What is Desync? (A thorough explanation)

Thanks for that, very helpful.
Septile wrote:
A good effort, but I'm pretty sure most of the people that would need to read this don't give a shit and are probably going to continue blaming all of their problems on the omnipresent desync.

"I put a passive point into the wrong node omfg desync! GGG give me full respec!"

I stalked the first 4 pages of this thread, but I had to comment on this haha! That is so me.. but only in a joking way. I would take the blame after a good laugh for my own mistake.
Eternal Rain..
Cosma wrote:
Lost a lvl 37 Ranger yesterday on Desync Kole - Onslaught.

Got Hooked in
Quicksilver and run out
Kole wasn in another room
Got Smashed from nowhere
Heal pot Quicksilver and run out
Kole was in another room
Got Hooked in
Got Smashed
Run away
Got Hit

To be honest. I think 1/5 or his attacks were legit - rest were desynched.

So sick of this right now, I promised myself to never play the game again until this issue is solved.
Will keep that promise.

Great Game GGG, really. You did wonders with innovative skill system and and items/links.
But your IGNORANCE when it comes to solving desynch, in combination of fine tuning monster/boss powers is just sad. These issues have been serious since OB and still you havent achieved anything at all in solving it.

I dont care if you have to fire a couple employees to afford better servers or if you have to focus programming/debug time on game performance instead of new acts/shop items. Just do it - or you will continue to slowly kill this amazing game.

I'm really sorry for your loss :\ that sucks incredibly.. I almost wanted to make a character who hardly ever used any Skills or large radius skills and just rely on my default attack to see if I would desync much less. I don't know if I put any logic into that.. but I notice I tend to freeze for half seconds and sometimes even a whole second, when using my skills.. mainly AoE. (lightning strike) I really hope there can be some solution to this issue, as I do understand lag/latency issues. But I haven't played an action mmorpg with this much difficulty to overcome the latency issues. I notice that building mass amounts of health nodes gives us a safety net for situations like this though.. but it can't always save our butt :[

EDIT: sorry for the double posting by the way, I wanted to edit my post before this and add it on then delete this one, but I kinda messed up, my bad.
Eternal Rain..
Last edited by Lelrew_Cerulean_Starchain on Jun 19, 2013, 3:08:44 PM
Lost my templar today.

I felt it was a bit laggy but nothing unmanagable, so to ensure i was safe i typed /oos wich replaced my character. I did it twice since it was wierd.

And then, resync to death.

Last character for me i'm afraid.
Cosma wrote:
I dont care if you have to fire a couple employees to afford better servers or if you have to focus programming/debug time on game performance instead of new acts/shop items. Just do it - or you will continue to slowly kill this amazing game.

chill out rambo - its a free game, and the door is that way.
[quote="DirkAustin"]They can always make a loser league where Monsters do no damage and you one shot everything. Goodness, people, just don't play in the hard parts of the game if you cant handle them.[/quote]

Cosma wrote:
Lost a lvl 37 Ranger yesterday on Desync Kole - Onslaught.
I dont care if you have to fire a couple employees to afford better servers or if you have to focus programming/debug time on game performance instead of new acts/shop items. Just do it - or you will continue to slowly kill this amazing game.

Totally agree.
It made me chuckle a bit to read how this post explains why other games in this genre perform better and handle desync better than PoE, but PoE offers 'tactical' combat in exchange for shedloads of desync and rubberbanding.

Funny thing is, PoE offers none of this 'tactical' combat described in the OP. You group mobs up in a bunch, then shoot them down. That's it. Funneling mobs ? Kiting ? using terrain to maneuver ? DESYNC.

Trying to funnel mobs through a doorway ? using RT but you can't land a hit ? try /oos, you might be smacking the wall.

This post reminds me of my years with a linux distro as my main OS.
" Our soultion is technically better than its Windows counterpart and a more elegant solution, and in about 2 years, we will achieve the same basic functionality as you would have had in Windows 1 year ago."

It's good to know that massive desync is a sign of deep combat mechanics.
any sign desync will be fixed before release?

Or is it something that cant be fixed?
The rest of the 'end-game' content will be available along with a heap of new stuff when the game launches in a few months time. From what I've seen it's going to be awesome. - Michael_GGG
Hm, I'm impressed.

I keep being made fun of by my friend (who introduced me to this game) because while we play I tell him I'm constantly desynced.

It's absolutely NOT something that can be disreguarded!

I play a shadow with double strike + splash damage as main attack and it's absolutely stunning the number of times that I'm hitting air or I'm even taken a whole room away after I use "/oos"!

And it's quite obvious that some of the enemies that surround me are not actually there because the splash damage doesn't affect them.

I really like this game, I just wish it could be playable.

Diablo 3 has the combat done right, but it's the only thing it has.
PoE has all the rest, but really lacks in that compartment.
Today is the desynch day.

I already have a couple of desynch but today... i never see that before. Totally crazy.

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