Why Poe is becoming PAY TO WIN GAME - free discusion

i recently started using flameblast totems
and some enemies use flameblast

i cant tell whos flameblasts are whos
i would if i had the mtx

GGG says the mtx's give no gameplay advantages

poe is pay to win
to do high content effectively you need to trade, hoard maps, cards, essences

To do this you need stash tabs
Stash tabs cost real money.

Poe is pay to win

Last edited by CaoMengde on Oct 15, 2016, 6:05:41 PM
POE IS pay to win 100%

They dont sell you stuff to win, but they change the game in order to force you to buy mtx in order to win, like stash tabs etc.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
a) people who defines winning by paying but don't want to so they bitch.
b) they can pay but don't like their definition of winning so they bitch.
c) they like to deconstruct wordings of how GGG promotes this game they don't like it so they bitch.
d) they want everything for nothing so they bitch.
e) all of the above
f) none of the above and they bitch
g) meh.

for further explanation please see below.

a) pay-to-win because <blah blah blah> stash tabs.
b) pay stash tabs <blah blah blah> pay-to-win.
c) GGG said free-to-play <blah blah> stash tabs <blah> pay-to-win.
d) I want <blah blah> don't like MTX <blah> pay-to-win.
e) <blah blah blah>.
f) but <blah blah blah>.
g) meh.

choose one or more.

Give one reliable and better option that GGG can deliver expansions and improvements, maintain servers and pay their employees and you don't have to pay, then maybe i'll listen to this bullshit. You sure you want ads?
Filthy Casual Scrub.
"Belief is the strongest metal of them all." - Izaro
Last edited by element274 on Oct 16, 2016, 2:28:17 AM
I can't believe the level of denial here. Please, stop. Stash tabs are a massive advantage, especially on HC. Time is money - especially in this game. You save time and make money by having more stash tabs (trading is highly advantageous at higher levels, especially considering the time spent to gain that advantage).

You horde, spend 10 minutes pricing, make a bunch of currency, buy upgrades that a 'freeloader' couldn't on HC. You live through the fight that they die in (assuming equal skill).

P2W. End of Story. Stop trying to move the goalposts by saying there is no real win condition. Getting to max level in each league can be considered one, having awesome gear can be considered another, playing the build you want can be another (read: expensive uniques), getting into the best parties / guilds (for better progression, connections, trading...etc). There are more than enough possible win conditions for the time = money argument to apply, which stash tabs clearly make a difference in.

People are annoyed because GGG said they would never be P2W. Maybe they had a slightly different opinion of P2W (coming from D2, I can see why they would). In their mind it's probably pay for convenience (it is a convenience - because it saves time - which again, is money in this game, which is gear / carrying / survivabilty...etc).

I've come back from a long break and what's disturbing to me is they keep adding items to the game (essences, maps, fragments, currency...etc) while ignoring the base 4 stash tabs. They are now shamelessly taking advantage of this P2W aspect that they (perhaps inadvertently) created.
hellknight55 wrote:
I can't believe the level of denial here. Please, stop.

There is no level of denial here. You explained why you feel that this game is P2W.
See you are either a) or b), plus c).

I'll quote myself..
element274 wrote:

Give one reliable and better option that GGG can deliver expansions and improvements, maintain servers and pay their employees and you don't have to pay, then maybe i'll listen to this bullshit. You sure you want ads?

You bitch but didn't give any better options for GGG.
You see why this is bullshit, people bitch yet they don't have any fucking idea how to keep this game and its servers running without the players paying for it. It doesn't matter if you feel that it's pay-to-win or pay-for-convenience it is the way GGG monetize this game. If you can't offer a better solution then you're just bitching for the sake of it.
Filthy Casual Scrub.
"Belief is the strongest metal of them all." - Izaro
Last edited by element274 on Oct 16, 2016, 3:29:03 AM
PoE is P2W.

Before I bought supporter packs, I was a scrub!

Now that I've bought my supporter packs and received my bonus RNG, I'm still a scrub!

Wait. That doesn't feel like winning...
"You go on pretending that you own the universe,
And we'll all be here watching as you're falling down to Earth."
I am sure all the defenders of poe not p2w have shitloads of stash tabs and probably issues with comprehension. There are beautiful explanations why poe is p2w but seems their IQ is low enough to understand.
A better solution would be to limit ingame purchases to cosmetics? Leave out the obviously advantageous stash tab purchases, make stash tabs acquirable by ingame deeds not your monetary background.
I had to purchase tabs to be able to play normally and even with 6 extra tabs game feels so much easier. Cant imagine what if i had dozens of extra tabs. Would be able to sell everything and wouldnt have to worry about space
poe aint p2w, but it is trade to win. progress in end game without trading turns a grind into full time job. chris may say poe aint getting an AH but its already ruled by one.
ewhennz wrote:
I am sure all the defenders of poe not p2w have shitloads of stash tabs and probably issues with comprehension. There are beautiful explanations why poe is p2w but seems their IQ is low enough to understand.
A better solution would be to limit ingame purchases to cosmetics? Leave out the obviously advantageous stash tab purchases, make stash tabs acquirable by ingame deeds not your monetary background.
I had to purchase tabs to be able to play normally and even with 6 extra tabs game feels so much easier. Cant imagine what if i had dozens of extra tabs. Would be able to sell everything and wouldnt have to worry about space

Your post is not an example of 'beautiful explanations', and neither are any of the ones in this thread - or others like it. You ignore every point as to why it's not pay to win, and merely convenience. I suppose, however, comprehension issues are something you struggle with as well.
"You go on pretending that you own the universe,
And we'll all be here watching as you're falling down to Earth."

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