Dear White people "Netflix Serie"

Just imagine the outrage if it was dear... black people?

How come it is judged right to show racism and hatred toward white people, how is it even ok? I'm canceling my Netflix account and encourage everyone to do so.

Racism is bad, whoever it's coming from. I'm boycotting Netflix from now on.
Last edited by diablofdb on Feb 9, 2017, 10:23:16 PM
Last bumped on Feb 9, 2017, 10:15:28 PM
Except the content isn't actually racist and they even talk about dear black people being a title in the series. Sometimes you have to see more then the title. I guess the right wing has its share of special snowflakes.
SnowCrash wrote:
Except the content isn't actually racist and they even talk about dear black people being a title in the series. Sometimes you have to see more then the title. I guess the right wing has its share of special snowflakes.

omg have you even seen it? just go see the trailer. It's a hate white propaganda, it is racism.

lol I find it funny you calling me a snowflake, Just picture this one second. A show called "dear black people" and it would be one weekly hour of white people bashing, mocking and lecturing black people.

just imagine the outrage, lol the simple fact that people believe dear white people is ok shows the hatred and racism in our society.

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Last edited by Rob_GGG on Feb 9, 2017, 10:58:33 PM
Yes the trailer is suppose to be like that. What you don't see is that same black person saying all that racist shit ends up changing her mind after speaking with others. You can say its bad advertising but the content isn't really racist and puts down extremes on both sides.
diablofdb wrote:
SnowCrash wrote:

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You do know he doesn't even show up as a writer for the show in the credits?
Last edited by Rob_GGG on Feb 9, 2017, 10:58:56 PM
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White people do the darnedest things~

The show's writer has "f*** white people" as one of his Twitter messages. 100% unironically meant. I don't think the trailer is racist btw.

(I'm not allowed to post a screenshot of said post and I censored the f-word so it's not offensive to anyone I guess)
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
SnowCrash wrote:
Except the content isn't actually racist and they even talk about dear black people being a title in the series. Sometimes you have to see more then the title.
Without buying a Netflix subscription, the available evidence supports this general concept. (I'd argue it's still fundamentally an exploration of racism, with plenty of racist content... but, seemingly, a fair exploration poking fun at both sides.)

The controversial series trailer is here; the trailer for the 2014 film the series is based on, created by the same person, is here.

The series trailer is killed by its brevity; it only has time to shock its audience. The film trailer leads with essentially the same hook, but has time to show that many sides of the debate are worthy of inspection, including "dear black people" and the concept of "black privilege" advanced by both a white man and a black woman; additionally, it takes time to clarify what it is with text descriptions, telling in addition to showing.

What we probably have here isn't a shit series, but a shit trailer. Whoever it was who insisted on keeping the series trailer trimmed to 30 seconds should be fired.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Feb 10, 2017, 1:34:53 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
SnowCrash wrote:
Except the content isn't actually racist and they even talk about dear black people being a title in the series. Sometimes you have to see more then the title.
Without buying a Netflix subscription, the available evidence supports this general concept. (I'd argue it's still fundamentally an exploration of racism, with plenty of racist content... but, seemingly, a fair exploration poking fun at both sides.)

The controversial series trailer is here; the trailer for the 2014 film the series is based on, created by the same person, is here.

The series trailer is killed by its brevity; it only has time to shock its audience. The film trailer leads with essentially the same hook, but has time to show that many sides of the debate are worthy of inspection (including "dear black people" and the concept of "black privilege" advanced by both a white man and a black woman); additionally, it takes time to clarify what it is with text descriptions, telling in addition to showing.

What we probably have here isn't a shit series, but a shit trailer. Whoever it was who insisted on keeping the series trailer trimmed to 30 seconds should be fired.

this guy is the voice of reason, should watch him.

TRAILER REACTION: Netflix Series "Dear White People": It May Not Be What You're Thinking!

Dear White People is a new Netflix series slated to debut on April 28th of 2017. It is based on the 2014 independently released movie by the same name. The plot of the movie centers around a biracial woman named Samantha (Sam) who struggles with her racial identity. She virtue signals pro-blackness through a radio show and a book. While at the same time having a white boyfriend that she tries to keep secret from her black peers at the college they all attend, and also the black male she is allowing to court her as well. This dynamic along with the back-story of a few other characters in the movie makes for much contention and conflict with the white students on campus.

To be clear, this movie is set at a mostly white college. A very expensive college as well, which makes it clear that these kids could go to whatever other school they desired for the most part. Especially a black college (HBCU) which is typically not as expensive as a very high standard expensive school that happens to be predominantly white (PWI). The movie seems to poke fun at the black kids for trying to “fit in” while at the same time creating a black enclave at a mostly white college, rather than skipping all of that and simply going to a mostly black college. The producer of the actual movie, a black woman named Lena Waithe, actually attended a black college herself (Hilman). So that assumption about it being sort of a parody makes a little sense.

The Netflix series trailer for “Dear White People” has garnered many a scowl from people in the skeptic community and the internet in general. Understandably so, since it is reminiscent of content that comes from MTV Decoded and Franchesca Ramsey. Which may not be the correct thing to do since the trailer doesn’t actually depict what the movie was. And it doesn’t show enough of what the series could be. Granted, the series may wind up being a big time racist dumpster fire. And it probably will be. However, there should be more content seen before that type of judgement about the series is made.
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less on Feb 10, 2017, 1:41:34 AM

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