Game is boring.

Dude so many people left, it's like a ghost town I saw tumbleweeds blowing through Sarn the other day... fucking tumbleweeds yo

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
My wealth was from trading how is it any fucking different from getting people to give me 4k chaos instead of a week oh no it takes me a day! SUCH A DIFFERENCE.

You just wrote what the difference is: postponing boredom and less diary entries.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Go play warcraft if you're that bored. My last time on lasted about 3 hours. Que times for group play reminded me why i quit.

Just turn off trade chat. It's nothing but political cancer.
There comes a time thief when jewels cease to sparkle, gold loses it's luster, throne room becomes a prison, and all that's left is a father's love for his child. - King Osric
Oh, is it this time of the league again? You play the same shit over and over again and then run to the forums to say you are bored. Again. How unexpected!
pretty stupid thread tbh, wont get these seconds back :(
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
HC got boring.


It took a while this time. I'm pretty sure I_NO posted his/her "I got bored" message much sooner last few leagues.
gathor wrote:
Oh, is it this time of the league again? You play the same shit over and over again and then run to the forums to say you are bored. Again. How unexpected!

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Jan 25, 2017, 5:00:20 AM
Phrazz wrote:
Dear diary...

You've reached 40/40, haven't you "grinded" enough out of this league? Bound to be bored at some point.

nope, it isn't. there could be a reason to log in every day separate from "leagues", but ggg is too complacent to do it. after all, fanboys feed their miniscule efforts with mtx money, and that is all they are interested in.
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
Aim_Deep wrote:
Build something non-meta, that'll make you pucker up.

Playing shitty builds = / = Fun

Aaaand boom. That's the "thing". Yeah, right here.

Non-meta = shitty ?

I don't know you or who you're supposed to be in POE community, i'm just passing by the forum btw, just wanted to say that. huh. so ... Back to the point.

Non-meta = shitty ?

Well, that's a load of barnacles imo. And that's what could be "hurting" the game. A stain of "modern gaming" => you're supposed to be playing "flavor of the month"/"shrekt meta" builds that are exploiting min/max weakness of the game so you can blast your way through content without efforts or even skill most of the time.

As someone said "the most cancerous OP shit around".
Sure you CAN and SHOULD play what you like. No problems with that of course. I'm enjoying some retarded EA build myself because i like to blow shit up with minimal efforts.
Still it doesn't stop me from trying to build things without even looking at the meta or the OP builds.

Why this "OP meta" is hurting POE ? Well because (if i'm not gravely mistaken) the game is about "finding your own way" and building your OWN shit.

You always only see meta build around. And of course "hurp durp gaem ez kulled shiper in 2 sec huehue" being blasted everywhere by their users.

Not saying it's 100% YOUR case tho. Just pointing out that maybe the "meta builds" people are furiously fapping to all days long are in fact not that greats because what they blast away is your fun at playing the game.

I find it rather sad to read that "non meta => (more or less) => shitty builds".
Really show how low things have fallen.

If the clear speed is shit it's - Garbage
if it can't kill a boss fine it's shit

End of story.

Sure scream to GGG to buff it but they won't listen course not.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

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