gems/str bonus
Ign: Ohjeahx
I want to question the cost of gear you posted as example. I tried to buy several items with similar stats (daggers, rings, belts, some gems), offering similar prices, but always received an answer like " your offer is too low". The only thing i managed to buy cheap was Eye of Chayuya (payed equivalent to 9 GCP for perfect roll), but i think i just was in right place at a right time.
Are you sure the prices you posted are reasonable for now? Perhaps, it was just my bad luck i met too greedy sellers, but i'd like to know for sure.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
I updated spreadsheet to take into account the fact that gear flad damage is not being affected by weapon specific increases. Luckily i didn't have any such flat on gear so i saved myself from realization that my dps actually lower that i thought :) But for those who do have flat dmg stats on gear it will now give a more realisic values. Tnx again Ohjeah for brining this fact to my attention.

As to price on my gear. I showed what it costed me when i bought it. For example when i were buying my current daggers i checked around 10 sellers( and by that i meen spoke in game) until i found the daggers i needed and for affordable price. One of the daggers were selling for an exlated as seller thought it could be exalted for more dps. When i proved it could not he agreed for 3 gcp. With armor i was sitting for a few days in game with open public group stating what i want until i got what i needed. As a general rule - just check poe.xyz.is for 2 times a day and in a week you will find what you want. Also be ready to adapt, sometimes there can be the boots you desire for 1 ex in price form one seller and with different res or a bit lower stats for 3 gcp from another. Search for them and you will find them.
Last edited by Xavyer on May 30, 2013, 2:38:01 PM
Thank you, i'm doing so, and just hope that someone will sell item with proper affixes for reasonable price.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power

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