Do you believe Chris when he say that console version has and will not impact POEpc negativly?

Personnaly, i dont

Not because of the future, but because of the past

its already proven that the console version development has negativly impacted the game

back in 2012-2013-2014 and early 2015, the development of the game was much more different:

new skills each 2 months

half a dozen of new uniques each 2-3 weeks

released content was tested and polished during its course and even after new one got released

2 leagues were released at same time

all this with a smaller team

since mid 2015

its 3-4 skill a year

half of these new skills are just reworked version of old skills sold as a new skill

as soon as a content is released it never touched again

most of the new uniques come out without a 3d art

no more race seasons
game feels more and more casual
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Last edited by Sexcalibure on Jan 20, 2017, 8:49:32 AM
Last bumped on Jan 23, 2017, 10:03:22 PM
No I don't, but I also don't really think it'll be that bad. Split focus always causes issues, consoles almost always dumb things down but its been the general direction anyway and as long as they continue to produce quality league content for me I don't really care :)
I'm not all about the polls man.

But no, I don't fucking believe anything he says on behalf of the company these days. Sounds way too tryhard PR.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
I have absolutely 0 reason to doubt him, so yeah, I believe him when he says that.

It's less that I doubt Chris/GGGs honesty here, but rather the actual possibility of it. Just looking back at the changes over the last year makes it pretty obvious that it is already affecting the game.

Race seasons were cancelled, triggers have been getting slower, new skills are just directional AoEs.
No...but I don't believe anything he says...but we can't know for sure yet.

Keep in mind, the #1 goal of GGG is to make money and expand their business - they are not our buddies or our friends. It's just like working for a big company - profits and shareholders first, employees/gamers are at the bottom. We are all expendable because new gamers can quickly replace us, so if they have plenty of new gamers coming in, who gives a crap about losing a few old timers?

They must strike a balance of keeping profits as high as possible while not alienating their entire player base, both current and future.

Not saying that this is inherently bad, but when a company focuses on money first and people second, well, it is what it is.

Welcome to the Jungle, baby. :D

Last edited by SasoriOtoko on Jan 19, 2017, 10:53:47 AM
I generally don't believe anything somebody tells me after they've lied to me multiple times already.

just a dude tryin to get rich
Maybe they mean it, maybe they don't. Regardless, there's no way in hell they're right. It's simply not possible. Bigger and (at the time) better companies have tried to port things from console to pc, and vice versa...And it doesn't go well. For good reason.


- Sheepster
na, they already nerfed shit like coc because of console probably.
So I think it will impact poe pc. maybe for the best in balance terms, maybe for the worst because of clear speed easy meta
Poe Pvp experience

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