Skill Reveal - Lacerate

GGG you can take some skills from other games and rework it for poe style, why you just Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V you own skills?

Okay, you can rework weak skills, like you do to LS, LS pretty good now - high damage, high clear speed, safety(expect reflect). So, why not? More diversity? But that diversity means nothing when you can just grab voltaxic/double consuming dark+tabula and faceroll all content... this is ridiculous.
Last edited by availablex on May 19, 2016, 11:57:35 AM
So the skill not only doesn't cause bleeding (because lacerations imply that...) but is also another pseudo melee ranged aoe skill.

We are at a point where playing actual melee skills is already unrewarding so rather than fixing that problem you make melee ranged gems.

Only good thing this skill has is that as far as I understood it takes advantage of real dual wielding which only had like 2 skills to play until now (Cleave & Dual Strike).
[2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662
JohnNamikaze wrote:
Perq wrote:

Wings of entropy cannot be used as "Two-handed" weapon, since it counts as dual wielding. :P

Ah, you got me there. :D

It will be able to be used by any so i am sure it can be used with WoE. Gona be good.
IGN: LarsPunkNado (dps ts/punture)
IGN: larshuijskens (max dps auramancer)
Terrible small aoe. Garbage skill.
So your new skill is Cleave with Multistrike built in? How many players use Cleave-style skills anyway? Looks like time wasted, unless some massive-scale rebalance happens in this game.

Honestly looks terrible
Hilldrake wrote:

GGG, I'm a bit worried about how are you guys adding similar (but better versions) from old skills. Like Sunder and Earthquake being 2 better/separated versions from Ground Slam and Lacerate being the 'evolution' of Cleave or Reave.

get used to it im afraid mate.

Heres the thing, no one uses cleave anyway, this doesnt make cleave a shit old skill that has virtually no place in the game, cleave did that all by itself years ago.

the second thing is that the first thing is not entirely true. There are SOME people who use cleave, who will be upset if they just tear up cleave and make this the new cleave. While they are a small amount of people, they exist.

So why not just add another skill? Then ppl who want old cleave have old cleave, and people who want these new, more exciting skills they are making now days can also have their new fun skill. Its the best of both worlds, its absolutely the right way to go about it.

theyve gone through this a number of times in interviews, why they design this way. Its not a problem unless people decide on principal its a problem and demand they do things in another way that actually creates real problems when that one guy who uses cleave does not find this new thing suits what he was doing. When all is said and done GGG are almost always going to come down on the side of avoiding real problems that effect players in the game over problems people have decided to create in their own head out of misguided principals. And thank god for that tbh, do things the smart way and if people dont get it then so be it, theres always people who dont get it regardless.
why dont just buff cleave?
for me this isnt a melee gem, it seems more of a mid ranged attack, I sadly would rather see a buff to some of the older melee skills
Great and now please explain us that sound between 0:09 - 0:11 ...

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