Do you believe Chris when he say that console version has and will not impact POEpc negativly?

I've been consciously suspicious of Chris's PR spin since he said desync was good and lockstep was bad for arpg's.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

It already has. Game feels way more arcade like with power creep our DPS is ten fold since when I came here from D3 when they went xbox/SF (same week). Game plays like those games.

Incoming auto loot pickup. Not even sure how you pick shit up in xbox easily.
Smart drops.
Self found.
Shit consol UI with unwieldy scroll menus consols needs but inferior with superior pointing device such as mouse.


seen it all before with many games. Was fun while it lasted.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Jan 19, 2017, 1:46:51 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:

seen it all before with many games. Was fun while it lasted.

Yeah, I know that feeling. I've been pacing myself over to Grim Dawn lately anyways...This might just be the final nail in my POE coffin.

- Sheepster
I believe that he believes it.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Druga1757 wrote:
I've been consciously suspicious of Chris's PR spin since he said desync was good and lockstep was bad for arpg's.

Don't forget when he claimed people who dislike Lab are a minority...Despite having no data that can accurately produce that conclusion. Chris WillLieSon, new name.

- Sheepster
Big fat NO. You can already see changes that were catered to the console. Hopefully I'm wrong but this game will likely lose a player within the year.
Aim_Deep wrote:

Incoming auto loot pickup. Not even sure how you pick shit up in xbox easily.

Wow. That did not even occur to me. Console version will have to have a reduced drop rate or something... Hmmm.

It never struck me as being a problem in D3 console version... but looking at screenshots of POE loot explosions... whew... This will be interesting.
No, I don't believe him. The console version will bring good and bad impact. Good = more money, more content. Bad = more casualization / dumbing down.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
SudianX wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:

Incoming auto loot pickup. Not even sure how you pick shit up in xbox easily.

Wow. That did not even occur to me. Console version will have to have a reduced drop rate or something... Hmmm.

It never struck me as being a problem in D3 console version... but looking at screenshots of POE loot explosions... whew... This will be interesting.

Imagine console players opening a breach and all the loot... if they survive the clusterfuck of mobs in the screen that is.
"Live by the sword, live a good, LONG time"
Black_Gun wrote:
another example: the old, pre-nerf pathfinder class. on the pc, you could move, attack and constantly use flasks at virtually the same time. on the console, you would have needed one hand to control the movement joystick, one hand to use the flasks and one hand to use the skill buttons. so essentially, the old pathfinder playstyle would not work with console controls. guess what, they changed it. just like all the recently introduced active skill gems use directional targeting and big aoe. just like the nerf to not only the admittedly over-the-board coc discharge but to ALL coc builds really helps them stay within the performance limitations of the xbox.
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