[2.3]CI Bladefall BOOM BOOM mines with poison, Tri-curse, deathless uber at 82. Affordable.

I am wondering if I am doing something wrong - though I'm sure I am not.

For some reason I don't notice the regen from Bino's when killing monsters. I place mines, pop Atziri's Promise + Sorrow of the Divine, and detonate mines.

I tested this and let mobs hit me till I'm 1/2 ES, then I pop flasks and detonate mines and notice no regen, only when the ES recharge timer kicks in is when I regen ES. Why is this happening? I've done this like 10 times to make sure I'm not just missing it, but I am sure now that I don't get 200 regen per poison kill...

Maybe I am missing something?

Because if Bino's doesn't make me regen ES, then there's no reason to use it vs using a well rolled dagger with DoT craft... Imo the only REAL advantage to Bino is the ES regen per kill, if that doesn't work properly then there's no point. Yeah the poison spreads so you can clear larger packs but still...
Last edited by ggsbv on Jun 7, 2016, 1:17:21 PM
ggsbv wrote:
I am wondering if I am doing something wrong - though I'm sure I am not.

For some reason I don't notice the regen from Bino's when killing monsters. I place mines, pop Atziri's Promise + Sorrow of the Divine, and detonate mines.

I tested this and let mobs hit me till I'm 1/2 ES, then I pop flasks and detonate mines and notice no regen, only when the ES recharge timer kicks in is when I regen ES. Why is this happening? I've done this like 10 times to make sure I'm not just missing it, but I am sure now that I don't get 200 regen per poison kill...

Maybe I am missing something?

Because if Bino's doesn't make me regen ES, then there's no reason to use it vs using a well rolled dagger with DoT craft... Imo the only REAL advantage to Bino is the ES regen per kill, if that doesn't work properly then there's no point. Yeah the poison spreads so you can clear larger packs but still...

Yup, bought binos and expected different, but got the same result as you. Starting to feel that the binos are not worth the purchase.
i think the regen only procs if the poison spreads, so if youre 1 shotting the whole pack you wont get regen,
and i would use conc effect over mine/trap damage in a 5link
Celdro wrote:
i think the regen only procs if the poison spreads, so if youre 1 shotting the whole pack you wont get regen,
and i would use conc effect over mine/trap damage in a 5link

Ah, will give it further testing after sleep and work, Thanks!

With regards to conc vs trap & mine damage, I've bought a hybrid eva/es 5L and have been using that since the start. 3G 2B so I've been using T&M Dmg. Not sure if i should re-colour, how is the aoe of BF when using Conc?
well maybe you throw enduring cry or something in there somewhere for some regen since you'd be using immortal call anyways. dunno. maybe you just aim your trap off to the side more.
Last edited by goldnugget on Jun 7, 2016, 3:33:58 PM
the aoe is still big enough and with binos the poison kills everything that bladefall doesnt hit anyway but if you dont want to recolour the difference is like 10% i think?
I've been so confused about the bino's setup. I thought the poison prolif only worked with Southbound gloves since you aren't killing the mobs; the mines are. I even tried it in standard with only bino's equipped and didn't notice the poison spreading. Correct me if I'm wrong about this.
IGN: Fumofu_Pendragon
it works if they die by the poison dot
so far smooth good build
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Thank you very much for super build!

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